Fitchburg State UniversityProfessional Hiring Handbook
The general purpose of these guidelines is to ensure consistency when filling vacancies, to recruit the best possible professional employees for the university, and to demonstrate Fitchburg State University’s commitment to Affirmative Action.
FITCHBURG STATE UNIVERSITY MISSION:Fitchburg State University is committed to excellence on teaching and learning and blends liberal arts and sciences and professional programs within a small university environment. Our comprehensive public university prepares students to lead, serve, and succeed by fostering lifelong learning and civic and global responsibility. A Fitchburg State education extends beyond our classrooms to include residential, professional, and co-curricular opportunities. As a community resource, we provide leadership and support for the economic, social, and cultural needs of North Central Massachusetts and the Commonwealth.
FITCHBURG STATEUNIVERSITY (FSU) AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY STATEMENT: Fitchburg State University is committed to a policy of affirmative action, equal opportunity, non-discrimination and diversity. The university does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, disability, veteran status, marital status, or national origin in its educational programs, activities admissions, or employment policies. Additionally, the university is committed to providing a working and learning environment for our students, employees and other members of the university community, which values the diverse backgrounds of all people.
The president,divisional vice president and Human Resources will review vacated positions as they become available. Once the review has been completed, the decision to advertise and fill the role occurs.
A template will be provided to create the job description for professional positions. Please see Appendix “A”. Department managers are responsible for submitting the followingpertinent information to the office of Human Resources for all searches:
- Completed job description
- Search committee member composition
▫Committees should consist of three to fivemembers
▫Identify an affirmative action representative
▫Identify search committee chairperson
▫Identify committee members that are new to the process who will require search and hiringprocess training. Previously trained members are welcome to attend as a refresher.
- Advertisement
▫Identify web based advertisements
▫If the web advertisement requires a membership/password to access the site, please include this information
▫Newspapers, journals or professional network affiliations where job may be advertised
ACCESS TO THE JOBSITE: Department managers are required to create a user account on the FSU online application system at . This will provide all access to the candidate information related to the vacancy. If the manager does not serve as the committee chairperson, the individual who does will need to create an individual user account so they may access the candidate’s information for updates and changes throughout the process.
Department managers that are new to the process should make an appointment with Jessica Murdoch at for training regarding the hiring and search process. To schedule a meeting you may also contact the Office of Human Resources at extension 3172.
The search committee members will be provided a guest user ID and password to access the vacancy. We ask that all members be trained on the search and hiring process prior to reviewing the candidates to assure proper guidelines are followed.
All postings will have a specified priority review date and closing date.Some positions may require more time; these positions can be designated as open until filled with approval. All professional positions are automatically advertised on the Fitchburg State University jobsite, as well as NEHERC,, North Central Chamber of Commerce and Central Mass Career Center. All advertisements include the university’s Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer statement.
- HUMAN RESOURCES ADVERTSING RESPONSIBILITY: The HR Department will assist in advertising methods for the position to attract a diverse and well-qualified applicant pool. Advertising venues may consist of the following:
- Internal FSUelectronic notifications
- FSUjobsite
- External mailings
- Local area newspaper publications
- National publications
- Specialized minority publications
- Internet recruitment including minority and higher education web pages
- DEPARTMENTAL ADVERTISING RESPONSIBILITIES: The Departmental manager should identify advertising venues specific to the position. The cost associated with advertisement is paid for by the department, funds should be transferred to the HR budget accordingly. The HR p-card will be used to expedite the payment process when feasible.Advertising venues may consist of the following:
- Associations
- Professional Networks
- Special Interest groups
- Publications
- Other
DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES: The Department of Human Resources provides technical assistance in the search process to recruit, select and hire personnel. The Department of Human Resources is also available to assist in the decision making process and can identify critical stages in the recruitment process where the university can demonstrate its commitment to Affirmative Action.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/CONFIDENTIALITY COMMITMENT:It is the responsibility of theUniversity Affirmative Action Officertoreview the search committee members to confirm that the members represent a diverse panel. Proposed search committee members will be provided to HR from the department manager. The manager should document these members utilizing the FSU jobsite, supervisor comment section.
Search committees should reflect the diversity of the university and ensure that unbiased and nondiscriminatory interviews take place. In addition, the Affirmative Action Officer may serve on any search committee in which an under utilization of protected class members exist.
