Authentic Psychomotor Assessment
Directions – This is an authentic assessment meaning it is completed under real-world, game-like conditions. The teacher observes students participating in a game-form and scores their performance. It is advisable to record a minimum of four trials in order to determine a grade.
- Each time a student executes a skill, three evaluations may be made: 1) cue execution, 2) outcome, and/or 3) tactics/strategy (see rubrics starting on page 3). Cue execution refers to the demonstration of the cues, nothing more. The teacher may choose any number of skills to assess but it is advisable to not exceed four because administering the assessment becomes difficult. Likewise, the individual cues for each skill are also teacher selected. Do not exceed four or five cues because there are only so many cues students can remember. Outcome refers to whether or not the outcome of the skill performances aligns with a successful result. For example, in a soccer thigh trap, did the ball remain in close proximity to the player and was it not deflected up into the air? Strategy/decision making refers to designated strategies the teacher has taught and decides to focus on in the assessment. It is advisable to not assess more than two tactics or strategies in one assessment. Each performance, whether it relates to cues, the outcome, or tactics/strategy is given a score of 4-advanced, 3-proficient, 2-basic, or 1-below basic.
- Example: A student executes a backhand throw in ultimate Frisbee. The student perfectly performs the skill cues thus earning a four for “advanced” that is recorded in the cue execution category. Unfortunately, the student’s throw is wobbly and off target but is still nonetheless caught. A two for basic is recorded in the outcome category. Regarding tactics or strategy, after the throw the student immediately moves up field to open space and receives a pass back thus demonstrating an appropriate give and go. This is consistent with the “advanced” category and a score of four is recorded in the table under tactics/strategy.
- You do not need to record a score in each of the three columns for every attempt. Typically, if the cue execution of a performance is scored, the outcome will be also. However, the tactics/strategy component may or may not be scored with the other components; it may be scored individually.
Assigning a Grade:
- After class, the respective scores for each student’s cue execution, outcome, and tactics/strategy performances added together and the number recorded in the “total” column. The number of trials or times the student was assessed in recorded in the “trials” column. To arrive at a grade (percentage), divide the total by the number of trials. Use the grading table on page two for quick computing of the percentage. For example, a student scores a 4, 4, 3, 4, 4 for cue execution, a 4, 3, 2, 3, 3 for outcome and 4, 4 for tactics and strategy, the total would be 42. That number would be divided by the number of trials (12) to arrive at a final percentage of 88 (B+).
Using the Grading Table:
- The gray shaded area represents the number of trials. The number in the left column is the total “Tl” and the number in the right column is the final percentage “%.” A percentage of 1 means 100%.
Flexibility – The scorer may adjust the requirements for each component depending on the circumstances. For example, if due to the presence of a defender, the offensive player cannot step towards the target during a forehand throw in ultimate Frisbee, that cue will become optional. The outcome component also adjusts depending on difficulty. For example, a proficient outcome for a basketball set shot or shot on goal in soccer would be one that is near the goal and does not necessarily go in. In a public school setting, some teachers prefer to grade on cue execution and tactics/strategy only and omit the outcome portion.
Using in Schools – Some teachers prefer to modify this assessment to include any one of the three major components. For example, one teacher may assesses just on the skill cues and tactics while another just on the outcome. This assessment is designed to be modified as needed.
