Argyll and Bute Council
Comhairle Earra Ghàidheal agus Bhòid
Community Services
Executive Director: Cleland Sneddon ______
Head Teacher: Mr Stephen Harrison Islay High School
School Street, Bowmore, Isle of Islay, PA43 7LS
Tel:01496 810 239 Fax: 01496 810 755
13th June 2017
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The Duke of Edinburgh Award is a highly regarded and internationally recognised scheme which develops independence, commitment, leadership, and teamwork. Achieving an award at any level requires significant commitment on the part of the young person and as a result builds confidence, dedication, and commitment. These are attributes that will benefit young people in school, life, and in the workplace.
The Award is available at 3 levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold, and beginning in June 2017 we will be offering S4-6 students the opportunity to work towards their Bronze Award.
The award consists of 4 sections which encourage participants to follow a programme which is challenging, varied, develops new skills, and is completely individual to them. Most of their activities must be completed outside class times with the exception of some expedition training which will be delivered in school.
The time requirement for the 4 sections of the Bronze Award are shown below:
Bronze Award Timescales
Volunteering / Physical / Skills / Expedition3 months
(average 1 hour a week) / 3 months
(average 1 hour a week) / 3 months
(average 1 hour a week) / Plan, train, and undertake at least 1 practice and 1 final expedition, each lasting 2 days and 1 night
All participants must undertake a further 3 months in the Volunteering, Physical, or Skills sections.
Students will get the support of Award Leaders and Mentors in school to make choices about their volunteering, physical, and skill activities and these will then be sent home for parents to confirm. Students who commit fully to the award and complete and log a minimum of 10 hours across their volunteering, physical, and skills sections by September 2017 will be able to begin their expedition training in October 2017. This will take place as a Core Option on Friday afternoons after the October break, and S4 will be permitted to select this instead of Core PE. Specific information about the expedition section will be sent home to parents at this stage.
To enrol your son/daughter on the Duke of Edinburgh Award, please complete and return the attached enrolment form with the £19 registration fee to the school office by Wednesday 21st June. Student will then be entered into the award, and will be given the support and information they require to get started on their award over the summer.
For more information on the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, please visit The introductory presentation shown to our students in Islay High School and lists of volunteering, physical, and skills activities can also be found on our school website under the Community section.
If you have any questions about these arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Priestly (Award Coordinator) or Ms Siddall (Expedition Supervisor).
Yours faithfully,
Karen Siddall
PT Student Support / DofE Expedition Supervisor