Information obtained by search committee members regarding a candidate, including the status of an application within the process, must remain confidential throughout the process and thereafter. No search committee member may contact an applicant individually or discuss the qualifications of a candidate outside the search committee. In accepting search committee membership, each member assumes responsibility not to mention any candidate’s name or status, or the content of any search committee conversation, to any non-committee person within or outside the institution.
SEARCH COMMITTEE CHAIR: The search committee chair is responsible for the overall recruitment process for the position. The chair will serve as the primary liaison with Human Resources and committee members. They are responsible for providing direction to the committee in preparation of the search process. They must coordinate phone/SKYPE and on campus interviews, interview questions, hiring process, coordinating candidate travel, scheduling rooms for interviews, gathering appropriate material for hiring process, conducting reference verifications, gathering outstanding candidate information, etc.
Applicants are able to track their status using the online employment system.It is important that the statusesareupdated as decisions are made about each applicant (this includes applicants that withdraw, do not meet minimal qualifications,selected for interview, etc.). The search committee chair is responsible for updating the applicant statuses throughout the hiring process in the jobsite. This must be completed for all candidates that are phone and campus interviewed only.Additionally, at the conclusion of the search the chair will work with HR to close the search. We encourage the chair to notify by phone the finalists that were selected for on campus interviews but were not the candidate selected for said positiononce the search has concluded.
SEARCH COMMITTEE MEMBERS: All members of the search committee are charged with the responsibility of assisting in the review of candidates and vetting those applicants. The role of the committee is to establish three superb finalists for the position. These responsibilities consist of screening candidates for interview, participating in the interview process, and selecting the three final candidate(s). The search committee will review all applications and determine which candidates fully meet the minimal qualifications for the position. Additionally the committee will meet to address qualifications beyond the minimum that the candidates should possess to be successful in the role.Personal information about candidates known by search committee members may not be utilized in the evaluation of candidates.Search committee members are cautioned to limit their evaluation of candidates to the material submitted by the candidate against the required and/or preferred qualifications.
EMPLOYMENTAPPLICATION/RESUMES:All applicants who wish to be considered for the vacancy must apply online at to be eligible for employment. If resumes are received by the search committee they must be directly forwarded to Human Resources for processing. If there are any concerns or question regarding the online materials or questions specific to immigration and naturalization please contact Human Resources.
Please find some helpful hints when screening applicants:
- Review the job descriptionfor the positionyou are attempting to fill. Note minimum requirements needed and refer to them often as you review resumes/applications.
- Ignore the applicant's name, address or personal information to limit subconscious biases.
- Attempt to ignore superficial issues such as style and typographical errors in favor of content, unless such issues are directly related to the position for which they are applying. Such scrutiny may unintentionally rule out members of protected classes.
- Check work experience for applicability to the position for which they are applying, length of time in each position, promotions or awards received, reason for leaving each position.
- Note gaps in employment but do not assume they were caused by negative reasons.
- Check educational background for qualifications necessary to successful job performance.
- Note special skills (i.e. computer software, office equipment).
- Note on a separate piece of paper any pertinent questions that arise when reviewing the resume/application and discuss these with committee. This may provide the committee with assistance in forming interview questions.
- Divide resumes into (3) groups - one for those that closely match job requirements and for which a telephone screen is appropriate, one for those who meet some requirements and may be considered secondarily and one for those who do not meet the requirements at all.
- If necessary, screen the top group again to further narrow down the candidates. On average, about 6-8 resumes per open position should be sufficient.
The chairperson should design a format for the interview process to include: timeframe, handouts, introductions, tours, questions, etc. The interview process must be consistentfor all applicants invited for an interview.A committee member/s will be voted as secretary for all meetings. The process, dates, notes and information concerning the search process should be documented electronically. This information will be sent to HR at the conclusion of the search.
All interviews should be structured, in which the committee develops a list of interview questions to be asked of all candidates. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has strict guidelines on what questions or types of questions are deemed discriminatory. Please see Appendix “D”- Conducting the Interview.
First Interview: Committees shall conduct aphone or SKYPE interview to assist in the vetting process. This is required before a candidate is invited to on campus interviews.We encourage the committee to narrow the pool to no more than 6-8 candidates for phone or Skype interviews. Phone or SKYPEinterviewsare to be conducted with those applicants that the committeeconsiders serious candidates. The entiresearchcommittee is to be present during these interviews.The committee will narrow this group to three finalists to be invited to campus.
The department clerical support will provide assistance with scheduling appropriate rooms/technology for interviewing needs. Please contact Human Resources at extension 3172 for availability ofthe Sanders Conference Room which is now equipped with SKYPE technology.
