School Name:

Due 9/2/16 to Teaching Learning

Step 1: Review 15-16 School Imp. Plan Reflection
Step 2: Executive Summary
Step 3: School Improvement Plan
___ CCPRI Goal
___ Academic/Instructional Goal
___ Climate Goal
Step 4: Growth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP Courses
Step 5: Continuous, Job-Embedded Prof. Learning Plan
Step 6: 16-17 SIP Reflection due Friday, June 16, 2017
Chattahoochee Elementary 2015-18 Executive Summary9/1/16
Continuous Improvement Goals / AdvancED Standards
(Check all that apply) / Learner Profile
(Check all that apply) / Support from FCS Depts.*
(List all that apply)
1. Chattahoochee will increase the student growth percentage in all four subject areas as measured by CCRPI growth measures. / Purpose & Direction / x / Pursue Continuous Learning / Teaching and Learning
Technology and Information Services
Educational Leadership
Human Resources
Governance & Leadership / x / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
x / Teaching & Assessing for Learning / x / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Resources & Support Systems / x / Engage & Contribute
x / Using Results for Continuous Improvement / x / Interact Effectively
Academic / Instructional Goal
ELA GA Milestones Below the Stretch Band Lexile Distribution scores will show a decrease from the 2016 scores to the 2017 scores. / Purpose & Direction / x / Pursue Continuous Learning / Teaching and Learning
Technology and Information Services
Educational Leadership
Human Resources
Governance & Leadership / x / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
x / Teaching & Assessing for Learning / x / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Resources & Support Systems / x / Engage & Contribute
x / Using Results for Continuous Improvement / x / Interact Effectively
Climate Goal
3. Chattahoochee will work with all Stakeholders to build a positive school culture that supports the characteristics described in the Learner Profile; improvements will be documented by an increase in the CCRPI School ClimateDomain. / Purpose & Direction / Pursue Continuous Learning / Teaching and Learning
Technology and Information Services
Educational Leadership
Human Resources
Governance & Leadership / x / Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities
x / Teaching & Assessing for Learning / x / Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking
Resources & Support Systems / x / Engage & Contribute
x / Using Results for Continuous Improvement / x / Interact Effectively
* FCS Departments: Educational Leadership, Facilities, Finance & Operations, Food & Nutrition Services, Human Resources, Public Information & Communications, School Safety & Discipline, Special Education, Student Support Services, Superintendent, Teaching & Learning, Technology & Information Services, and Transportation
2016-17 School Improvement Plan
Chattahoochee will increase the student growth percentage in all four subject areas as measured by CCRPI growth measures.
2016 Chattahoochee Mean SGP of 62 will increase to 65.5 by 2017
2016 Chattahoochee Mean ELA SGP of 63 will increase to 65 by 2017
2016 Chattahoochee Mean Math of 66 will increase to 70 by 2017
2016 Chattahoochee Mean Science SGP of 55 will increase to 60 by 2017
2016 Chattahoochee Mean Social Studies SGP of 64 will increase to 66 by 2017
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Grade level administration of common formative and summative assessments with follow up Data Team collaboration on results and next steps for teaching and learning facilitated by Instructional Coaches with reports generated to EIP, support teachers and Administration. / If teachers align instruction to standards, review common assessments before instruction and use data from assessments to inform instruction, then student achievement should rise as well as teacher knowledge of the standards and integration of best teaching practices. / 1-3 years / Certified teachers
support personnel
Instructional Coaches
EIP, ESOL, SE staff
ITS, and Administration
Two hour scheduled weekly professional development for grade level teachers and support personnel with Instructional Coaches and ITS facilitation. / If teachers participate in weekly professional development to increase content knowledge and best practices, then student achievement and teacher efficacy should rise. / 1-3 years / Certified teachers
