Provision of Construction Management Services for the Design
& Construction of
Piikani House and Kainai House
Exterior Replacement
University of Lethbridge Main Campus
4401 University Drive, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada T1K 3M4
Key Dates:
RFP Closing Date:Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. MDT on July 29, 2015
Anticipated Final Award Date:August 07, 2015
Anticipated ConstructionStart-up Period:May 01, 2016
**Please Submit Receipt Confirmation Form immediately**
(last page of this document)
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Table of Contents
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1.0Introduction...... 3
2.0Project Scope...... 3
3.0Instructions/Information to Proponents...... 4
4.0Requirement for Construction Management Services...... 5
5.0Form of Agreements...... 7
6.0Commercial Terms...... 7
7.0Proposal Submissions...... 7
8.0Ethical Tendering Policy...... 8
9.0Evaluation & Selection Process...... 8
10.0RFP Conditions & Instructions...... 9
11.0Insurance & Bonding Requirements...... 11
12.0Jurisdiction...... 12
13.0Definitions...... 12
Appendix AOccupational Health & Safety Program...... 14
Appendix BConstruction Management Reimbursement Rates Proposal Form..15
Appendix C Project Schedule...... 16
Appendix DConstruction Management Services Agreement...... 17
Appendix EReceipt Confirmation Form...... 23
Schedule 1Disclosure and Compliance Form...... 24
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© University of Lethbridge – Project Management Office - Facilities
Digital copies of this RFP and supplemental information are available by visiting our website at
The University of Lethbridge, hereafter referred to as the Owner or the University, invites construction management firms and their proposed teams to submit proposals to provide construction management services for the design phase and construction of replacement building exteriors for Piikani and Kainai House residence buildings. These residences are four story apartment buildings, each occupying a footprint of approximately 1260m2 situated on University owned land. The buildings accommodate 120 and 154 residents respectively.
Project Scope Schedule
Following condition assessments of the Piikani House Building Envelope by both Morrison Hershfield and Williams Engineering, a number of related exterior deficiencies with the building envelope components, including walls, sealants, windows, doors, roofs, and at-grade assemblies were reported. The report also acknowledges evidence that moisture infiltration is occurring through the building envelope, and the existing air and vapour barriers are not continuous. Recommended scope of work includes complete building envelope replacement, including damaged interior insulation, exterior gypsum sheathing board, and the EIFS (Exterior Insulation Finish System), and removal and replacement of windows with improved details. It is proposed to use a combination of masonry/stone, metal panels, and composite/cement board panels along with PVC windows.
Replacement of the roof is not currently included in the scope of this project.
Exterior lighting shall be upgraded to utilize proven energy efficiencies & today’s illumination standards.
Piikani House was built in 1989-90. The building is four stories, approximately 14 meters high; 81 meters long; 15.6 meters wide with an area of 5,500 m2. The construction consists of apartment style residential building having concrete columns, wall and floor system supported by concrete piles. The exterior includes an early version of an EIFS finish.
Kainai House is the sister building of Piikani House and has experienced similar issues with its building envelope. The scope of this project requires the same work to be completed on both buildings. This tender is for construction management services for the duration of design phase and construction on both buildings, as per the schedule below.
The schedule for the exterior wall & window replacement calls for construction of the project to begin mobilizing May 1, 2016 and to be completed by July 31, 2017. The successful Construction Manager will be required to review and confirm the schedule at the outset of the project and recommend adjustments that may be required to meet the Project timelines.
The various stages of the project are expected to begin as per the dates below:
Stage ISchematic Design (revisions/updates)August 2015
Stage IIDesign Development (revisions/updates)November 2015
Stage IIIConstruction Documents/TenderNovember 2015
Stage IVConstruction BeginsMay 2016
Phase I – Piikani House
Construction of the exterior wall & window replacement can start May 1, 2016. All residents will be moved out of spaces at latest by April 30, 2016. All work must be completed by Jul 31st, 2017.
Phase II – Kainai House
Construction of the exterior wall & window replacement can start May 1, 2017. All residents will be moved out of spaces at latest by April 30, 2017. All work must be completed by Jul 31st, 2018.
In addition, the project scope of this RFP is described within the limits of the following potential work constraints:
Rather than a constraint, the University has confirmed through P.H.H. Environmental in a campus report entitled ‘Asbestos Hazard Assessment & Inventory Survey Report (2003)’ that there is no asbestos in Piikani or Kainai House. However, should construction trades discover material containing asbestos in the course of this project, the University is prepared to investigate such claims and abate as required in interest of the project. Evaluations to proceed with abatement will be undertaken at the direction of the Project Manager.
Construction management services are required for the phases of design development, construction and tender documentation, the supervision of the tendering process, construction phase and on-going contract administration. It is expected that the construction manager will meet all proposed deadline stages and provide a professional standard of care.
