IllinoisAfterSchool Network Board Minutes
February 2, 2012
Springfield, Illinois
10 am – 12 pm
Board members in attendance:
Chris Bzdon, Julie Dakers, Queen Drake, Terri Eppinger, Carole Franke, Stacie Haley, Deb Jaye, Alice Kirby, Gail Meisner, Camille Sheriff,Tony Stahl, Jaime Stephanidis and Curtis Peace, Executive Director.
A quorum was present.
Proxies: Carol Franke acting as proxy for Tammy McCullough and Julie Dakers acting as proxy for Camille Sheriff.
Tour:The conference area in the PrairieCapitolConvention center was toured. Locations of registration table and session rooms were shown, and suggested signs leading to the tunnel were discussed.
Call to order: Stacie Haley, Board President, called the scheduled IAN Boardmeeting to order at 10:46 a.m.
Alice Kirby was welcomed to the board.
I. Minutes of the October 6, 2011Board MeetingStacie Haley, Board President tabled the minutes until the next meeting. If there are any updates they are to be sent to Stacie. The Motion to table the minutes was made by Carol Franke, seconded by Queen Drake. Motion carried. No discussion, all in favor, none opposed.
II. Approval of Agenda: The Agenda was approved. Motion to approve was made by Jaime Stephanidis, duly seconded by Terri Eppinger. Motion carried.
III. Financial Reports: Tony Stahl, Treasurer, walked the board through the financial sheets that were sent out with the board packet and explained the codes for the budget. He sent out notice to committees inquiring how they are doing on expenses. Gail Meisner asked for clarification of board vs DHS money. Curtis Peace offered to take the lead and state grant budget information with Gail and Terri Eppinger. Chris Bzdon asks the committees to remember to put monies in their budget lines to do mailings, etc.
Chris Bzdon developed a draft form that committees can use to report on their income and expenses. Bullet points of what happened, how to know of revenue that came in or was expended would make it nicer to see their goals right there according to the Strategic Plan. Stacie Haley agrees that this is a great asset and tool to see at budget time. Gail Meisner agreed that it is a great thing to have because it sets the internal controls process in place. Stacie thanked Tony Stahl, Chris Bzdon and Curtis for all of their hard work, especially working over the holidays. Tony thanked Stacie for keeping the process rolling and bringing common sense standard to discussion.
The Motion to enter it into record for future audits was made by Carol Franke, seconded by Alice Kirby. Motion carried. No discussion, all in favor, none opposed.
Stacie Haylee introduced Jason Jones, KEB, to speak on the Annual Audit Presentation.
Jason Jones has been serving us for the third year and reported no significant difficulties. There were a few audit adjustments, posted after trial balance by Mike Canny. Operations and funding was straight forward with no disagreements on auditing manners. Successful year for our organization was reported.
Advisory Comments: A chair or treasurer needs to sign off on the Executive Director’s reimbursements.Jason suggested that any check over $500.00 needs to have two signatures. Two checks written for one invoice should not be done again. After revisiting these logistical challenges, a change in Policy Manual is needed to reflect reality.
Carol suggests making a resolution to add a local additional signer, and to sign off on the Executive Director’s reimbursements. Stacie Haley will look to see in past minutes where a local board member was approved to. Jason Jones will send a pdf file of the 990 and said that all of the board members do not need to sign it. Curtis said he will forward a copy of the 990 out to the board members.
Curtis Peace said Mike Canny has suggested putting a draft copy of Spring Conference expenses in the finance committee. Curtis presented his Executive Director Summary report. He thanked Linda Flesch for being so organized and Tony Stahl and Chris Bzdon for assisting him with the budget.
The NAA doesn’t have associate members anymore, so IAN might have to spend money to change the IAN brochures.
Hopefully the next director for the NAA will be more inclusive with their affiliate members than they currently are.
Stacey Haley commented that we have a choice if we want to be associated with the NAA or not.
