Fall Creek Fitness Center

Facility Policies and Guidelines

The Fall Creek Fitness Center was developed to meet the challenging needs of today’s health and fitness-conscious Fall Creekresident. We are pleased to offer a variety of equipment for cardiovascular, strength and flexibility training.

For the safety and comfort of center patrons, the following policies and guidelines have been established and approved by the Fall CreekHomeowners Association Board of Directors. The Fall Creek Board of Directors reserves the right to add or amend these policies and guidelines as needed.

Fitness Center Hours

  • 4:00 am to 11:00 pm.


  • Access to the fitness center will be through the door located on the Southeast side of the Sales Office.
  • Fall Creek residents will use the pool key fob or ID card to access the Fitness Center. You must be in good standing with the Fall Creek HOA to use the Fitness Center.
  • For the safety of those entering, please do not open the door to provide access to other residents. The card reader keeps a record of who has entered the Fitness Center.

Instructions for Use of Member’s Fob and/or Card

  1. Pass the Fob or card on the electronic reader located on the right side of the entrance door (if you are facing the door).
  2. Immediately after passing the card or Fob, the door will unlock for you to enter.
  3. The red strobe light will then flash to remind you to repeat the process on the inside; again the reader is located on your right. IF YOU DO NOT REPEAT THE PROCESS, WITHIN THIRTY SECONDS, THE ALARM WILL GO OFF AND THE POLICE WILL BE DISPATCHED.
  4. If you are responsible for setting off a false alarm any fee from the Harris County Sheriff’s Department will be added to your HOA account.

Please note that upon exiting these doors, you will not be able to re-enter unless you have your Fob or ID Card. You may exit without utilizing your Fob or ID Card. However, you will need to follow the same steps above to re-enter.


  • Fall Creek residents are allowed one guest. You must be an adult (21 or older) to bring a guest into the Fitness Center.
  • No personal trainers are allowed.


  • At the Fall Creek Fitness Center, we strive to create an environment that is visually pleasing, yet comfortable and safe for all. We ask that residents use their best judgment in choices for attire at the Center. Attire should not be overly revealing, and fabrics or accessories should not cause damage to the fitness equipment.Appropriate fitness attire including shirts and shoes are required at all times in the Center.

Food & Beverages

  • No food or beverage items, except water, are permitted in the Fitness Center. Glass containers are not permitted.

General Fitness Center Policies

  • The weight room is equipped with two televisions that have been preset.
  • Please adhere to a 30-minute time limit on cardio equipment when others are waiting.
  • Return all cardio equipment to zero speed and elevation (where applicable) after use. Never exit a treadmill with the belt still moving or step onto one with a moving belt.
  • Perform weightlifting exercises properly, safely and under control at all times. Please do not drop or slam weights.
  • When performing more than one set on weight equipment, please allow others to “work in” between your sets.
  • As a courtesy, please towel off each piece of equipment or weight bench after use and return all dumbbells, weight plates, and handles to racks after use.
  • Youth ages 14-16 are permitted to use the weight room only when present with a parent or guardian over the age 21 and must be under the direct supervision of parent/guardian at all times. Youth under age 14 are not permitted in the weight room.
  • Youth ages 17-20 may use the weight room without a parent/guardian, but may NOT bring a guest.
  • Please plan yourwork out time to where you are leaving the room no later than 10:30 pm.
  • Fall Creek patrons are entitled to a respectful and courteous environment – loud, offensive, abusive, profane, or bothersome behavior will result in suspension or prohibition from Fitness Center use.
  • Residents are reminded to only bring necessary belongings into the Center and to keep these belongings in their own safekeeping. Fall Creek HOA is not responsible for the loss or damage to personal property brought into the center or on the Fall Creek property.
  • Any resident failing to abide by these Fall Creek Fitness Center Guidelines and Policies may be subject to suspension or termination of rights to use the center facility. This decision will be at the discretion of the Fall CreekHOA Board of Directors.
  • Smoking and alcoholic beverages are not permitted in the Fitness Center or on the grounds surrounding the Fitness Center.
  • Any person using the Fitness Center and its facilities must sign and have on file a release waiver prior to fob or ID card activation.

Fall Creek Fitness Center

Release & Waiver of Liability


Acknowledgement of Receipt of

Weight Room Access Information

Release & Waiver of Liability

I recognize that participation in athletic/fitness related activities include the possibility of injury. By my signature below, I hereby voluntarily assume all such risks and I waive, on behalf of myself and my heirs and to the extent allowable under the law, any claim(s) against Fall Creek HOA, Fall Creek Development Partners, L.P., FCW, Ltd. and East Fall Creek, L.L.C. for any injury or illness that may directly or indirectly result from my use of equipment and programs at the Fall Creek Fitness Center.

I understand it is my responsibility to consult with a physician prior to and regarding my participation in physical activity. I hereby state that I am physically able and have no medical condition which would prevent my participation in physical activities at the Fall Creek Fitness Center.

I, my successors, heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, and assigns hereby agree to release, indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Fall Creek Homeowners Association, Inc., Fall Creek Development Partners, L.P., FCW, Ltd., East Fall Creek, L.L.C., each of the foregoing entities’ officers, directors, employees, agents insurers, contractors, subcontractors of any level and any of their successors, assigns, affiliates, sister and parent companies, partners, subsidiaries, and interrelated companies (collectively, the “Association Group”) from and against all claims, damages, causes of action (including attorneys’ fees) arising out of or resulting from my, or my invitees’, guests’, or licensees’ presence in or use of, directly or indirectly, the Fall Creek Fitness Center, including loss of use or damage to property or bodily injury, illness and/or death caused to any person including myself, my children, members of my family, or my invitees or licensees whether caused by the sole, joint, comparative or contributory negligence of the Association Group.


I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above Release and Waiver of Liability, and the Fall Creek Fitness Center Weight Room Access Information provided by Fall Creek Homeowners Association, Inc. I voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions stated above.

Printed Name:

Signature: Date:



DATE: ______

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