Fall 2014Chui Z Yao
Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra
TEXT: Developmental Mathematics 8th edition
By M. L. Bittinger & J. A. Beecher
Addison Wesley
Instructor: Chui Z Yao
Office: SA 106 Office Hours: T 11-12:50pm & 3:40 – 5:55pm
Office Phone Number: (951) 571-6428 W 3:55-4:25 pm, R 5:30-5:55pm
Email address: Website: websites.rcc.edu/yao/
See the instructor after your class if you have questions or problems. You may also enroll ILA-800 to get help appointment tutoring in the Math Lab. The Math Lab is located at Humanities 220 and it also offers drop-in tutoring which does not require appointment.
A combination course covering the decimal system of numeration and the four basic mathematical operations as they apply to whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals without the use of any calculating device. Integers, factoring, geometric figures, and measurements are included. Emphasis is placed on applications to real world problems. An introduction to the notion of algebra and its uses. Includes equations and polynomials. 90 hours lecture. (Non-degree credit course.)
Calculators: Calculators may NOT be used for in class work or exams.
Tutorial Service:SAS 202 and 206
Need help? Don’t wait until the day before the Exam. Sign up for tutoring!
HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned from the problem sets in the textbook. You are expected to work and complete the assigned problems on the required dates as outlined on the assignment sheet. Homework will be collected on the dates of an exam all exam problems are similar to assigned homework, so it is important for you to do your homework regularly and no late homework assignments will be accepted.
EXAMS: Exams are closed book. Calculators will NOT be allowed on exams. Be prepared to take the exam. If you are caught cheating on an exam, you will receive a zero score for the exam.
*** Students will not be permitted to make up an exam unless they have a documented legitimate reason and contact the instructor prior to the exam.
Absence: Under no circumstances will absence for any reason excuse the student from completing all works assigned in a given course. After an absence, it is the responsibility of the student to check with the instructor regarding the completion of missed assignments.
STUDENT WITH A DISABILITY: If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact the office of Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSP&S). DSP&S is located in the Library 230 and its phone numbers are 951-571-6138 (Voice) and 951-571-6140 (TDD).
•Exams 65%
•Homework 10%
•Final exam 25%(This will be a cumulative exam)
NOTE: Students must take the final exam to pass this course.
Incomplete will not be given.
Your course grade earned is based upon the following percentages:
- A 90% or above
- B 80% or above
- C 70% or above
- D 60% or above
- F below 60%
- FW If you do not take Final Exam
Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:
- Apply the principles of arithmetic on whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals without the use of any calculating device.
- Apply the principles of arithmetic on integers and rational numbers.
- Convert the fundamental units of measurement within and between the U.S. and metric systems.
- Apply the fundamental laws of algebra to evaluate and/or simplify basic algebraic expressions and perform the four basic operations on polynomial expressions.
- Solve applications using whole numbers, integers, fractions, mixed numbers, ratios and proportions, and decimals.
- Apply percents to real world problems.
- Solve multi-step linear equations and derive basic linear equations from elementary applications.
- Use the symbols and vocabulary of arithmetic and pre-algebra to communicate mathematical concepts.
ATTENDANCE: All students are expected to attend every session of every course in which they are enrolled. Failure to do so may indicate lack of serious purpose. If you quit attending, it is up to you to drop the class. The instructor will not assume the responsibility of withdrawing the student from the class. However, the instructor reserve the right to drop the student who has more than two absents.
1)Be prepared to work and ask questions!
2)Do not talk unnecessarily in class, but do ask question.
3)No food or drink is permitted in the classroom at any time.
4)Be on time and do not leave before being dismissed.
5)Turn off all cellular phones and pagers before entering the classroom.
6)Cheating policy: automatic “F” on the assignment/exam in question.
Instructor reserves the right to change and modify the syllabus.