Reporting and Assessment Prose Descriptors

Technical Attributes / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Physique/Proportions / Student possesses an ideal physical aesthetic for ballet, a healthy, athletic yet elegant appearance with lean and well defined muscle tone. / Student possessesa desirable physical aesthetic forballet. / Student possesses an acceptable level of physical aesthetic for ballet. / Student possesses a physical aesthetic that is below standard and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student possesses an unacceptable physical aesthetic for ballet which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Posture/Stance / Student adopts the correct body placement and poise for ballet. The dynamic pelvic placement is secure and supported by the surrounding muscles. The spine is held in an elongated vertical position with shoulders held freely open and lowered. The legs are fully stretched with the body weight optimally distributed over the forefoot. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area that is below standard and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Use of Turnout / Student possesses the ability to safely achieve 90 degree lateral rotation equally from both hip joints with no evidence of torsion from the tibia or ankle. This is securely maintained with equal emphasis of turnout on both legs. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Control / Student demonstrates an outstanding level of stability, motor control and strength throughout all areas of the class through the correct use of weight placement and muscle functioning, ensuring stability and quality of movement without tension. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Coordination / Student demonstrates outstanding synchronisation of all parts of the body with efficiency, grace and clarity of line incorporating the appropriate dynamics. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Use of feet / Student possesses an ideal aesthetic foot line for ballet including correct alignment, excellent use of pressure through the floor, clear and precise articulation and effective employment to achieve impetus and elevation during allegro. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Port de bras / Student demonstrates correct arm and hand positioning with no interruption of line. This is complemented by thepoise and elegance of the head and eyeline and correct carriage of the upper body. Student demonstrates outstanding control, free from tension during movements from one arm position to another. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Adage / Student demonstrates an excellent level of strength and control with sustained positions, fluidity of movement, secure balance and poise with an outstanding sense of aesthetic line. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Pirouettes / Student demonstrates an excellent level of coordination, control, music and movement dynamics on preparation, during turning action and ending.Student demonstrates a dynamic, rhythmical ‘spotting’ action. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Petit allegro / Student demonstrates an excellent sense of ballon with controlled use of demi-plié with heels securely on the ground. Student demonstrates effective use of footwork during take-off and landing and gives full value to alllinking steps with neatness and clarity. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Batterie / Student demonstrates a clear, sharp and virtuosic brilliance during batterie with dynamics appropriate to the movement and music. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Grand Allegro / Student demonstrates an outstanding positioning in the air, beginning with a secure and clear preparation and appropriate use of demi-plié. Student applies the appropriate force and dynamics to the jump which is well balanced and coordinated throughout. The student demonstrates excellent elevation displaying clarity of line and dynamics to the jump.The take-off and landing is secure, controlled and coming through the ball of the foot for a soft and silent finish. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Pointework / Student demonstrates a strong technical proficiency en pointe with correct alignment and weight distribution through the feet with a secure supported ankle. . Student demonstrates technical proficiency ascending and descending from pointe. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Virtuosity / Student demonstrates outstanding proficiency to accurately perform and execute age appropriate,advanced classical ballet sequences. These are performed with technical accuracy, musicality, confidence and attack with a secure finish. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Musicality / Student demonstrates an outstanding response to tempo, phrasing and dynamics and is able to synchronise movement with the accent of the music. The student also demonstrates a response to varying musical styles and this is reflected in their movement quality. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Presentation/Artistry / Student demonstrates an outstanding sense of performance and can convey this effectively to an audience. The student demonstrates a high level of focus with alifted and purposeful eyeline. The student projects a natural facial expression which is appropriate to the context of the ballet, choreographic content or musical accompaniment. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject area and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Speed of learning / Student demonstrates an outstanding ability to learn, understand and execute sequences of substantial length and complexity with conviction and confidence without the need for reiteration or prompting from the tutor. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Retention of instruction / Student is able to fully understand any instruction or correction given from the tutor and implement it to the best of their ability on a consistent level thereafter. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Motivation/Effort / Student is highly motivated and engaged with their learning at all times and this is evident in the amount of effort and energy employed to improve and perfect all areas of their dancing. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Self discipline/ Professional conduct / Student behaves in a manner whichrepresents and upholds the values and ethos of the school and is conducive to autonomy and career progression. Student demonstrates a high level of professional conduct including positive decorum, punctuality, courteous respect and appropriate body language. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.
Personal presentation / Student arrives to every class well groomed and wearing the correct uniform which is pristine. / Student is proficient in this subject area. / Student demonstrates an acceptable level in this subject area. / Student demonstrates a level in this subject and could indicate a cause for concern. / Student demonstrates an unacceptable level in this subject area which is of concern and in need of immediate attention.