Minutes of the Meeting of Ellastone Parish Council held on Wednesday 28th September 2016 in the Village Hall at 6.00pm


Councillors Watkin, Robinson, Smith, Wain, Lawson and Borough Councillor Ed Barker were present at the meeting.

There was 1 member of the public present

  1. Apologies

Cllr Bland and Bailey

  1. Minutes of meeting held on the 27 July 2016

The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 27th July 2016 were read, approved and signed as seen by Cllr Watkin, proposed by Cllr Smith and seconded by Cllr Wain.

The clerk provided the following as an update from the last meeting.

Planning – it was agreed that the clerk would contact Anna Miller with regards putting together a leaflet for the village on conservation.

Cllr Barker informed the meeting that he would talk to Nick Henson on behalf of the Parish Council, as the clerk had not received a reply to her email regarding the wall in Dove Street.

  1. Setting of Any Other Business

Dog excrement – clerk to contact the enforcement officer regarding the dog excrement problem within the village. Cllr Wain to provide details of problem in the field.

Parish Hall Key Holders – Clerk to contact the Parish Hall Committee and ask who the key holders are of the village hall and what are their thoughts on updating the website to include a booking system for the Village Hall.

  1. Conflict of interests

There was no conflict of interests.

  1. Clerks Report
  1. Lighting – The clerk informed the meeting that she had received confirmation from Mark Liversage at EON that all the new lights have been fitted in the village leaving only the painting of the columns. The clerk asked the councillors if they wanted the columns painting black or leaving grey. It was a consensus decision to leave the columns grey. Clerk to contact Mark Liversage and inform him of the decision.
  1. Pot hole Repairs – Clerk informed the meeting that the Parish Council is sent a list of all potholes that have been repaired in the area.
  2. Enquiry from parishioner – Clerk updated the meeting that after the suggestion from Richard Rayson she had contacted the SCC regarding the issue raised by Betty Fradley. Unfortunately, the SCC had come back to the clerk stating that it was just wear and tear. Clerk contacted Richard regarding this and he confirmed that he would chase this issue further.
  1. Traffic Issues

The clerk informed the meeting that she had not heard from Cllr Philp Atkins regarding the request for the reduction in speed limit to 30mph following the meeting with Richard Rayson on the 24th August 2016. Clerk asked to contact Richard Rayson regarding the missing SID mounting that was removed by South Staffordshire Water when replacing the pipe work in the village. Also clerk to ask Richard Rayson for an update regarding looking at the signage on Back Lane and Marlpit Lane and where he was with contacting Alton Towers to ask them to contact the Sat Nav companies to address the route to Alton Towers.

  1. Wall in Dove Street

Please see item 2.

8.Bank 28th September 2016

  1. Treasurers Account 28th September 2016 - £1558.80
  2. Savings Account 28th September 2016 - £570.10
  1. Planning

The clerk informed the meeting that planning application P/2016/00671 was agreed with conditions. Councillor Wain informed the meeting that the aerial was constantly extended, whereas the conditions stated “When not in operation, the retractable amateur radio mast and antenna hereby permitted shall be retracted to a maximum height of 5 metres”. Clerk to planning to inform them of this.

  1. Finance & Audit
  2. Payment of Parish Clerk Period 1.08.16-02.10.16 - Payment of £233.01 for Parish Clerk duties proposed by Cllr Watkin and seconded by Cllr Smith. Agreed by all.
  3. Final Audit Report from Grant Thornton – the clerk informed the meeting that the final report had been received from Grant Thornton and the clerk would pass this onto Cllr Bland for putting on the website.
  1. Date and time of next meeting

The next meeting will be held in the Reading Room on the 9th November 2016 at 7.30pm

There being no further business the meeting closed at 7pm