



Lecturer: / Vicky Wood& Sam Young / Telephone: / 03 546 9175 / Ext: 367
Office: / K207 / Email: /

K-Block, Alton Street, Nelson, 7010




Assignment 1: Marketing Analysis

Assignment 1: Marketing Analysis Marking Schedule

Assignment 2: Marketing Plan

Assignment 2: Marketing Plan Marking Schedule





GBE801 Business Enterprise Management is a Level 8 New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) course.

As specified in the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) level outcomes, a graduate of a Postgraduate Diploma is able to:

  • Show evidence of advanced knowledge about a specialist field of enquiry or professional practice.
  • Engage in rigorous intellectual analysis, criticism and problem-solving.

The learning outcomes for GBE804 Business Enterprise Operations: Marketing are as follows:

  1. Accurately describe the nature and purpose of the marketing process.
  2. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the consumer demand and competitive aspects of a new business enterprise.
  3. Critically evaluate the internal and external marketing environments of new business ventures.
  4. Show an assured understanding of the nature and importance of marketing to the success of a new business venture.
  5. Apply market research and analytical techniques and processes to a new business enterprise.
  6. Produce an effective marketing strategy or plan for a selected business venture.
  7. Demonstrate an assured practical understanding of the different marketing mix strategies, both tactically and strategically.
  8. Identify, articulate and analyse the nature of change and challenges facing the innovative business, including strategies and techniques for managing change in the face of an uncertain and constantly evolving commercial environment.
  9. Have an assured understanding of key issues and developmental frameworks for evaluating entrepreneurial and innovative ventures and applied practices.

The assessments for this course are designed to assess your performance against both the NZQA level outcomes and the course learning outcomes.


The assessment for GBE804 Business Enterprise Operations: Marketing is comprised of twoassessments: a 20% Marketing Analysis assignment and an 80% Marketing Plan assignment.

Assignment 1: Marketing Analysis

Due:8.00amMonday 26thOctober 2015


Refer:See marking schedule following


Entrepreneurial marketing requires the ability to understand market concepts and then to apply them to a business situation.

You are required to academically research and define key marketing concepts, and to apply them to a prescribed business (through actual or realistic examples). The topics you will be expected to research, define, reference and apply include:

  1. Segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP)
  2. Product or service strategy
  3. Pricing strategy
  4. Promotion strategy
  5. Place strategy
  6. Competition
  7. Competitive advantage

Your submission is expected to have appropriate APA referencing and correct spelling and grammar.

Length: 1,000 words / 2 pages, plus appendices

Assignment 1: Marketing Analysis Marking Schedule

Student Name: / ID:
Section / Comments / Mark
Company overview x/5.00 / Summary of the assigned business (50 words). / 5.00
Outlines the business clearly, appropriately and succinctly (50 words)
Segmentation, Target and Positioning
x/20.00 / Definition and application (to the assigned business). (200 words)
Must include:
  • How the market is segmented, e.g. geographic, demographic, behavioural, psychographic
  • What the target market is
  • What the position of the business is.
/ 20.00
Clear segmentation strategy, well-targeted withlogical positioning rationale (200 words)
Product or Service Strategy
x/15.00 / Definition and application (to the assigned business). (150 words)
Must include: Core product, Actual product, and Augmented product offering. / 15.00
Core, actual and augmented product attributes clearly defined and applied (150 words)
Price Strategy
x/10.00 / Definition and application (to the assigned business). (100 words) / 10.00
Clear, well-supported strategic analysis of the company’s pricing strategy (100 words)
Promotion Strategy x/10.00 / Definition and application (to the assigned business). (100 words) / 10.00
Well-evidenced, applied critique of the company’s promotions strategy (100 words)
Place Strategy
x/10.00 / Definition and application (to the assigned business). (100 words) / 10.00
Logical, streamlined investigation of the company’s market distribution strategy (100 words)
x/1.00 / Definition and application (to the assigned business). (100 words)
Must include: both direct and indirect competitors / 10.00
Well-evidenced and thorough analysis of direct and indirect competitors (100 words)
Competitive Advantage
x/10.00 / Definition and application (to the assigned business). (100 words) / 10.00
Detail the conditions creating a favourable or superior company position (100 words)
References & appendices
x/5.00 / High quality materials, correctly APA referenced,with a similarity score of 9% or less (includes both in text and bibliographical references)
Details all material used in your analysis and development
Effective Research
Includes any appendices referred to in your marketing plan / 5.00
APA style, all sources cited in text and bibliographically. TurnItIn similarity score <10%
Style & Presentation
x/5.00 / Business-like presentation including
  • Consistency & professionalism of presentation
  • Readability and clear delivery
  • Clear structure
  • Uses Correct grammar and spelling (NZ English)
  • the functionality of Word (eg, page numbers, headers, footers and tables of contents, figures and lists of tables)
/ 5.00
Perfectly presented, no errors, NZ English, easy to read
TOTAL MARKS (x%) / 100.00