support personnel
Instructional Coaches
EIP, ESOL, SE staff
Kindergarten Paraprofessionals
ITS, Administration
Science and Social Studies integrated into ELA/Reading instruction in Daily 5/Café framework for balanced literacy with technology a key component of the teaching and learning activities. / If teachers integrate Science, Social Studies and technology content into ELA and reading instruction then student engagement should increase as well as student achievement. / 1-3 years / Certified teachers
Support personnel
Instructional Coaches
EIP, ESOL, SE staff
Media Specialist and ITS
Full implementation of new FCSS K-5 math curriculum, enVision, and dreamBox personalized online math curriculum / If teachers fully implement the new enVision math curriculum, and personalize student learning with dreamBox online program then student engagement should increase as well as student achievement. / 1-3 years / Certified teachers
Support personnel
Instructional Coaches
EIP, ESOL, SE staff
Media Specialist and ITS
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
SMART Goals will be monitored with Interim scores, formative and summative common assessments, F and P levels, Gloss assessments, Data Team grade level meetings setting strategy groups for re-teaching, weekly professional development, observations by instructional coaches and administration, data team presentations, Fast Bridge and report card grades
Academic / Instructional Goal:
ELA GA Milestones Below the Stretch Band Lexile Distribution scores will show a decrease from the 2016 scores to the 2017 scores.
ELA GA Milestones Below the Stretch Band Lexile Distribution will decrease from the 2016 scores to the 2017 scores.
Grade / 2016 / 2017
5th / 14% Below the Stretch Band, 830L / 10% Below the Stretch Band, 830L
4th / 14% Below the Stretch Band, 740L / 10% Below the Stretch Band, 740L
3rd / 16% Below the Stretch Band, 520L / 8% Below the Stretch Band, 520L
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
Reading comprehension strategieswill be explicitly taught in weekly professional development facilitated by the Literacy Coach.
Close-reading – critical thinking and interaction with the text; inferencing; metacognitive questioning / If students are fluidly ability grouped based on standardize testing, current F & P levels, bi-weekly running records, common assessments, EIP/SPED/Gifted/ESOL services, classroom performance and teachers utilize a data notebook to track student progress and guide instruction, then student achievement will increase. / 1-3 years / Certified teachers
Support personnel
Instructional Coaches
EIP, ESOL, SE staff
Media Specialist and ITS
Problem Based Learning (PBL) – Lessons are designed collaboratively to integrate social studies, science, and ELA curriculum to create literature rich classrooms. / If lessons are integrated then student interest and engagement is increased and student achievement will increase. / 1-3 years / Certified teachers
Support personnel
Instructional Coaches
EIP, ESOL, SE staff
Media Specialist and ITS
Limited whole group instruction is paired with data driven, differentiated, intense and explicit small group teaching. / If instruction is differentiated and targeted toward student needs, then student engagement and achievement should increase. / 1-3 years / Certified teachers
Support personnel
Instructional Coaches
EIP, ESOL, SE staff
Media Specialist and ITS
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
SMART Goals will be monitored with Interim scores, formative and summative common assessments, F and P levels and movement from one reading level to the next, Data Team grade level meetings setting strategy groups for re-teaching, weekly professional development, observations by instructional coaches and administration, data team presentations, Fast bridge, and report card grades
Climate Goal:
Chattahoochee will work with all Stakeholders to build a positive school culture that supports the characteristics described in the Learner Profile; improvements will be documented by an increase in the CCRPI School Climate Domain.
The Chattahoochee CCRPI School Climate rating will increase from 93.4 in 2015 to 94.6 by the end of the 2016-17 school year.
Actions, Strategies and Interventions
(Includes Prof. Learning Plan) / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Timeline / Resources Needed?
Who is Responsible?