IV. Executive Director Report:
Office Matters
- Office Upgrades (clean carpet and sink cleaned)
- Monitoring bills (utilities and electricity) closely now that we are the sole tenants in the building.
- Please do not forget to copy me with projects that you are sending over to Linda. Thanks!
- Lisa Thompson will be meeting with Linda to transition over the membership information. Date TBA.
Financial Matters
- Bank account $88,126.14
- Account has been officially switched to non-profit business account
- Jason Jones, KEB will give a presentation- overview of findings
2012 Spring Conference:
- Website update (conference RFP, vendor form, registration form and FAQ are all posted on the website)
- Combo newsletter and conference registration booklet will be mailed out at the beginning of January
Current Numbers
7 registrations
3 vendors
1 conference sponsorship (O’Connor Mailing Service)
Other possible sponsorships (PNC Bank, IL AFC, etc)
2012 Spring Conference Line-up
Friday, May 4th
- Jason Leahy- Executive Director, Illinois Principals Association
- Julie Ewart, Director of Communications and Outreach, Region Five (5), U.S. Department of Education
Saturday, May 5th
- Kathy Ryg, President, Illinois Voices for Children
- Welcome – Two youth from Project SCOPE After School Program
- Entertainment- Springfield Urban League, After School/Youth Program
CONFIRMED- Senator Toi Hutchinson
NationalAfterSchool Association Update
Retirement of Paul Young- Transition plan
Sub-committee update
MOU meeting with sub-committee
I-SAY Leadership Team Meeting
Level One School Age Training meeting – Jan. 26th in Bloomington at INCCRRA office
Upcoming subcommittee meeting – Feb. 23rd or 28th
Leadership Team meeting – TBA
IDHS Advisory Council Meeting
Outcome- Race to the Top- Early Learning Challenge
Next meeting date: Wednesday, March 14th
ACT Now Coalition/Voices for Illinois Children
Update: Youth Development Council – The IAN has been appointed to the council!
Leadership Team meeting – January 23rd
Advocacy call- Jan. 27th (21st CCLC Waiver) – Call to action!
Upcoming face-to-face meeting in Feb?
PDAC Access and Outreach
Conference call on Jan. 25th
Marketing the Gateways systems to targeted areas
School Age update and overview of IASSP with key findings
Special thanks for Tammy for IASSP overview!
PDAC webinar on Feb. 10th
PDAC Stakeholder’s Meeting- April 13th
Meeting with Julie Swanberg @ INCCRRA
Met with Julie Swanberg on December 8th
Discussed the Gateways to Opportunity Registry – Registry Authorized Entity Pilot
Also, discussed the upcoming Spring Conference (presentation and vending area).
Meeting with Diane Gibson at Chicago Children’s Museum
Met with Diane, Community Outreach Coordinator at CCM on December 15th
Discussed strategic ways to work together in the near future partnering to market the programs that they offer.
Meeting with Adam Alonso at United Way of Metro Chicago
Meeting regarding new position and possible ways for us to work together in the future.
Meeting with the Illinois Children’s Mental Health Partnership
Conference call with Linda Delimata, Colette Lueck, Carole Franke and I on Friday, January 20th
Talked in detail about the ICMHP with a focus on offering a panel discussion for the partnership to better understand the field of After School and Youth Development.
Panel discussion dates – March or May? TBA
Feb. 2nd – COA After School Standards Updates Workgroup (conference call)
Feb. 9th – ESEA/NCLB Statewide Conference in Chicago
Feb. 10th – Policy call on ESEA Waivers
Feb. 15th – Meeting at Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago – Mr. McClure
Professional Development:
Regional Trainings
Trainings are being finalized. Attachment included.
City of Chicago- Department of Family and Support Services
To date, five workshops have been facilitated
We are off to a great start as reflected through the evaluations.
