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For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.
Romans 15:4
Bethel Family
Bernice Loomans' new address is Christian Homestead, 1001 W. Brown Street, Room 121, Waupun, WI 53963. Her phone number will remain the same, 324-5164.
The congregation is invited to witness the marriage of Nicole Posthuma and Zachary Staudt on Saturday, May 19 at 4:00 p.m. here at Bethel. May God bless this day and this marriage.
Bethel Community
Library: The library committee is in the process of doing an inventory of the books in the library. We have many books overdue. You will find a slip in your mailbox if you have overdue books. Please return these as soon as possible.
The congregation of Bethel CRC iscordially invited to join Alto CRC for the joint Ascension Day worship service. The service will be on Thursday, May 17th at 7:00 pm. We look forward to our shared time of worship and fellowship. The offering will be taken for the Waupun Food Pantry.
Today is the last day of Sunday School. We look forward to seeing all of you at the picnic next week!
Sunday School Picnic, May 20th at 12:00 pm at church(or school if necessary due to construction). A sign-up sheet is located on the back table for food and to determine the number of people attending. Sandwiches and drink will be provided. There will be games for the kids.
The council will begin the process of nominations for office bearers for this upcoming fiscal year at Monday's council meeting. If you have the names of those who you think would serve well in the office of elder or deacon, please fill out the nomination form in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate, talk to Pastor Brower, or give the information to your district elder. Thank you.
VBS is around the corner and in order to get people excited about SKYwe need to get our float ready! Do you have a trailer or truck we canuse for the Memorial Day Parade? If you do please contact Dominiqueat 920-319-9276.
VBS signup sheets will be coming out soon. So don't forget to markyour calendars for VBS Monday, July 16- Friday, July 20. It will befrom 9:00-11:30 am.
On May 18th the Music Department of CWC will be presenting their end of the year Celebration Concert in conjunction with the Art Show. The Band, New G‘s, Junior and Senior Choirs will perform, as well as, the State Solo and Ensemble participants. Please plan on joining us in the Crusader Centre at 6:30pm as we celebrate God’s goodness to us this school year.
On May 23rd graduation will be held for our CWC 8th grade class at Bethel CRC at 7:00pm. Mr. Russ Smies, teacher of CWC students, will congratulate these young people on their achievements through this milestone and challenge them as they look forward to the new exciting times as high school students. You are invited to rejoice with them as they thank God for the blessings that they have.
The CWC Senior Class of 2012 will walk across the stage on Friday, May 25th in a 7:00pm ceremony to be held at the CWC Crusader Centre. Mr. John Mulder has been selected to address the students, recognizing the achievements that they have made and encouraging them as they prepare to enter the next phase of their life, whether it is continuing their education or entering the work force. The 34 seniors have chosen Proverbs 16:3 – Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans as their class verse as they thank God for His faithfulness and ask Him for continued guidance.
Memorial Day Pancake Breakfast:Join the CWC Booster Club as we celebrate Memorial Day with the Annual Pancake Breakfast. Breakfast will served from 7:00 - 9:30 a.m. in the CWC Commons area. We will be serving pancakes, scrambled eggs, and beverages. Donations will go to support CWC athletics. Come and start your Memorial Day activities with a wonderful breakfast.
Camp Calvin health forms and remaining camp fee of $55 are due May 20(church policy is $200 of the fee is paid by the Bethel deacons). If your child is attending and you did not sign your child's name on the Camp Calvin sign-up sheet please let Laura Hoekstra know to ensure that the deacons pay the $200 portion of the fee. Thank you.
There is still time for anyone entering grades 4-9 next fall to register for Camp Calvin.The late fee will be waived until May 20.For more details and to register on line go to
The American Cancer Society will hold their annual "Relay for Life" at the Rock River Intermediate school track (in Waupun) on Friday, June 15, 2012 (opening ceremony) starting at 6:00 pm and ending on June 16, at 9:00 pm. The special luminary ceremony will be held on Friday night at 9:00 pm. This will be in honor of those who have survived their battle with cancer and in memory of those who have courageously battled this disease but lost. It will be at this time that their names will be read aloud. Candles will be lit in memory and will be sitting along the track. These luminaries will light the path throughout the night for the Relay for Life walkers. Please support the fight against cancer by purchasing a luminary and attending this meaningful ceremony. You will find luminary forms on the east bulletin table in the narthex. There are two forms this year. The white form is the regular luminary form and the purple is the caregiver luminary form. If you have any questions please contact Kathy Buwalda at 324-9948.
