Mrs L Storey Parish Clerk
PO Box 8108
Tel: 07941 052009
19 February 2018
Dear Parish Councillor
You are notified to attend the meeting ofQuarndonParish Councilto be held at 7.30 pm on Monday 26 February 2018atQuarndonLower Village Hall
Yours sincerely
L Storey
Part 1 – Non confidential information
1Public Speakingincluding
At the commencement of the meeting a period of 10 minutes will be made available for members of the
public, Derbyshire Constabulary and other agencies and organisations to ask questions or submit
comments about parish matters. The Chairman will extend this period of time if necessary.
2To receive apologies for absence
3Variation of Order of Business
4Declaration of Members’ Interests
5To confirm the Minutesof the Parish Council Meeting held 22.1.18
6To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded
7Chairman’s Announcements
- TRE/2018/0236 91 Church Road Fell one conifer (interfering with street light) 2. Reduce 4 silver birch by 1.5m to achieve a height of 12m and reshape remaining crown to accommodate reduction
- TRE/2018/0224 Yew Tree Cottage 89 Church Road T1 - YEW - Crown thin by 15% throughout crown T2 - YEW - Crown thin by 15% throughout crown
- TRE/2018/0236 91 Church Road Fell one conifer (interfering with street light) 2. Reduce 4 silver birch by 1.5m to achieve a height of 12m and reshape remaining crown to accommodate reduction
- AVA/2018/0123 25 The Common Change of use of former Coach House to residential resubmission
- TRE/2018/0222 168 Burley Lane T1 - Silver Birch - Crown Reduce by 2m T2 - Silver Birch - Crown height by 4m. reduce/reshape lower crown by 2m. Reduce branches away from outbuilding to create 2m clearance T3 - Silver Birch - Fell and replant T4 - Silver Birch - Fell and replant T5 - Silver Birch - Reduce crown by 3 to 4m T6 - Silver Birch - Fell and replant
- AVA/2017/1147 Snowdrop Cottage 80 The Common Demolition of existing Dwelling and Construction of Replacement Two Storey dwelling
9Neighbourhood Planupdate
10Proposal for Entry Signs/Boards
11Grounds maintenance
12Barn Close Playing Field suggestion
15Car park improvements
18Neighbourhood Watch
19Telephone Box
21Clerk’s Report
- Play equipment inspection 12.2.18
22Correspondence for Action
Bank interest£.32p
Accounts for Payment
Payee / Item / £Bank Payment / Mrs L Storey / Salary/Expenses / 188.72
Bank Payment / HMRC / PAYE / 46.40
Bank Payment / 2Commune / Website / 420.00
Bank Payment / M Cross / Room Hire NP / 10.00
Bank Payment / JE Wright / Printing / 26.32
Total / 691.44
24Items for Information
- DALC Circular 3/2018
- Free Tree Health Seminars - across the East & East Midlands area - Tree Wardens
- DALC Surplus furniture
- Quarndon Housing Needs Assessment
- DCC response. As you will appreciate that we receive many requests for highway improvement measures from across the county; the sheer number of which far outweighing the limited resources we have available. Given this unsustainable demand, a system of prioritisation must be employed which includes the interrogation of pertinent data, such as the number and severity of collisions which may have occurred at any requested location. Prioritising our much reduced resources in such a way helps to ensure that they are firstly used in locations where there is the greatest need and where most benefits can be achieved in terms of road safety. Our limited funds must therefore be directed to those roads where there is a history of reported injury collisions and where there is a trend in those collisions which allows us to identify a highway improvement scheme which will effectively reduce the number of collisions occurring.We are very conscious that some residents may perceive this approach as meaning that a death or serious injury has to occur before action will be taken. However, I trust you will appreciate that it would be irresponsible of this Authority to commit funds to a location where few or no injury collisions have occurred, whilst there remain very many other sites with known collision histories, and trends in those collisions, which could be resolved through the introduction of safety measures. With the above in mind, I have checked the Police database – which records all collisions resulting in personal injury. The data reveals that, over the last 3 years 01/09/2014 – 31/08/2017 (this being the standard test period for assessment). There have been no injury collisions at this location.
- DCC response. Thank you for your email below. I am afraid the matter is not so clear cut, you cannot install 30mph repeater signs along lengths of road within a 30mph speed limit where a system of street lighting is in situ. For example Burley Lane as you enter the village and drive into the 30mph speed limit you have a system of street lighting which by virtue of its presence indicates that road has a 30mph speed limit unless any signs specify it otherwise, for example on a road with a 40 or 50mph speed limit.
- To provide 30mph repeater signs within these circumstances would potentially invalidate the speed limit and therefore any ability to successful prosecute drivers who exceeded it. Sorry but based on my comments above, we are not in a position to carry out this work.
25Points for future meetings
26Date of next meeting
- 14 March 20187.30 pm Quarndon Lower Village Hall
PART II – Confidential Information