Level 1 Easter Meet
All events will be conducted strictly in accordance with ASA Law.
Licence Number: 1SE180278
29th March – 1st April 2018
VENUE:The Mountbatten Centre, Alexandra Park, Portsmouth, PO2 9QA
POOL: 8 Lane- 50m pool-electronic timing-with anti turbulence lane ropes.
AGE GROUPS: Boys & Girls:10/11, 12/13 years 14/15 years, 16 years and over
AGE UP DATE: 1st April 2018 (Age on the last day of meet)
QUALIFYING STANDARDS: Lower qualifying times apply (swimmers must be faster than qualifying times). Only times from Level 1-4 meets will be accepted.
ENTRIES:Entries should be made electronically by downloading the Hy-Tek file made available by going to to submit electronic entries/enquiries please email
Electronic entries produced by Hy-Teks team manager or Team manager Lite software as electronic entries need to be submitted by email to and to include an entry report, fee entry report and the summary sheet.
Entries will be accepted based on qualifying times. Rejections may have to be made to ensure that sessions run to time according to ASA regulations. Please refer to promotors conditions for details.
Open Date for Entries: 1200 hours Friday 9th February 2018
Closing Date for Entries:1800 hours Friday 2ndMarch 2018
ENTRY FEE:The entry fee is £6 for 50/100/200, £8 for 400s and £12 for 800 & 1500. All club paper entries will incur a £10 administration fee. Swimmers making individual paper entries will incur a .50p per event administration fee.
Entries: All entries must include date of birth and correct ASA number. Incomplete or illegible entries will not be accepted. Clubs and individual entries are requested to send one cheque with club/individual details on the back and made out to PNSC. BACs details can be made available on request. All paperwork must be sent to Meet Secretary, PNSC Office, Mountbatten Centre, Alexandra Park, Portsmouth PO2 9QA. A contact email must be supplied.
Data Protection: Entries may be held on a computer solely for the purposes of this competition and consent, as required by the Data Protection Act 1984, to the holding of personal information on computer will be deemed to have been given by the submission of the entry. Personal data will be available for inspection during the Meet on application to the Promoters.
Litter: Competitors and spectators are asked to place all litter in the receptacles provided and not to leave it on the floor, particularly in the spectator gallery, where it may become a safety hazard.