This form, with part 1 of the programme specification,should be submitted to the Portfolio Planning Group at later than three weeks prior to the meeting at which the proposal will be considered.

Subject to approval from the School Academic Scrutiny Committee (of the receiving school), the proposed Extended Masters Award is subject to further consideration and formal approval from the Portfolio Planning Groupwhich should receive this form, part 1 of the programme specification and any other information it may specify.

Course title(s)
SITS course code
(7 digits)
EMA subject route
Select ONE route / Business and Management
Art and Design
Computing, Engineering and Maths
Social Sciences
Extended Masters options / x / 12 week option
x / 8 week option
Other (provide details):
Please summarise discussions between the Course Leader, Language Institute Director and the EMA Subject Link Tutor about the proposed EMA course. Discussions should cover the criteria outlined in Table 1 at the end of this document. Please also outline any recommendations from the School Academic Scrutiny Committee relating to approval of this EMA course pathway.
Date of approval of proposal by School Academic Scrutiny Committee (SASC)
Course teams are required to provide the Marketing and Communications department with appropriate information to promote the course in the University prospectus and on the website. Please summarise outcomes of discussions with the Marketing Officer for ensuring that the University prospectus entry for the main course, and School websites, are updated.
Submitted by
To submit electronically, please print name and tick box
Signature/ Printed name[1]: / Tick box:
Course Leader
EMA Subject Link Tutor


Signature/ Printed name1: / Tick box:
Head of School/SASC Chair
Director, Language Institute
The Course Team and Language Institute should ensure that each element of the course and the needs of students have been accounted for. This will not be limited to, but include:
  1. A clear, mutual understanding over the responsibility and process for admissions to the language element
  2. A clear, mutual agreement that the proposed language element is sufficiently discipline-specific.
  3. A clear, mutual agreement on how students will be supported during the language element of the course.
  4. A clear, mutual agreement that there is sufficient space to support the programme, that timetabling has been considered and that there is sufficient staff support.
  5. A clear, mutual understanding of how students can progress from the language element to the main course; what the formal progression point will be, when an examination board will sit, and how referrals/deferrals will be managed.

Template updated: October 2017Page 1 of 2

[1] Type your name to submit this form electronically.