
Instructor: Mr. Ryan Baron
Credits: 3

Course Dates: September 2, 2014 - January 16, 2015
Course Meeting Time: 3rd Period (10:16-11:06, MTWRF)

Course Objective: To meet the standards set forth by Northland Community & Technical College for College Algebra. Successful completion of this class is worth 3 undergraduate credits. Topics covered are algebraic operations, linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, functions and their graphs, theory of equations, rational equations, exponential and logarithmic functions, systems of equations, and binomial expansion

Prerequisite: Algebra II and an appropriate placement score on the Accuplacer.

Text: College Algebra, Sixth Edition, by Aufmann, Baker, and Nation. This text is provided by Tri-County School. The digital text is available on Dropbox.

Calculators: Tri-County School provides you with a TI-84 graphing calculator. It is your responsibility to take care of it during the length of the class.

Homework: Homework assignments will be given for almost every class, and will be collected sporadically and/or graded. You are allowed to use graphing calculators and encouraged to use them as a TOOL to aid you in the learning process. Although you are encouraged to consult with other students and seek help from me, homework should ultimately represent your own work. Answers unsupported by work will not receive credit. Not all homeworks will be graded, but opportunity will be given to ask questions on any assignments.

Keeping up with the homework assignments is essential to learning College Algebra. No one is able to learn mathematics without working problems. It is not unheard of to expect to spend 4-8 hours a week working homework problems, reading the text, and going over your class notes. I urge you to work together with classmates.

Quizzes: Short quizzes will be given every mid-chapter and/or at chapter end. Quizzes will cover material on homework assignments covered in each respective half or short full chapter. Notes are allowed on quizzes.

Tests: Tests will be given at the end of each chapter. Review of the chapter will occur at the end of each chapter. Tests are to be completed in the 50 minute time period. Proficiency is a necessity if you intend on finishing tests in the allotted time period. If additional time is needed to finish a test, it has to be taken from the period immediately after test is given.

Final: Being this is a college-level class, a final is given at the end of the semester. It is a cumulative final. All chapter tests will be given back to you.

Academic Honesty: Dishonesty includes cheating on a test, falsifying data, misrepresenting the work of others as your own (plagiarism), and helping another student cheat or plagiarize. Academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero on that particular assignment; serious infractions of the Academic Honesty policy will result in failure of the course. For complete information about the Tri-County's policy on Academic Honesty, consult the Student Handbook.

Technology: Cell phones are dealt with per school policy outlined in the handbook. MP3 players that are not cell phones are currently allowed for homework time and quiz time. You may NOT use them during tests. They must be kept at a reasonable noise level.

Allowed: Water in bottles, MP3 players Not Allowed: Soda, any fluid in a can, food, gum

Grading: Grades will be weighted as follows:

Preliminary Test 50 pts
Chapter Tests 100 pts each
Quizzes 25 pts each
Homeworks 4-5 pts each
Final 150 pts

The grading scale follows Northland Community & Technical College standards:
A -- 90%+ B -- 80% - 89.5%
C -- 70% - 79.5%
D -- 60% - 69.5%
F -- < 60%

*One lowest quiz and one lowest homework score will be dropped at the end of the semester.

Attendance: Class attendance is mandatory. Tardy is defined as being late to class. If you will be late, bring a pass or have a teacher call or come let me know. I reserve the right to allow a student a little bit of time after the bell rings to get to class. If you are absent, bring an Admit Slip from the office the next time you are in class. Being late from the bathroom is not an excused tardy. If you need to, try to at the end of the previous hour. 3 unexcused tardies = detention

IMPORTANT: If you are absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what was learned on the day(s) you were gone. Ask me for notes. I will print you a copy OR ask a friend if you can copy theirs. Have me explain to you anything you don’t understand. Also, find out the assignment you missed and GET IT MADE UP ASAP. Upon your return, you will have 5 school days to make up a Test or Quiz. If you are missing both, the Quiz must be taken before the Test. This rule has some flexibility depending on each individual situation. That flexibility is determined by the teacher.

Chapters will be covered in this order:
Preliminaries: P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, Quiz, Review, Test (13)
Chapter 1: 1.1*, 1.2*, 1.3*, Quiz, 1.4*, 1.5*, 1.6, Review, Test (14)
Chapter 2: 2.1*, 2.2*, 2.3*, Quiz, 2.4*, 2.5*, 2.6*, Review, Test (14)
Chapter 3: 3.1*, 3.2*, 3.3*, Quiz, 3.4*, 3.5*, Review, Test (12)
Chapter 4: 4.1*, 4.2*, 4.3*, Quiz, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, Review, Test (13)
Chapter 6 & 8: 6.1*, 6.2*, 6.3, 6.4, Quiz, 8.5*, 8.6*, Review, Test (13)
Instruction = 79 days
Review for final and final = 4 days
83 days

Lastly, be respectful: to your classmates, to me and to yourself. If you don’t show respect to others, don’t expect it in return.


Feel free to contact me anytime via e-mail or phone. I am at the school every day from 7:45-3:45. Your child(ren) should roughly know what their grade is at any given time. Grades are posted online on Synergy. Check the school webpage for a link. Call the high school office for log in information if you have not already done so last school year.


Phone: 218.436.2374

(Detach and return for 15 pts of Assignment 1)

I have read and completely understand all the topics discussed in the above syllabus. I understand it is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed work and that it is the student’s responsibility to come and get help if they need it. I acknowledge that approximate grades are online at all times and can be viewed through Synergy at any time.

Student’s Signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian Signature:______Date:______