Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to third grade! To ensure our students have a successful school year, we established the classroom rules, procedures, and policies below. Please review/sign and return it to me ASAP.


Chinese immersion PROGRAM


Policies and Procedures


Bring in all daily materials.

Return Weekly work folder/Monday package on Monday.

Do all homework.


Attendance is taken everyday.

Students are responsible for coming to class.

For all absence or tardy to class, the student must have a note from parent/guardian upon returning to class.

Homework Policy

Students will have about 60 minutes of homework from Monday to Friday (30 minutes for Chinese Literacy and 30 minutes for Mathematic). All the students need to do all assigned work. Homework/assignments count 10% of the grade scale. Any late or unfinished work will need to be made-up during the recess and result in 2% off.The student must have a note from parents if unable to do homework.

Grading Policies

Chinese: Students will have Chinese spelling test every Monday morning. Major tests will be noted on the "Bi-weekly News Letter" and/or class Wiki page

Math: Students will have a quiz after each unit. Major tests will be noted on the "Weekly News Letter" and/or class Wiki page.

We will spend about half of the week on Science and the other half on Social Studies. Therefore, your child will not have science grades while we are focusing on social studies and vice versa.

Formulation of Grades:

The grading scale is listed below.


Homework and Assignments 10%

Attendance and Participation20%

Quiz and Pop Quiz20%




3—Needs improvement


Filed Trips

We will have field trips during the school year. A permission slip will be sent home in advance. Please follow the instruction in the permission slip and respond as soon as possible.

Chinese New Year Celebration

We will celebrate the Chinese New Year as part of our Chinese Immersion curriculum. We will send out the detailed information ahead of time.


Classroom rules:

  • Respect others.
  • Follow direction and instruction.
  • Work quietly in the classroom.
  • Raise hand to speak or leave seat.

We will use the color calendar to record student’s behavior. Details will be on the reverse side of the color calendar.

Color Indication and Consequence
Blue / Excellent! Setting a perfect role model for other classmates!
Green / Doing Good! (Everyone will start on “Green” daily)
Yellow / Warning!
Red / Continuous misbehavior!Parent Contact!

Classroom Procedures and Expectations

General Procedures

1. The Organizing Folder Procedure

Put everything (including homework) from your cubes into your folder everyday.

Ask your parents to sign the behavior calendar every day.

Ask your parents to sign the grade papers if your parents are asked so.

2. Morning arrival:

Place backpack and clothing in the proper place.

Put folder into box.

Hand permission slips or note from home to the teacher.

Deposit homework into homework box.

Sit quietly to do assignment.

3. Movement in classroom and school:

Get permission to go to washroom.

Drink water before entering classroom.

Walk quietly on the right side when going through hallway.

Remain quiet while eating in cafeteria and clean up after you finished.

Stay away from trailers during recess and stay in sight of teachers.

4. Working in group:

Listen and watch when someone is speaking.

Share ideas and materials.

Control your voice when participating in discussions.

Take turn to do your share.

5. The Rest Procedure

Line up to go to the restroom/wash your hands/drink water between each class interval.

6. The Dismissal Procedure

Know your dismissal time.

Pack up your backpack with your folder (Homework, note agenda and other paper works)

Take your backpack with you home.

Cleanup your desk.

Go to the assigned bus with your bus number on your backpacks.

Say good night to your teacher when your parent or guidance picked your up.

Walk directly to carpool or bus.

Only leave school with parents or appointed person who you know.

7. The Cafeteria Procedure

Follow the cafeteria rules when they are in the cafeteria.

No running around in or exit the cafeteria.

Bring in the ready-to-eat lunch.

  1. Visitors in Classroom Procedure

No acknowledgement to any visitors to the classroom.

No verbal greeting please.

No messages to your neighbors please.

  1. Playground Procedure

Line up before get out the classroom.

Go to bathroom first.

Line up to go to the playground.

No clubs are allowed.

  1. Waddell Academy Policies and Procedures

All other Waddell Academy policies and procedures can be found in the CMS Student Hand Book, given to all families during the open house, remain in effect. To request an additional copy of the Student Handbook, please contact the main office at (980) 343-5815.

Parents’ signature ______Date of the signatures______

Student’s signature ______Date of the signature______

Contact information:

Email the teacher at or call school at 980-343-5815