Library stock - 12665 (on 31st August 2010)

Library is subscribing 06News-papers for Secondary and 02 newspapers for Primary. Among them some Educational periodicals- Akshay Urja, Education digest, etc…

Book selection is done thrice a year through book fairs conducted with in the school as well as outside and directly from shops

Library Periods

Every class are having library period once in a week for 6-8 class and twice a week forhigher classes. Students use the general periodicals and other books for generalreading. They are keeping one Library notebook for book review.

Circulation Details

Circulation is done everyday. Each student gets 3 books at time for a period of one weeks. A part from that if needed reference, books and even back volumes of periodicals are also issued for overnight reading are also issued.

For staff 10 books are issued at a time for a period of one month other than the textbooks. Text books are given for the whole academic year.

Library automation:

It has been completed on 31st July 2010 with bar-coding total of 12658 books have been done. Students and teachers ID cards also barcoded. OPAC is maintained for searching.

Library Organization: Library is well organized in two sections as tax section and reading section.

A suggestion box is fixed outside the library for the purpose of suggesting useful book which are not available in library.

Library committee meeting is conducted and minutes of themeeting also maintained properly.

Library Orientation

Orientation and instruction is given to the student monthly. Selected Book reviews are presenting in the morning assembly.

Library Bulletin Board is maintained with current topics. A career and Guidance corner also functioning.

Readers Club

Reader’s club is formed with 4 students from each class. And this Club is conducting various programs and competitions related with various situations. The following are some of the programs held in library incorporated with the readers club.

1)Inauguration of reader’s club by G. Mendeas- corporate trainee of words-worth institution of creative development.

2)Independence Day celebration- quiz on freedom struggle.

3)Book Fair by Newlight Publishers.

4)Book review reading in assembly

5)Teacher’s day celebrations- essay writing on “what a teacher meant to you” for seniors and “your favorite teacher for juniors”.


Web OPAC provided in the Library site is enough to know about the resources of Library online.