Grading Table
Tl / % / Tl / % / Tl / % / Tl / % / Tl / % / Tl / % / Tl / % / % / % / Tl / % / Tl / % / Tl / % / Tl / %2 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
4 / 50 / 12 / 50 / 16 / 50 / 20 / 50 / 22 / 50 / 24 / 50 / 26 / 50 / 28 / 50 / 30 / 50 / 32 / 50 / 34 / 50 / 36 / 50
5 / 63 / 13 / 54 / 17 / 53 / 21 / 53 / 23 / 52 / 25 / 52 / 27 / 52 / 29 / 52 / 31 / 52 / 33 / 52 / 35 / 51 / 37 / 51
6 / 75 / 14 / 58 / 18 / 56 / 22 / 55 / 24 / 55 / 26 / 54 / 28 / 54 / 30 / 54 / 32 / 53 / 34 / 53 / 36 / 53 / 38 / 53
7 / 88 / 15 / 63 / 19 / 59 / 23 / 58 / 25 / 57 / 27 / 56 / 29 / 56 / 31 / 55 / 33 / 55 / 35 / 55 / 37 / 54 / 39 / 54
8 / 1 / 16 / 67 / 20 / 63 / 24 / 60 / 26 / 59 / 28 / 58 / 30 / 58 / 32 / 57 / 34 / 57 / 36 / 56 / 38 / 56 / 40 / 56
17 / 71 / 21 / 66 / 25 / 63 / 27 / 61 / 29 / 60 / 31 / 60 / 33 / 59 / 35 / 58 / 37 / 58 / 39 / 57 / 41 / 57
3 / 18 / 75 / 22 / 69 / 26 / 65 / 28 / 64 / 30 / 63 / 32 / 62 / 34 / 61 / 36 / 60 / 38 / 59 / 40 / 59 / 42 / 58
6 / 50 / 19 / 79 / 23 / 72 / 27 / 68 / 29 / 66 / 31 / 65 / 33 / 63 / 35 / 63 / 37 / 62 / 39 / 61 / 41 / 60 / 43 / 60
7 / 58 / 20 / 83 / 24 / 75 / 28 / 70 / 30 / 68 / 32 / 67 / 34 / 65 / 36 / 64 / 38 / 63 / 40 / 63 / 42 / 62 / 44 / 61
8 / 67 / 21 / 88 / 25 / 78 / 29 / 73 / 31 / 70 / 33 / 69 / 35 / 67 / 37 / 66 / 39 / 65 / 41 / 64 / 43 / 63 / 45 / 63
9 / 75 / 22 / 92 / 26 / 81 / 30 / 75 / 32 / 73 / 34 / 71 / 36 / 69 / 38 / 68 / 40 / 67 / 42 / 66 / 44 / 65 / 46 / 64
10 / 83 / 23 / 96 / 27 / 84 / 31 / 78 / 33 / 75 / 35 / 73 / 37 / 71 / 39 / 70 / 41 / 68 / 43 / 67 / 45 / 66 / 47 / 65
11 / 92 / 24 / 1 / 28 / 88 / 32 / 80 / 34 / 77 / 36 / 75 / 38 / 73 / 40 / 71 / 42 / 70 / 44 / 69 / 46 / 68 / 48 / 67
12 / 1 / 29 / 91 / 33 / 83 / 35 / 80 / 37 / 77 / 39 / 75 / 41 / 73 / 43 / 72 / 45 / 70 / 47 / 69 / 49 / 68
30 / 94 / 34 / 85 / 36 / 82 / 38 / 79 / 40 / 77 / 42 / 75 / 44 / 73 / 46 / 72 / 48 / 71 / 50 / 69
4 / 7 / 31 / 97 / 35 / 88 / 37 / 84 / 39 / 81 / 41 / 79 / 43 / 77 / 45 / 75 / 47 / 73 / 49 / 72 / 51 / 71
8 / 50 / 14 / 50 / 32 / 1 / 36 / 90 / 38 / 86 / 40 / 83 / 42 / 81 / 44 / 79 / 46 / 77 / 48 / 75 / 50 / 74 / 52 / 72
9 / 56 / 15 / 54 / 37 / 93 / 39 / 89 / 41 / 85 / 43 / 83 / 45 / 80 / 47 / 78 / 49 / 77 / 51 / 75 / 53 / 74
10 / 63 / 16 / 57 / 9 / 38 / 95 / 40 / 91 / 42 / 88 / 44 / 85 / 46 / 82 / 48 / 80 / 50 / 78 / 52 / 76 / 54 / 75
11 / 69 / 17 / 61 / 18 / 50 / 39 / 98 / 41 / 93 / 43 / 90 / 45 / 87 / 47 / 84 / 49 / 82 / 51 / 80 / 53 / 78 / 55 / 76
12 / 75 / 18 / 64 / 19 / 53 / 40 / 1 / 42 / 95 / 44 / 92 / 46 / 88 / 48 / 86 / 50 / 83 / 52 / 81 / 54 / 79 / 56 / 78
13 / 81 / 19 / 68 / 20 / 56 / 43 / 98 / 45 / 94 / 47 / 90 / 49 / 88 / 51 / 85 / 53 / 83 / 55 / 81 / 57 / 79
14 / 88 / 20 / 71 / 21 / 58 / 44 / 1 / 46 / 96 / 48 / 92 / 50 / 89 / 52 / 87 / 54 / 84 / 56 / 82 / 58 / 81
15 / 94 / 21 / 75 / 22 / 61 / 47 / 98 / 49 / 94 / 51 / 91 / 53 / 88 / 55 / 86 / 57 / 84 / 59 / 82
16 / 1 / 22 / 79 / 23 / 64 / 48 / 1 / 50 / 96 / 52 / 93 / 54 / 90 / 56 / 88 / 58 / 85 / 60 / 83
23 / 82 / 24 / 67 / 51 / 98 / 53 / 95 / 55 / 92 / 57 / 89 / 59 / 87 / 61 / 85
5 / 24 / 86 / 25 / 69 / 52 / 1 / 54 / 96 / 56 / 93 / 58 / 91 / 60 / 88 / 62 / 86
10 / 50 / 25 / 89 / 26 / 72 / 55 / 98 / 57 / 95 / 59 / 92 / 61 / 90 / 63 / 88
11 / 55 / 26 / 93 / 27 / 75 / 56 / 1 / 58 / 97 / 60 / 94 / 62 / 91 / 64 / 89