7 Mindsets implementation with staff, students and parents through monthly K-5 vertical student clubhouse meetings, faculty meetings, itsLearning 7 Mindsets Folder, Mindset Mondays, and Wisdom Wednesdays announcements. / If students, staff and parents are immersed in the 7 Mindset culture and expectations for healthy lifestyle choices then the students, staff and parents should be more engaged in the school, form positive relationships with staff and want to come to school. / 1-3 years / School staff
Student Support Services
Bi-monthly parent informational meetings, Brown Bag Lunch or Coffee and Conversation, and a monthly updated itsLearning 7 Mindset folder / If parents are kept informed of school news, upcoming events, and the 7 Mindsets clubhouse meetings and activities then the School Climate Rating should increase as parents will feel more informed and a part of the school. / 1-3 years / School staff
Student Support Services
Daily K-5 check in attendance groups, 3, 6, and 9 week attendance recognition and Every Minute Counts board posted with numbers of the previous day’s tardies, absences and early checkouts for students, staff and parents to view.
Teachers, counselors, office staff and administrators call home for each student absence over 5. / If staff meets with students identified as missing 8 or more days of school each morning, and students receive rewards and recognition for coming to school, then student attendance should increase. If teachers and parents see daily reminders of the number of students missing all or part of school and staff calls parents of students missing more than 5 days then student attendance should improve. / 1-3 years / Teachers
Instructional Coaches
Student Support Services
Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year:
SMART Goals will be monitored by weekly attendance postings, monthly Share Team meetings including the Social Worker, Counselors and Administration, attendance reports, RTI meetings, students completing The 7 Mindsets assignments, staff observation and student participation at clubhouse meetings, attendance check in group 20 day challenge data, and by teacher feedback on classroom/school culture.
Growth Measure for Teachers of Non-SGP Courses
School mean SGP.
Implementation Plan
Non-SGP teachers will support writing across the curriculum and are aligning their work to raising student achievement measured by the school mean SGP.
Continuous, Job-Embedded Professional Learning Plan
Professional Learning Goal(s):
Professional Development is intentionally planned and facilitated to support the FCSS Learner Profile and specifically our three school improvement goals. Academic as well as Social/Emotional goals are addressed as Chattahoochee Elementary works together to build a culture of care, respect, and excellence where everyone achieves to their utmost potential.
Timeline: Dates/Hours
(Add/Modify as Needed) / Professional Learning Actions, Strategies and Interventions / Impact on Student and Adult Behavior
(“If…then...” Statements) / Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s):
NEO/SLO (K-3), July 25 / School policies and procedures, Technology, and Balanced Literacy / If staff is aware of school and district policies, procedures and expectations and have on-going support in their work, then staff will be able to work collaboratively to create quality work aligned to standards and the Learner Profile. / Increased Student Achievement and alignment to the Learner Profile:
Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
NEO (K-12), July 26-27 / Champion programs for Student Success, TONE, / If staff is aware and adept at using and integrating technology, then the work load will be manageable, communication effective, and students will be engaged in work that is rich with quality technology uses and application. / Increased Student Achievement and alignment to the Learner Profile:
Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
Preplanning, July 28-29 & Aug. 1-3 / Ethics, Safety, Mandated Reporting, The Learner Profile, Service Learning Back Pack for Champs, Social and Emotional Learning and TKES / If staff is aware of school and district policies, procedures and expectations and have on-going support in their work, then staff will be able to work collaboratively to support students with social emotional and academic learning, as well as make best decisions regarding student safety. / Increased Student Achievement and alignment to the Learner Profile:
Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
Early Release/Prof. Dev., Aug. 31 / AdvancED School Accreditation
Directionality / If staff is aware of school academic and perceptual data and can align the work of the school with AdvancED Standards, then the staff will have a comprehensive view of strengths and areas of growth for school improvement. / Increased Student Achievement and alignment to the Learner Profile:
Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
Prof. Dev., Oct. 21 / Building the “perfect school” for Champions; looking into the future!
