Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River

Position Description

National Canoe Safety Patrol
Job Title: / National Canoe Safety Patrol Volunteer
Deadline for Application: / On-going
Job Description: / As a volunteer in the National Canoe Safety Patrol (NCSP), the primary responsibility will be to patrol the Upper Delaware River. During patrols volunteers will be assigned to areas of the river with high visitor use, and/or hazard potential. Due to the nature of the positon, there will always at least two members of NCSP on each patrol. The purpose of the National Canoe Safety Patrol is twofold: to make positive and informative contacts with park visitors, and to assist park visitors in need of assistance. Boaters and swimmers on the Upper Delaware River range in skill and experience level. NCSP members are expected to: provide informational services to visitors, manage the river traffic as needed to ensure visitor safety, directly support NPS rangers with river patrol and rescue related functions as required. All members are required to participate in a jointly sponsored NCSP/National Park Service training at the beginning of the season.
Benefits: / NCSP volunteers are provided camping facilities, training opportunities, award incentives and recognition, and Volunteer-in-Park hats& patches.
Qualifications: / Due to the nature of the position, volunteers are required to be able to perform the following skills after completing the required NCSP training session. Members must have the knowledge and ability to use appropriate watercraft (kayak/canoe) in a free flowing river environment. Additionally members must have, or develop, the ability to: use river safety/rescue equipment (such as life jackets, throw bags, etc.), basic first aid and river rescue techniques, basic familiarity with the river’s geography (i.e. public access, distance between key areas of the river, and areas of high traffic on the river), knowledge of NPS radio procedures, and basic knowledge of the organization’s role and status on the Upper Delaware River.
Volunteers are required to provide their own equipment to perform assigned river and program duties. Equipment required includes: appropriate water craft (canoe/kayak), life jackets, paddles, throw bags, knives, carabiners, whistles and other equipment deemed necessary by the NCSP/NPS to safely perform the duties assigned.
The work environment is varied depending on the season, but volunteers will spend almost all of their time on the river, doing boat patrols. During the spring, hypothermia can be an issue, and the Delaware River has rapids up to Class III on the International Scale of River Difficulty. In the summer temperatures average 80˚- 90˚, often accompanied by high humidity.
Time Commitment: / Each volunteer commits to contributing a minimum of four days to NCSP when they join the organization. To stay active in the organization, each member must complete their service between the beginning of the season on the first week of May, and the end of the season on October 31.
How To Apply: / Please contact Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River’s Volunteer Coordinator, Ingrid Peterec for more information.
Contact Information: / Volunteer Coordinator: / Park & NCSP Liaisons:
Ingrid Peterec
Upper Delaware S&RR
274 River Road
Beach Lake, PA 18405
Phone: 570-685-4871 ext. 6605 / Ingrid Peterec
Kevin Reish
Upper Delaware S&RR
274 River Road
Beach Lake, PA 18405
Phone: 845-557-0222 ext. 4405

Last updated 03/06/16