Instructor Guide
TITLE: / HISTORY OF GWRRALENGTH: / Approximately 55 minutes
RESOURCES: / LCD projector and screen
White Board or rip chart and markers
One general meeting room - capacity 20-30
OBJECTIVES: / To become better acquainted with the founders of GWRRA
To learn the reason why GWRRA was established
To understand its purpose and goals
INTRODUCTION: / Discussion topics include:
Background on Paul and Shirley Hildebrand
Why GWRRA was established
Principles on which GWRRA was founded
How GWRRA grew over the years
Slide 1:
Title Slide / Introduce yourself and welcome the participants to: History of GWRRA. Let them know that questions can be asked at any time during the presentation.
Slide 2:
•Picture of Paul & Shirley / Pictured are our founders, Paul Hildebrand and his wife (at the time) Shirley.
This is the story of Gold Wing Road Riders Association.
It all began when an electronics firm product manager named Paul Hildebrand traded in his Suzuki 750 commuter motorcycle for his first Gold Wing, a red '76 GL1000. At the time he couldn't have foreseen the outcome of the decision, but by stepping up from a simple commuter motorcycle to Honda's smooth, quiet touring motorcycle, Hildebrand was to embark on a journey that would forever alter the face of American motorcycling.
Early on, the journey began with tiny, almost inconsequential, steps, but soon escalated into an international parade involving thousands of people from all walks of life.
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•To become better acquainted with the founders of GWRRA
• To learn the reason why GWRRA was established
• To understand it’s Purpose and Goals
Slide 4:
•Every organization began as a dream. The persons involved had a specific purpose for establishing the organization.
•We will explore thoughts and information on how GWRRA has developed into a family organization and what makes it work / GWRRA was no different.
Thoughts shared by Paul & Shirley during a 1993 training seminar in Phoenix, AZ
Slide 5:
In the Beginning
•Paul and Shirley began their journey into the motorcycle world
•Cycle 1 – 1972 Yamaha 350
•Cycle 2 – Suzuki 750
•Cycle 3 – 1976 RED GL1000 Gold Wing / Purchased to reduce travel expenses
A step up
Excited Paul enough to want to start of group for Gold Wing owners in the Phoenix area
Slide 6:
Paul’s First Gold Wing
- Picture of his 1976 GL1000
Slide 7:
Shirley’s Bike
Slide 8:
1977 Letter to All Gold Wing Owners
•Picture of letter / Being a new and proud owner of a Gold Wing aroused A SHARING SPIRITWITHIN, so Paul contacted American Honda concerning Gold Wing Clubs.
The response was quick and led them to the GWOA (Gold Wing Owners Association), and the Hildebrand’s joined.
In May, 1977, Paul became State Representative for GWOA. The machine was unique, and Hildebrand sensed other owners would enjoy getting together to kick tires and swap stories about their mutual interest.
So he typed an open letter to all area Gold Wing owners, inviting them to an informal organizational meeting, and left a copy in every Honda dealership in his hometown of Phoenix, Arizona
Slide 9:
1977 Letter to All Gold Wing Owners
•Dear Fellow "Wing Nut",
You are invited to attend the first monthly meeting of the GL Road Riders Association. "What Fun", you say! "You ain't heard it all yet", we say.
It is our intention to form an informal, non-restrictive, fun typeassociation of proud, unique, and special people--GOLD WING OWNERS!!!! People with whom we can share impromptu rides, experiences, discuss problems, find solutions, exchange ideas, save money, and (most importantly) form new friendships.
Slide 10:
1977 Letter to All Gold Wing Owners
- If this sounds like something you would enjoy, join us Saturday morning for breakfast--June 4, 1977 at Denny's Restaurant, Black Canyon Freeway at Dunlap, at 8:30 a.m. If you know other Wing Nuts, please invite them along. Just look for the "prettiest parking lot in town"!!!! Questions or
comments? Call me, Paul Hildebrand--9732357.
See you there--
Ride safe!!
The Boogie Bird
(Guess who just got a CB?)
Slide 11:
History of GWRRA
•June 4, 1977
•Seven people met at a local Restaurant and formed a Gold Wing Owners Association Chapter
•By November, GWOA had financial problems, so they formed their own group and called it:
“Gold Wing Road Riders Association” / During that first year, the group created and sold a Gold Wing belt buckle and started a monthly newsletter with a ride calendar and tech tips.