Balancing academics and SEL to answer the calling of the Learner Profile / If the staff works together to grow in understanding of the foundational tenants of social emotional learning and how SEL and academics are balanced for student success, then students and teachers will be more satisfied at work and academic achievement should increase. / Increased Student Achievement and alignment to the Learner Profile:
Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
2016-17 Weekly Learning Team Schedule
-Professional Development and Data Review-
Week of Aug. 29thLiteracy Folder Expectations / F and P and Writing Data Collection Process
Week of Sept. 5thData Notebook 3rd-5th; Pensieves K-2nd; Grade Level Data Review
Week of Sept. 12thLiteracy Resources
Week of Sept. 19thGrade Level Data Review and planning
Week of Oct. 3rdRunning Records SMV
Week of Oct. 11thGrade Level Data Review and planning
Week of Oct. 24thBalanced Literacy / Lexiles
Week of Oct. 31stGrade Level Data Review and planning
Week of Nov. 7thBalanced Literacy/ Modeled Reading / Close Reading /Questioning
Week of Nov. 14thGrade Level Data Review and Planning
Week of Nov. 29thF and P administration - Running Records SMV-Lexiles
Week of Dec. 6thGrade Level Data Review and planning
Week of Dec. 13thBalanced Literacy / Writing Conferences / Shared Writing
Week of Jan. 9thMid-Year Writing portfolio review and planning
Week of Jan. 16thGrade Level Data Review and planning
Week of Jan. 23rdLiteracy Resources and Technology for differentiated instruction
Week of Jan. 30thCafé and strategy groups- Lexiles
Week of Feb. 6thPersonalized Learning
Week of Feb. 13thGrade Level Data Review and planning
Week of Feb. 20thReading strategies and strategy grouping for GAM and EOC
Week of Feb. 27thGrade Level Data Review and planning
Week of Mar. 6thReading Strategies and Lexile review
Week of Mar. 13thGrade Level Data Review and planning
Week of Mar. 20thStudent Led Conferences
Week of Mar. 28thGrade Level Data Review and planning
Week of April 10thWriting portfolio grading and planning for instruction
Week of April 17thGrade Level Data Review and planning
Week of April 24thGeorgia Milestones no PD scheduled
Week of May 2ndGrade Level Data Review and planning
Week of May 8thStudent feedback, goal setting, and personalized learning plan
Week of May 15thGrade Level Data Review of F and P data
Week of May 22ndLiteracy Folder Review and turn-in
Prof Dev., Jan. 4 / Social and Emotional Learning, The 7 Mindsets; building relationships in our club houses / If the staff works together to grow in understanding of the foundational tenants of social emotional learning and how SEL and academics are balanced for student success, then students and teachers will be more satisfied at work and academic achievement should increase. / Increased Student Achievement and alignment to the Learner Profile:
Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
Prof. Dev., Feb. 21 / Social and Emotional Learning, The 7 Mindsets; connecting passions with possibilities in our clubhouses / If the staff works together to grow in understanding of the foundational tenants of social emotional learning and how SEL and academics are balanced for student success, then students and teachers will be more satisfied at work and academic achievement should increase. / Increased Student Achievement and alignment to the Learner Profile:
Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
Post Planning, May 30-31 / EOY Data Presentations and Goal Setting for 2017-2018 / If the staff works together to grow in understanding of the foundational tenants of social emotional learning and how SEL and academics are balanced for student success, then students and teachers will be more satisfied at work and academic achievement should increase. / Increased Student Achievement and alignment to the Learner Profile:
Pursue Continuous Learning
Exhibit Strong Personal Qualities Utilize Creative & Critical Thinking Engage & Contribute
Interact Effectively
2016-17 School Improvement Plan Reflection
Please provide a short reflection summary for each goal listed below. (Did you meet your goals? Why or why not? What were your strengths / weaknesses? Did you monitor your goals throughout the year? If so, then how? Did you revise your goals throughout the year? If so, then why? What can be improved?)
Academic / Instructional Goal
Climate Goal