12 / 60 / 27 / 96 / 28 / 78 / 59 / 98 / 61 / 95 / 63 / 93 / 65 / 90
13 / 65 / 28 / 1 / 29 / 81 / 60 / 1 / 62 / 97 / 64 / 94 / 66 / 92
14 / 70 / 30 / 83 / 63 / 98 / 65 / 96 / 67 / 93
15 / 75 / 31 / 86 / 64 / 1 / 66 / 97 / 68 / 94
16 / 80 / 32 / 89 / 67 / 99 / 69 / 96
17 / 85 / 33 / 92 / 68 / 1 / 70 / 97
18 / 90 / 34 / 94 / 71 / 99
19 / 95 / 35 / 97 / 72 / 1
20 / 1 / 36 / 1
Tl = Total
Ultimate Frisbee Skill Performance Rubric, Class ______Period ______Date ______
Levels of Performance
4 = Advanced: execution perfectly aligns with proper performance expectations cited below
3 = Proficient: generally proficient but contains minor error(s)
2 = Basic: initial stage performance requiring several improvements
1 = Below basic: several obvious major errors
Game Components
1.Skill Execution:
Backhand Pass: ■ turn perpendicular to target ■ move Frisbee to rear/back position ■ step towards target■ point in direction of targetForehand Pass: ■ correct grip position ■ wrist recoil and release ■ step towards target / Catch: ■ position body for catch ■ close hand(s) in clamping motion down on Frisbee (not gator chomp)
2.Outcome: resultant of skill execution conforms to expected result
3. Tactics/Strategy:■ give and go
Name (first name, last initial) / Cue Execution / Outcome / Tactics/Strategy / Total / Trials / %Basketball Skill Performance Rubric, Class ______Period ______Date ______
Levels of Performance
4 = Advanced: execution perfectly aligns with proper performance expectations cited below
3 = Proficient: generally proficient but contains minor error(s)
2 = Basic: initial stage performance requiring several improvements
1 = Below basic: several obvious major errors
Game Components
1.Skill Execution:
Dribbling: ■ use fingertips (not palm)■ push ball to floor (do not slap) ■ dribble waist high or below ■ keep head upSet Shot: ■ square body to target with feet shoulder width apart ■ dominant hand positioned directly underneath ball with joints (shoulder, elbow wrist) at 90 degree angle ■ non-dominant hand positioned on side acting as guide only ■ extend all joints fully including wrist follow through / Pick and Roll (player setting pick): ■ position self at side of defender ■ protect vulnerable areas ■ after teammate clears pick reverse pivot to seal defender ■ move towards basket
Bounce Pass: ■ position hands approximately rear of ball in diamond pattern ■ step towards target ■ extend arms while snapping wrist so palms turn outward ■ bounce two-thirds way to target
2.Outcome: resultant of skill execution conforms to expected result
3. Tactics/strategy: ■ person to person defense (see ball carrier and assigned offensive player while staying between the two)
Name (first name, last initial) / Cue Execution / Outcome / Tactics/Strategy / Total / Trials / %Field Hockey Skill Performance Rubric, Class ______Period ______Date ______
Levels of Performance
4 = Advanced: execution perfectly aligns with proper performance expectations cited below
3 = Proficient: generally proficient but contains minor error(s)
2 = Basic: initial stage performance requiring several improvements
1 = Below basic: several obvious major errors
Game Components
1.Skill Execution:
Push pass: ■ face of stick directly contacting ball at start ■ step towards target ■ gradually accelerate stick towards target ■ finish “pointing” stick at targetFlick: ■ stick positioned against ball while touching ground simultaneously ■ arch stick under the ball ■ step towards target ■ move stick in upward motion / Reverse Dribble: ■ dominant hand approximately half way down stick ■ non-dominant hand acting as pivot near top ■ forward “crouched” posture ■ tap the ball in back and forth motion ■ “roll” stick over using top hand
Trap: ■ turn body parallel to incoming path of ball ■ position stick forward of center of body ■ gradually decelerate the ballwhile maintaining contact
2.Outcome: resultant of skill execution conforms to expected result
3. Tactics: ■ creating space to attack (V cut, L cut, jab step, change of direction)
Name (first name, last initial) / Cue Execution / Outcome / Tactics/Strategy / Total / Trials / %Soccer Skill Performance Rubric, Class ______Period ______Date ______
Levels of Performance
4 = Advanced: execution perfectly aligns with proper performance expectations cited below
3 = Proficient: generally proficient but contains minor error(s)
2 = Basic: initial stage performance requiring several improvements
1 = Below basic: several obvious major errors
Game Components
1.Skill Execution:
Dribbling: ■ apply force to ball with inside/outside/sole/laces ■ erect postureTrapping w/ Foot, Thigh or Chest: ■ footwork to prepare for trap ■ absorb shock of ball by withdrawing body part as contact is made ■ (sole trap only) tap down on ball with sole of foot / Passing with Inside or Outside of Foot: ■ plant non-kicking foot next to ball ■ pendulum swing of foot ■ strike ball with inside or outside of foot ■ follow through by pointing toe toward target
Shooting: ■ approaches ball at angle ■ chest over ball at contact ■ ankle firm, toes pointing down ■ contact with laces ■follow thru
2.Outcome: resultant of skill execution conforms to expected result
3. Tactics/Strategy: ■ supporting the ball carrier (move to open space, create passing lanes)
Name (first name, last initial) / Cue Execution / Outcome / Tactics/Strategy / Total / Trials / %Lacrosse Skill Performance Rubric, Class ______Period ______Date ______
Levels of Performance
4 = Advanced: execution perfectly aligns with proper performance expectations cited below
3 = Proficient: generally proficient but contains minor error(s)
2 = Basic: initial stage performance requiring several improvements
1 = Below basic: several obvious major errors
Game Components
1.Skill Execution:
Catching: ■ stick out ready to receive■adjust head (net section) to flight of ball■ give with ballPassing: ■ hand position bottom and half way■ step towards target■ pull in with non-dominant hand while dominant hand extends (“hinge” motion)■ point towards target / Scooping: ■ bend at waist and knees (“get low”)■ position stick mostly parallel to ground■ jab (quick motion) stick underneath ball■ keep head close to body
Cradling: ■ rotate stick 180 degrees ■ use centrifugal force to keep in pocket ■ one hand rotates while other acts as pivot
2.Outcome: resultant of skill execution conforms to expected result
3. Tactics/strategy: ■ throwing to a moving target
Name (first name, last initial) / Cue Execution / Outcome / Tactics/Strategy / Total / Trials / %