Curriculum Explanation & Description


Curriculum Explanation

*The course titles and topic numbers are a listing of those courses which have been
identified, when compared with the AZ POST Basic Training Curriculum, as not
having been covered sufficiently during the various Military Police Training
Programs throughout all Branches of the Military.

*Most of the hours listing show two numbers; the one to the left of the / is the number
of hours of instruction for the MPTTP. The number to the right of the / is the
number of hours listed in the AZ POST Model Lesson Plans for those topics.

*The incl. practical’s column identifies the demonstration P.O.’s within the normal
course of instruction.

*There are 24 hours built into the schedule for the normal demonstration P.O.’s. This can be used for Firearms Qualifications, the items identified within the lesson plans and also any of P.O.’s within: 8.1 – First Aid, 8.2 – Firearms and/or 8.5 – Defensive Tactics the Academy Staff deem necessary.

*High Risk Stops and Pursuit Operation demonstrations have their own individual
hours in the schedule and could be combined with the 24 hours available.

*Physical Conditioning (8.3) is supplemental and because it isn’t tested for
graduation requirements, serves as a good preparation for passing the POPAT

*The schedule for this MP Transition Training Program is a tight 9 week schedule
with 360 hours of instruction and testing. There are no hours built in for some of the
activities and additional instruction found in the AZ POST Basic Training

*While the schedule includes the CFE, the schedule will need to be organized to
accommodate any CFE Re-Test that may be needed. Passing the CFE without
receiving the actual instruction for every mandated P.O. will be a challenge and
therefore, the eight hours for CFE Review is of the upmost importance.

*Because the schedule doesn’t include the hours needed for the graduation, hopefully
the graduation can be scheduled in the evening in order for these Veterans to be
properly honored for completing this transition from MP the AZ Law Enforcement.


Curriculum Description

Course TitleNumberHoursIncl. Practicals

Ethics & Professionalism1.5 4/6

Stress Management1.6 3/6

Laws of Arrest2.215/15

Search & Seizure2.316/18

Rules of Evidence2.4 6/6

Civil Process2.6 2/2

Juvenile Law & Procedures2.8 4/4

Constitutional Law2.10 6/6

Substantive Criminal Law2.11 26/26

Liability Issues2.12 4/4

Patrol & Observations3.1 8/9

Domestic Violence3.3 12/123.3.10

Crimes in Progress3.5 10/10

Hazardous Materials3.10 8/8

Bias Crimes3.11 2/2

Fires3.12 2/2

Civil Disputes3.13 1/1

Impaired Driver Cases4.1 12/124.1.8,4.1.16, 4.1.17,

Traffic Collision Investigation4.3 12/124.3.8, 4.3.11,

Traffic Collision Practical4.4 8/84.4.1, 4.4.2, 4.4.3


Substantive Traffic Law4.6 15/15

Crime Scene Invest. Practical5.2 4/45.2.1

Physical Evidence Procedures5.3 6/65.3.6

Fingerprinting Practical5.5 4/45.5.1

Death Investigations5.7 4/4

Organized Crime Activity5.8 8/8

Narcotics/Dangerous Drugs5.10 8/8

Cultural Awareness6.1 4/8

Victimology6.2 3/3

Interpersonal Communication6.3 4/12

Crime Prevention6.4 4/4

Police & the Community6.5 4/4

Report Writing7.1 14/287.1.3

High Risk Stops8.4 8/8

Pursuit Operations8.7 14/14

Proficiencies8.1-8.2-8.5-8.6 51

Final Practicals (CAPS)x.x 24All Demonstration

Review for CFE9.1 8

Weekly Tests9.2 5

CFE9.3 7

Total Hours 360
