VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd Rehabilitation and Low Vision Group: Terms of Reference


The aim of the group is ensure that every person who experiences sight loss can benefit from the provision of early access to a nationally agreed pathway promoting independence, choice and control over their lifestyle.

When using the term rehabilitation we understand this to mean interventions for people of all ages, encompassing the full range of visual, practical and emotional issues and people with additional needs, and across the full spectrum of sight loss. However it is understood that numerically the greater number of individuals will be older people, experiencing a partial loss of vision in later life.

Strategic Objectives

  1. To contribute to the work to achieve the outcomes of the UK Vision Strategy;
  2. To investigate the pattern and level of rehabilitation delivery across the UK and identify gaps.
  3. To develop robust evidence based sight loss pathways for the UK which enables children, young people and adults with sight loss to experience timely, appropriate responses to promote independence and inclusion.
  1. To establish the role of visual impairment rehabilitation as an essential reablement (early intervention) process which ensures that services to people with sight loss are person-centred;
  2. To agree the framework of skills required to enable the delivery of the agreed national sight loss pathway and to gain governmental endorsement of this framework. In addition, to promote, with service providers and the sector, the need for an appropriately trained and supported workforce to deliver the associated rehabilitation outcomes.
  3. To support and encourage the development of high quality, person centred low vision services which are in line with the aims of the UK Vision Strategy and deliver the outcomes encompassed by ‘Seeing it my way’ for people experiencing low vision.
  4. To raise awareness and campaign for services to be commissioned which support the delivery of ‘Seeing it my way’ outcomes;
  5. To provide a forum for sharing experience and best practice; To disseminate information as appropriate to VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd members and external bodies, particularly statutory agencies, through the most appropriate channels.
  6. To support Rehabilitation and Re-ablement services for Children and young people using the CYP sight loss pathway.

Main tasks

  • Define work-streams and identify leads for achieving strategic objectives
  • Ensure alignment of the group’s outputs with the UK Vision Strategy and ‘Seeing it my way’ framework
  • Ensure that people with sight loss are engaged, listened to and responded to in delivering the aims of the group
  • Monitor and evaluate progress in achieving the objectives
  • Raise the profile of the group’s work through appropriate channels


Membership of the group will reflect the key strategic players regarding Rehabilitation and Low Vision from across all sectors in the UK. New members may be co-opted as and when necessary.

The Chairperson will be elected by the group but should carry national recognition and respect in the sight loss sector and have experience in cross-sector strategic partnership working.

Accountability and Reporting Lines

  • The Rehabilitation and Low Vision Group is a sub-group of VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd;
  • The agenda and work of the group must always remain consistent with the objects of VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd and contribute to the UK-wide work to deliver the outcomes of the UK Vision Strategy;
  • Group members may be invited to join as individuals, due to their expertise or knowledge, or they may be agency representatives. If a group member represents an agency they carry individual responsibility for representing, informing and consulting with their constituents to ensure that their views are fully represented;
  • The minutes of meetings will be circulated to members and will be available on the VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd website;
  • Links will be made via the membership to other groups as appropriate;


  • Regularity, format and venue for meetings will be decided by the group and may vary over time
  • The group will elect a Chairman who will take responsibility for the agenda of each meeting
  • The position of Chairman will be re-elected at regular intervals, to be agreed by the group members
  • Secretarial support will be provided by VISION 2020 (UK) Ltd
  • The Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually.

Principles of engagement:

Each group member will:

  • Encourage a proactive, collaborative partnership approach to achieve change
  • Maintain a professional and respectful relationship with all group members
  • Advise and support the Chair of the group
  • Commit to the aims of the group and communicate a consistent message about its work, so that its effectiveness is maximised
  • Work with honesty, transparency and integrity at all times


The following definitions have been adopted for the purpose of this Group:

1. Low Vision

  • A person with low vision is one who has an impairment of visual function for whom full remediation is not possible by conventional spectacles, contact lenses or medical intervention and which causes restriction in that person's everyday life.
  • Such a person's level of functioning may be improved by providing low vision services including the use of low vision aids, environmental modification and/or training techniques.
  • This definition includes, but is not limited to those who are registered as blind and partially sighted.

2. Low Vision services

A Low Vision Service is a rehabilitative or habilitative process, which provides a range of services for people with low vision to enable them to make use of their eyesight to achieve maximum potential.

This is not just a technical process. The services should include:

  • planning the rehabilitative process, setting goals and support in understanding the limitations involved
  • addressing psychological and emotional needs
  • providing information and advice
  • assessing the person's visual function and providing aids and training
  • facilitating modification to the home, school and work environments.

JSP/MB/MBa May 2014