Financial problems plagued the fledgling GWOA but perseverance and a dogged determination to see the dream realized kept them going. Fearing the absence of national support from GWOA, the group decided to go it alone and the first GWRRA chapter began in December 1977 in Tucson, Arizona.
In January of 1978, there were 73 members and a new chapter was started in Tucson.
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First GWRRA Meeting Location
•Picture of Denny’s Restaurant / This is where it all began.
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Purpose and Goals of GWRRA
- To be an association of Gold Wing motorcycle owners & operators
- To provide a social organization for pleasure, recreation, safety, and information exchange
- To provide an environment for camaraderie, and friendship of Members
Slide 14:
Secondary Goals
- Improve public perception of motorcyclists
- Support the Motorcycle Safety Foundation
- An organization directed by the membership using the association concept
- Family oriented
Provide a safer environment for all motorcycle riders
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Ideals of GWRRA
- The Member is most important
- Serve them properly and “our” purpose and goals will be met
- Meetings/Gatherings are for fun
“Business” should be kept to a minimum
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First Home Office
- Picture of Paul & Shirley’s Home
Slide 17:
First Patches
•Picture of Patches / Shown here are some of the early GWRRA patches. Notice before it was rider and co-rider it was pilot and co-pilot. Also notice the early rocker for “booster” member, the precursor to associate member.
Slide 18:
GWRRA After One Year
- Average age of riders was 38
- Growing rapidly
- Don Farley had replaced John Mimm as Executive Director
As a result of the TV story, word reached American Honda in California, and interest in GWRRA expanded rapidly. Shortly thereafter, GWRRA extended area representation beyond its state borders into Southern California.
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History of GWRRA
- 1979
- Monthly Newsletter
10 Chapters in 7 states
The “undressed” GL1000 supplanted by the fancy new GL1100, now a full dressed touring machine
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First Wing News Cover
- 1979
- Picture of First Cover
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First Wing Ding
- 1979 – Points Resort, Phoenix, AZ
- First Wing Ding Queen – Sherri Mason
Initial plans for Wing Ding set the rally in Tucson during Labor Day weekend. The event was to be an upscale gathering of friends in a relaxed resort hotel setting—a radical departure from the open-air tent rallies held in open fields by most motorcycle groups. However due to the Association's growth, the location was moved to Phoenix and promised over $4,000 in door prizes, a pin, a 50/50, seminars, etc., making it clear to all that the event would be first class, even in its first year. Preregistration was just $15. Included would be a grand prize drawing would be for a brand new Gold Wing.
647 delegates attended from 24 states and Canada. There were 19 vendors and due to becoming larger than expected over $15,000 in door prizes were awarded.
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Notable Early Events
- 1979
- 1200 Members
- Expanded into Canada
- 1981
- Incorporated as Not-For-Profit (501C-4)
- Established national Rider Education Program
- 1982
- 16,000 Members
- 1983
- Safe Miles Program
To reaffirm the emphasis on teaching safe riding techniques to members
Became the foundation for the Rider Education Program
Slide 23:
First Wing World
- 1982
- First “Wing World” Cover
Slide 24:
Second Home Office
- 1983
- Picture of Office Building
Slide 25:
Other Notable Events
- 1988
- Rider Ed Levels Program added
- Couple of the Year replaced the Wing Ding Queen
- 1992
- Leadership Training Division
- 1996
- Membership Enhancement Division added
Lyle & Ora Lee Sova were the first National Couple of the Year
Course materials being developed devoted to training
Slide 26:
Home Office Today
- Picture of current Home Office
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1993 Meeting
- The Following Question was asked of Paul:
Slide 28:
1993 Meeting
- Paul’s answer was quite simple:
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Where are we now?
- Members – 60,000 plus
- Successful?
- Member Driven
- Numerous Benefits
- Rider Education
- Discounts
- Friends
Slide 30:
- Dream of two people
- Why is GWRRA Successful?
- Concept: The Member is what and why we are
- Paul and Shirley’s thoughts
Slide 31:
Questions / Take questions to conclude the seminar.
Revision History
Prepared by: / Bob Helm (9/28/94)
Updated by: / Bob Helm (10/24/94
Revised by: / Curt Dixon (12/01/99)
Revised by: / Evelyn Hicks (06/12/06
Formatted and Edited by / Tommy Wilson (12/26/13)
Revised by: / Gayle Wilson (12/27/13)
Revised by: / Tommy Wilson (02/11/14)
Version 02.14 1
Copyright © Gold Wing Road Riders Association 2012