May 13, 2012
9:30 a.m. Worship Service
*Call to Worship
*Opening Song #438 (stanzas 1-4)
When Morning Gilds the Sky
*God's Greeting
*We Greet One Another
*Time of Praise led by Group #2
Amazing Love
Amazing Grace - My Chains Are Gone
Above All
Remarks from Dorsey Johnson - Director of the Cary
Christian Center
Congregational & Offertory Prayer
Offering: 1) General Fund
2) Cary Christian Center
*Song of Preparation #432
For the Beauty of the Earth
Walk Out Worship is excused.
Mark 6:1-6
The Glorious Ordinary
*Song of Response (see screen, stanzas 1-3)
A Christian Home
*Closing Song (see screen, stanza 4)
A Christian Home
() Songs for Worship Book
*Those who are able, please stand
May 13, 2012
7:00 p.m. Worship Service
*Call to Worship
*God’s Greeting
*We Greet Each Other
*Opening Song #96 (stanzas 1-3)
Sing to the Lord, Sing His Praise
Congregational & Offertory Prayer
Offering: Luke Society
*Song of Preparation #255
God, Be Merciful to Me
Mark 6:14-29
Death of a Conscience
*Song of Response #420
Breathe on Me, Breath of God
*Apostles' Creed
*Closing Song #262 (stanzas 1 & 2)
My Faith Looks Up to Thee
*Silent Meditation & Reflection
# Psalter
( ) Songs for Worship Book
*Those who are able, please stand
Thank you!519pounds. Job well done!mas day represents Jesus, the Light of the World. The star represents the Star of bethlehPray For:
Those mourning the loss of loved ones…
~Please continue to remember our many church families who are still in mourning
Those recovering from injury, surgery, or illness.
~ Emily Kasper, 3 year old daughter of a co-worker of Jill Walker, who was diagnosed with
stage IV cancer and recently began treatment
~ Marilyn Smits as she recuperates from surgery
~ Marv Bos who is trying a new cancer drug
~ LaVonna Dykstra, who has attended Bethel and participates in Coffee Break,as she continues
to recover at the Christian Home
~ Sue Davenport who is experiencing pain in her left knee
~ Lisa Rens who continues to deal with stage IV Colon Cancer
~Baby John TenPas, grandson of Ken and Gardie TenPas of 1st CRC, who was born with an
underdevelopedleft side of his heart
~Andy Westra who continues to undergo treatments for cancer
~Annabelle DeVries' son, Mark, who is recovering from esophageal cancer
~ for our home missionary, Dave Katsma, who is currently undergoing chemo treatments for
~for all those who have been sick or had procedures, for continued recovery
Those suffering from chronic illnesses…
~ Sawyer Lange
~ Kristin Sauer
~Dick Ritzema
~ Michelle DeKok
~ Trinity Lange
Those unable to attend worship services…
~ Bonnie Luteyn -OakwoodVillage in Madison
~ Dick & Edith Ritzema - Christian Home
~ Leah Kemink - Whippoorwill House
~ Shirley Oosterhouse - Continental Manor
U.S. Military, either stateside or abroad…
~ Andrew DeVries, grandson of Annabelle DeVries--currently stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia
~ Erin DeVries, daughter of Glenn and Pat DeVries--currentlystationed at Great Lakes Naval Base,North Chicago, IL
~ Brendon Kemink, grandson of Bud and Betty Kemink--currently stationed in Michigan
~Bryce Kemink, grandson of Bud and Betty Kemink--stationed at Great Lakes Naval Base,
North Chicago, IL
~Ashlyn DeVries, granddaughter of Annabelle DeVries--currentlystationed in Fort Lewis,
~ Reverend Peter Hofman, currently stationed in Afghanistan
To have your name added/deleted or have other changes made to the prayer list,
please contact Laura Hoekstra @ 324-4962 or .
Office Hours: T/W/TH from 9:00 am - 2:30 pm. Please have all bulletin
announcements in by 9:00 am on Thursday to ensure they are included in the bulletin.