One night a group of friends attended a friend’s party the party was really hot everyone where dancing and having a good time. Then one friend went outside for air while the other’s stayed he felt something fishy was going on but he went back in. So the group of friend’s where still having a good time and then… And then a boy came up to the group of friends and asked one friend where are they from so one of the friend’s reply no where and just said their names. So one of the friends stood in front of all of then someone came out of nowhere and hit him. After that the friend and boy started to fight before anyone knew it the friend was jumped and every one else ran. So as the elder man cleared the party out the friend stood in shocked, as he had no one there for him. While the lady of the house screamed a young boy lead the friend to the back door as the boys tied to get in so the friend ran up the long dark street in search of a safe place. All a of sudden when the friend got to the end of the street all the boy was there waiting on him. So they jumped him again with a boy who the friend thought was an old long time friend so as the friend is getting jumped the boys who invited him just stood by and watch. As the friend is running down the street and getting jumped his shoe came off. Some of them look and some help with words but it didn’t work much. As he ran to a friend ‘s house The friend’s friend opened the door the friend was enchases to get in the house to see his face what a relieve it wasn’t that bad. The friend’s friend came out and all had scatter like cockroaches when the light came on. The friend was filled with so much angry and a range that shock even his friend. So the friend stormed out the house in search of who had put so much of a burden on the friend. The friend searched high and low and time went by and some people knew the friend stared a gang and took it out on whom? The ones who jumped him with so much remorse but now does you think it matter of course not. It was in fact that the friend feels disrespected knowing the knowing in which this was the time no Michael Jackson but this is it.