Due to the University’s current budget limitations, construction management services are divided into two (2) phases. The first phase for preconstruction services is limited to design review and cost estimating at design development. Upon funding approval, it is intended to progress to include construction documentation and tender/award. The second stage will also comprise the construction and will include contract administration services for the strategies developed and contained in the contract documents.
The current scope of this project may be expanded to include repair/replacement of additional interior and exterior building components dependent upon provincial and institutional budgets. These items will be addressed through the change order process at that time.
The existing construction drawings for this Project will be reviewed which may result in some revisions. The current estimate of construction cost, including contingency and construction management fees, is $10 Million (Canadian currency).
Instructions/ Information to Proponents
This Request for Proposal, hereinafter referred to as the RFP, states the instructions for submitting proposals and the procedures and criteria by which a Proponent will be selected.
Proponents are to complete the attached “Receipt Confirmation Form” and fax to Materials Management at (403) 329-2080.
Response to the RFP must comply with the instructions that follow. Failure to do so may disqualify a bid response. Responses are to be submitted to Daryl Schacher, Manager of Materials Management, by 3:00 P.M. (MST) July 29, 2015. Electronic or faxed submissions are not accepted.
Two (2) copies of the proposal, in an envelope clearly identified as a response to RFP-S2015-2574 can be delivered to:
Daryl Schacher
Manager, Materials Management
Parkway Service Complex
The University of Lethbridge
4401 University Drive
Lethbridge, AB T1K 3M4
Listed below are the important events and target dates related to this RFP
a)Issue of RFP June 24, 2015
b)Inquiries up to July 24, 2015
c)Response Deadline3:00 p.m., July 29, 2015
d)Anticipated Award Date August 07, 2015
Responses must be received in the above office by 3:00 p.m. local time on July 29, 2015.
A legally authorized representative of the Proponent must sign responses to this RFP. The proposal must be submitted to the above office on or before the closing date and time. Proposals will be opened in private.
It is the responsibility of each proponent to make inquiries in order to clarify any requirements of this RFP that are not understood. This RFP assumes site familiarity by Proponents. Inquires must be received by July 24, 2015 to allow sufficient time to respond. When inquiries and answers are of a material nature and are non-proprietary, all Proponents will be copied with the information. Inquiries are to be directed to:
RFP Process
Daryl Schacher
Manager, Materials Management
Phone: (403) 329-2415
Technical Inquiries
Ed de Bruin
Project Manager, Project Management Office - Facilities
Phone: (403) 380-1843
The Selection Committee may choose to interview Proponents.
The following criteria (not necessarily equally weighted) will be used to evaluate the proposals:
.1Corporate Experience / Project Delivery Experience
.2Corporate Philosophy
.3Proposed Scope of Preconstruction Services
.4Understanding of the Project
.5 Personnel
.6 Commercial Terms
.7Bonding, WCB & Insurance
.8Proponent’s Qualification Statement
.9 Approach to Safety
.10 Other Strengths
The University reserves the right to clarify and/or negotiate final contract terms and conditions with the selected Proponent without reference to the other respondents or to issue post tender addenda to all Proponents with options to allow for any additions or deletions. This process is to provide the University with the flexibility it may require to arrive at a mutually acceptable agreement that will offer the University the best experience and value.
The submission of a proposal shall constitute an irrefutable representation that the Proponent has familiarized itself with all the conditions under which the services are to be provided and has agreed to all the terms and conditions of this Request for Proposal.
Prime Contractor Pre-qualification The selected Proponent will be required to pre-qualify under the terms of the University of Lethbridge Occupational Health & Safety Program and to fulfill the role of Prime Contractor. Refer to Appendix A for the list of documents that will be required for Pre-qualification.
In order to receive a uniform format of submissions from all Proponents the submissions shall address, in order, the elements set out in Section 3.6 Omission, inaccuracy or misstatement may be sufficient cause for rejection of the Proposal.
The University reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received. The U of L is not under any obligation to award a contract, and reserves the right to terminate the RFP process with all or any of the Proponents at any time.
All documents submitted to the University as a result of this RFP become the property of the U of L and as such shall be subject to the disclosure provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of Alberta.
Making the entire RFP proprietary or confidential shall be neither accepted nor honored. Proponents shall identify which portions of their proposal are confidential and what harm could reasonably be expected from disclosure of those portions. Every effort will be made to keep individual information confidential. Proponents shall be deemed to have agreed to these conditions by the submission of their proposal.
The University of Lethbridge will accept the successful proposal in writing.
The University shall not be liable for any costs of preparation or presentation of proposals
Amendments by Proponents to submitted proposals shall be received prior to the time fixed for receiving proposals.
The University may by addendum, extend the timeline for receiving proposals.
All those submitting proposals shall keep their proposals open for acceptance by the University for thirty (30) days after the closing date.
All addenda issued during the time of responding shall be referenced as being included in the Proposal.
3.17Early schematic design renderings and existing building photographs have been made available online at the following web address:
Click on RFP-S2015-2574
This site contains the relevant reference documents and the submission forms in MSWord format.
