Comments Form February 2017 Consultation Draft: Global Macro-Roadmap - An Actionable Vision of Transport Decarbonization

Please make use of the following form in submitting your comments. Once completed please send before March 15th 2017 to Cornie Huizenga () and Patrick Oliva ().

This feedback form consists of three parts:

  1. Targeted feedback questions on the structure and substance of the Global Macro Roadmap
  2. Opportunity to provide general comments on the Global Macro Roadmap
  3. Specific comments – organized by chapter

You are obviously free to decide to provide comments for either all three parts or to limit yourself to one part only. If you are responding on behalf of a specific constituency (e.g. finance community) or specific segment of transport (e.g. cycling) it is fine if you only provide comments on specific parts reflecting your specific interest and/or expertise.

Comments Form February 2017 Consultation Draft: An Actionable General Information
Do you agree that your comments are included in a comments matrix that will become part of the consultation record whereby we mention name and organization: Yes/No
Part 1: Targeted feedback questions
The Global Macro-Roadmap has been developed as a document that has a focus on meeting the Paris agreement objective - achieving a net-zero emission economy early in the second part of the century - whilst actively contributing towards sustainable development as embodied in the Sustainable Development Goals. Based on this, at various places, references have been made to the developmental context.
1.1Do you feel that the document has struck an appropriate balance between the climate focus and the development context?
1.2If you feel that we have not given enough attention to the development context, can you make suggestions where in the document we should provide additional emphasis (at the expense of increasing the length of the document)?
The Global Macro-Roadmap has been developed as a document with a proposed set of universal priorities (8 components) these should help policy makers to to develop nationally appropriate strategies. Adopting the 8 components can help promote coordinated and synergized approaches, they should also stimulate innovations and because many countries would have related approaches bring down the cost of technological innovation and promote joint learning. The Roadmap is also based on the assumption that there will still be significant differences in the manner/timetablethat decarbonization of transport will take place.
2.1Do you feel that the 8 priorities are properly chosen to be both globally relevant and "easy to adapt" at the national and local level?
2.2Do you believe the approach taken in the Roadmap with OECD countries (or trail blazing cities/territories) leading decarbonization by mid-century and fast followers in the following decades is the right one? If not, what alternative approaches would you like us to consider
2.3If you feel that we have not given enough attention to the national and local specifics, can you make suggestions for a better approach?
The Global Macro Roadmap makes specific reference to the Avoid – Shift –Improve approach, Avoid (reduce unnecessary travel through e.g. land use planning or logistics redesign and halting counterproductive regulation that incentivizes travel by individual motorized vehicles), Shift (shift movement of goods and people to the most efficient modes, by scaling up good practices) and Improve (improve environmental performance of fuels and powertrains, intermodality and transport management)
3.1Do you feel that the document strikes a good balance between the three components of Avoid – Shift and Improve? If not which components should be emphasized more?
3.2If you feel that specific components of Avoid-Shift-Improve have not received sufficient attention. Do you believe that this can be addressed within the structure of 8 components on which the Roadmap is based, or do you believe that additional components should be added (and others taken out)?
The Roadmap aims to provide a phased approach to decarbonization of transport, whereby for a number of the components possible milestones are provided, e.g. on emission efficiency in Component 3.
4.1Do you believe that the approach of providing possible milestones for the different components is useful and that this can guide policy making without running the risk of being perceived as overly prescriptive?
4.2Are there components in the Roadmap where you feel that we could have added milestones? (note: please save detailed feedback on proposed milestones for the detailed comments section below)
4.3The document includes an overview of 20 Quick Win actions that can be implemented now to accelerate the transformation of the transport sector. Do you think that enough/too much/not enough emphasis is being placed on the need for immediate action to kick-start long term change?
An important assumption is that effective, ambitious action on transport and climate change can only succeed at scale if there is joint action by governments (national and local), the business sector and civil society. This assumption - in particular the need for coordinated public policies and strategic private investments - influences to some extent the measures proposed in the Roadmap.
5.1Do you agree with the assumption that a successful Global Macro-Roadmap, envisioning a major transformation in a limited period of time, needs to be orchestrated in a way which reflects a convergence/compromise between goals/interests of different stakeholders?
5.2If yes, do you believe that we have struck the right balance between stakeholders and their goals/interests, if not can you make suggestions for a better balance?
5.3If no, which stakeholder(s) should "dominate" the Global Macro Roadmap and why? What would be the implications of this for the content of the Global Macro-Roadmap?
Part 2: General Feedback
Please use one cell per comment, add rows if needed
Part 3: Specific comments
Please use one cell per comment, add rows if needed. Please add paragraph numbers for our reference.
If you prefer to provide comments through comment mode or track changes in a Word version of the document please email for a copy of the Word Version
Para No. / Comment / Proposed revised text (if relevant)
I.The need for a bold action plan to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change for Transport
II.A Global Macro-Roadmap to decarbonize Transport by 2050+
III.Way Forward
A.Quick Wins on Transport, Sustainable Development and Climate Change to initiate immediate
disruptive action
B.Role of Transport Initiatives under the GCAA in supporting the Global Macro-Roadmap and
Quick Wins