Upcoming training date: Tuesday, Feb. 7th (Topic: Science and Math)
Next fiscal year, we would like to secure a larger contract focusing on a relationship-based training project (similar to the IASSP).
AfterSchool Universe/Museum of Science and Industry
Follow up conference call with trainers on Wed. Jan. 18th to discuss next steps.
Meeting with new director (Marvin McClure) on Feb. 15th
Follow up meeting with Sarah Eyerman at NASA
Quarterly newsletter was mailed out to the field during the first week in January.
Website updates
All updates are current!
Interesting Numbers:
Year 2011 – 193,871 hits
Monthly average – 16, 155
(HM) June 33, 116
(HM) November 24, 374
January 2012 (to date): 12, 612
Spring Conference downloads: 108
United States 11, 997
Ukraine 140
Romania 123
Denmark 89
Apprx. 26 hits from other countries
Executive Committee report:
Stacie Haley spoke on lack of a secretary, concentrating on IAN staff job descriptions, board and staff responsibilities and suggested a vote later on secretary role on the table.
Governance Committee report:
Carole Franke is working on the minutes and a nominating committee for board officers. The chair of the committee is always the past president and Julie has agreed to it. Stacie suggested the president elect instead of the past president. Carole said the orientation was held in August and on February 24th with Alice Kirby and Tammy McCullough.Jan 24 met with mentors/mentor responsibility. They passed out Deb’s mentor/mentee agreement for feed back from all.Stacie announced that Deb wants a vote and motions to adopt it; Julie seconds and the motion passes. Discussion ensues how lenghthy the format looks and Carole suggests sending it back to Deb and the Governance Committee for consolidation.
CaroleFranke and Queen Drake are working on the policy and procedures manual.
Finance Committeereport:
Toni Stahl received the report. He met over the holidays with Chris, Stacie, Curtis to assist finalizing DHS contract for this fiscal year. He tells the board that they need to update the finance manual this year.We have a DHS grant with tasks associated with it. The finance committee makes a motion to add $500 for a financial advisor, Carole Franke seconds it.Motion passes to give finance committee $500.00
Discussion ensued: Chris Bzdonassures the board that they are not looking for an accountant. Most Executive Director’s don’t know finances, and they need to present a budget to approve. She knows a CFO for many years who is willing to do this in kind. He uses excellent wording and could meet a couple of times to provide the IAN with a basis to go forward to next year’s budget. The IAN is not using administration money the way they should. Dhiren Shah will be the finance consultant. Curtis said that Mike Canny will send him the budget grid, and he will in turn send it to Toni.
Resource Development report:
Stacie said there is no report; the Resource development committee is not present. Curtis met Rosie Dell, grant writer, and sent her a contract. They want to start this or next weekand Rosie will work hours up to $700 to put together templates.
Marketing Committee Report:
Stacie announced that it was a successful membership drive resulting in 39 new members. Membership was transitioned from Lisa to the IAN office.
Professional Development Committee Report:
Gail Meisner and Terri Eppinger were drafted as co-chairs. They gave minutes out, and they check in call every Friday to make sure we are on track. Gail Meisner made a motion to proceed with a needs assessment. Julie Dakers seconds the motion.
Conference committee Report:
The spring conference committee meets 2nd Friday of every month. There is a Conference chair call on Feb 10 at1pm.
Next IAN Board Meeting:
Toni Stahl made the motion to move the next Board meeting to April 12 at 10 am due to Curtis and Stacie being in Texas at the NAA conference on April 5. Terri Eppinger seconds the motion, all in favor, none opposed, the motion passes.
Stacie Haley motions that the IAN office coordinator is to take the minutes. Jaime seconds and the motion passes. The Officer Policy manual needs updated.
Adjournment: There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:36 p.m. on a motion byJulie Dakers, duly seconded by Jaime Stephanidis.
Note was made about Julie Daker’s new cell # 773-988-9859 and Alice Kirby cell # 217-474-6661.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Flesch
Linda Flesch, Transcriber