3.18As environmental issues become increasingly important, the University has shown increased commitment to sustainable methodologies and building practices. Although the University is not considering any form of formal certification for this project (i.e. LEED), the selection committee will view it more advantageous for teams with demonstrated successful experience in sustainable design methodologies to be assigned to the project team. Sustainable considerations specific to this project could include construction waste management practices (recycling or landfill diversion), utilizing materials with recycled content and those which improve indoor air quality, the introduction of efficient HVAC and electrical systems or sensors (where possible), to name a few.
3.19 The scope of the work is subject to evaluation requirements and University budget limitations and may be subject to increase or decrease in scopeas determined by the University.
3.20 The project will utilize the University of Lethbridge project management software
3.21 The University does not guarantee that the projects will proceed to Construction and Warranty Services. The University reserves the right to cancel the project at any time prior to the award of Construction and Warranty Services. In the case of the cancellation of Construction and Warranty Services, the fees paid for the completion of Preconstruction Services shall be the total compensation paid to the Proponent. Cancellation after such an award would be subject to the terms of the contract.
Requirement for Construction Management Services
Construction Management Services are to be contracted for two distinct and separate stages for this building:
Phase 1: Pre-construction services through the design phases, cost estimates and the preparation of construction drawings and tender documents, and tendering.
Phase 2: Construction and Warranty Services including construction administration, commissioning and building occupancy.
Construction and Warranty Services will not commence until funding for the project is in place. The University reserves the right to terminate the contract with the selected Construction Manager at the conclusion of the first phase.
The Proponent will be a key member of the Project Team and is expected to work proactively with the Owner and Design team.
It is essential that the Proponent be able to allocate the personnel required for the services immediately upon an award and comply with requirements of the schedule detailed in Appendix C.
The duties of the Proponent will include the following functions:
The Construction Manager shall:
attend design meetings as required in either Calgary or Lethbridge with the Project Team,
provide the Design Development cost estimates with detailed trade estimates,
develop and recommend cost effective alternates,
provide value engineering input,
conduct a schedule analysis,
provide General Conditions detailed estimates and breakdowns,
review construction documents as they develop,
provide constructability recommendations,
prepare specification front-end and review preliminary specifications,
provide input into the preparation of multiple tender packages,
determine scopes of sub-trades,
prepare total cost plans including quantity take offs at the end of Design Development, and 60% and 95% working drawing stages,
review and confirm budgets for individual trade packages and compare to trade tenders,
review the contract form with the trades.
The Construction Manager shall:
manage the tender and post tender bid packages process to ensure the budget is met and maximum value is obtained,
prepare pretender estimates for each bid package; All tenders are to be obtained on a competitive bidding basis.
receive trade tenders with representation from the Owner and the Prime Consultant present, and develop and present to the project team each tender package Bid Price on an open book basis,
issue letters of Recommendation to Award to the Owner,
award all trade and subtrade contracts,
schedule, supervise, and manage and administer all aspects of the Work,
be responsible for quality control on the project,
conduct and minute Progress Meetings on a weekly or biweekly basis as may be required,
issue monthly reports to the Project Team,
make recommendations for early release of Lien Holdback to early completion trades in accordance with the prevailing legislation,
prior to substantial completion conduct inspections to determine the level of completeness and prepare deficiency review lists,
develop and manage the Construction Waste Management Plan,
assist in procuring documentation/data pertaining to building materials (recycled content, location of extraction, location of manufacturing, etc…) used on the project as required,
manage the post substantial performance to total completion activities,
prepare as-built drawings and review maintenance manuals for accuracy,
manage all warranties and the warranty period,
formalize Workplace Health and Safety Plan.
document and communicate the Project Site Emergency Response Plan.
Construction and Warranty Services shall not commence until the Total Bid Price is brought to within the amount of the approved construction budget for each separate tender package and until the University has accepted in writing the Recommendation to Award issued by the Proponent.
The University does not guarantee that the projects will proceed to Construction and Warranty Services. The University reserves the right to cancel the project at any time prior to the award of Construction and Warranty Services. In the case of the cancellation of Construction and Warranty Services, the fees paid for the completion of Preconstruction Services shall be the total compensation paid to the Proponent. Cancellation after such an award would be subject to the terms of the contract.
Cost estimates will be provided by the Construction Manager. The first cost estimate is to be received before the conclusion of the design development submission. The project will also include a reliable cost estimate at approximately 60% and 95% construction document stage.
It is expected that the successful construction manager will develop line by line cost estimates at the completion of design development, 60% and 95% drawing stage.
Each cost estimate will become more detailed as the design develops.
Form of Agreements
Preconstruction Services will be contracted under a standard University of Lethbridge Consulting Services Agreement, attached in Appendix D.
Construction and Warranty Services will be contracted under a CCDC 2 (2008) Stipulated Price Contract amended to comply with the terms of this RFP and any other terms and conditions negotiated by the parties.