Note: During telephone screening briefly describe the position, salary range, location, time commitment and ask if the candidate remains interested in being considered for the position.
Candidate Selection for Onsite Interviews: The search committee chair will forward to the Office of Human Resources and to the department head of the area the resumes for the three final candidates to be invited to campus. Once the three candidates are reviewed and approved, interviews may be scheduled.
The university has determined that no more than three candidates per position are to be invited to campus for an interview. Of those three we ask when practicable that no more than two candidates be from out of state due to rising travel costs.
On Campus Interview:The three finalists will be invited to campus for interviews. Appointments with the appropriate university staff should be determined prior to confirming the interview schedule with the candidate. The entire committee will meet with each candidate on the day of the interview. The search committee chair is responsible for scheduling the interviews with the committee, department manager, department members, department head and HR. Pending the position, the university may wish to host an open forum or a smaller forum with specific community leaders and peers relevant to the role. The candidate’s application materials may be shared with interviewers participating in the interview process prior to the candidates visit.
The department head will provide the budgetary line to the chairperson regarding travel arrangements and expenses for the candidates. The chair is responsible for gathering all pertinent expense information and documents necessary for reimbursement to be made to the candidate. If chairs have any questions concerning what are applicable expenses and or travel related questions, please contact the office of Financial Services.
Each candidate is responsible for their travel arrangements and expenses. The university has information for local hotels that provide discounted rates for candidates visiting Fitchburg State.We encourage candidates to use these hotels fortheir lodging.
Following the interview, reimbursement will be forwarded to the candidate after appropriate receipts and forms have been submitted to the search committee chair by the candidate. Candidates may provide scanned receipts electronically to the chair to expedite the process through email or faxed.Travel Information - See Appendix “E”.
Candidates are required to complete a W-9 to receive reimbursements. We have created a web link with all pertinent candidate information; please send candidates the following link at:
The search committee chair will be required to gather the following information to process the candidates reimbursement. Additionally, once the candidate has submitted all relevant documents, the department manager shall complete a Trust Fund Payment Voucher for each candidate. The form can be found at the following link:
Candidate will need to submit the following for reimbursement:
- Itemized original receipts.(electronicscanned receipts are accepted)
- Completed W-9form (W-9 form is required in order to process candidate expense reimbursement)
Forward the completed Trust Fund Payment Voucher form,itemized receipts and the W-9 form with signatures to Financial Services for processing.
Reminder: All Request for Purchase forms must be submitted prior to June 30th of the current year to receive reimbursement.
CANDIDATE SELECTION: Each search committee chair will forward the resumes of three candidates to be interviewed to the divisional VPand Asst. VP for HR for review prior to interviews being scheduled.
Any search that produces less than three candidates will be reviewed by the VP and Asst. VP for HR to determine if the search should be continued, cancelled or if a new search is required.
CAMPUS INTERVIEWS: The threefinalists will be invited to campus for interviews.Appointments with the appropriate staff meeting with said candidates must be made prior to confirming the interview schedule with the candidate. The Search CommitteeChair is responsible for scheduling the appointments with the committee, department staff, etc. andVP. The resume should be made available prior to the interview of each candidate for review of credentials and experience.
REFERENCE VERIFICATION:Following the interviews, reference checks must be conducted for each finalist. The search committee chairis responsible forcontacting references by phone and documenting their discussion. A minimum of three referencesshould be contacted for each finalist. Of the three, we strongly encourage that one reference be an immediate supervisor or person that has had some oversight of the candidate.Once the references are concluded the search committee shall identify in writing the strengths and weaknesses of each finalist in no rank order.
Please review Appendix “F” – Reference Verification Form
- The search committee will forward in writing the strengths and weaknesses of each finalist to the department manager.
- The department manager makes a recommendation regarding the three finalists in writing to the VP.
- The VP will meet with the President to discuss said recommendations to determine the final candidate. If none of the names submitted are acceptable or if all recommended finalists decline the job offer, the VP will consult with the department manager and Human Resources regarding next steps.
To officially appoint an individual to a position, the following paperwork is required in its entirety:
- Resume and FSU employment application
- Three professional recommendations
- Official Transcripts for degrees held (please see information below)
The office of Human Resources will verify degrees utilizing the National Student Clearing House. The three finalists will complete an acknowledgement form allowing the university to verify their educational achievements. If the clearinghouse is not able to identify their degree, we will then request from the finalist original transcripts with the seal of the university affixed to the transcript. These will be sent directly to the office of Human Resources.