Assignment 2: Marketing Plan

Due:8.00am Thursday 12thNovember 2015


Refer:See marking schedule following


A successful brand relies on the ability to plan, implement and control marketing strategies. You are to compile and present a marketing plan for your own business. To do so you will need to profile your business and market, assess the environment, define specific marketing objectives, develop specific strategies, determine how you will implement your plan, and determine how you will evaluate the success of the implementation and what you might need to correct(see marking schedule below).

Your plan should be developed with the proposed customer/s and products/services in mind, while also ensuring that it is an appropriate fit to your current business.

You are expected to demonstrate thorough research skills, and balance academic content with the realities of the business environment you have identified.

Length: Maximum 20 pages, plus bibliography and appendices

Assignment 2: Marketing Plan Marking Schedule

Student Name: / ID:
Section / Comments / Mark
x/10.00 / The introduction sets the tone for your assignment, outlining the context clearly. It must include:
  • Cover page showing a clear title, the date prepared, author names and contact details
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction highlighting what your plan covers and why it has been prepared
/ 10.00
Appropriately and professionally outlines the assignment context
Market analysis
x/25.00 / Background information, including:
  • Background information about the company or organisation
  • Product (when introduced, life cycle stage, sales, number of variations)
  • Company (when started, specialisations, growth, sales, customers, employees)
  • Industry (when started, size, growth, value, segments)
  • Specific market (type of market, growth, size, value, segments, when started)
  • Mission statement.
Environmental analysis, including:
  • External environment analysis – consider a PESTLE analysis
  • Analysis of customers, including who they are likely to be and what might influence their behaviour
  • Analysis of competitors, including direct and indirect, and their product offerings, and their strengths and weaknesses.
/ 25.00
Clearly explores the background and analyses the marketing environment
Marketing objectives x/0.00 / Based on the current marketing analysis and the marketing strategy
UsesSMART criteria. / 15.00
Logical marketing objectives, all with specific, measurable, achievable, relevant & timely criteria assigned
Marketing strategy x/25.00 / Identifies the target customer
Identifies how it will position itself relative to competitors
Details specific strategies for:
  • Product
  • Price
  • Integrated Marketing Communications (Promotion)
  • Distribution (Place)
/ 25.00
Marketing strategy covers product, price, promotion & place, includes target consumers, segments & positioning
Implementation of IMC
x/10.00 / Details how the IMC will be implemented, including:
  • Who will be doing what
  • When it has to be done
  • Where it will be done
/ 10.00
Clearly and logically applied integrated market communication plan
x/5.00 / Determination of how you will evaluate whether the plan is achieving its objectives / 5.00
Clear marketing effectiveness measures, strongly linked to objectives
References & appendices
x/5.00 / High quality materials, correctly APA referenced,with a similarity score of 9% or less (includes both in text and bibliographical references)
Details all material used in your analysis and development
Effective Research
Includes any appendices referred to in your marketing plan / 5.00
APA style, all sources cited in text and bibliographically. TurnItIn similarity score <10%
Style & Presentation
x/5.00 / Business-like presentation including
  • Consistency & professionalism of presentation
  • Readability and clear delivery
  • Clear structure
  • Uses Correct grammar and spelling (NZ English)
  • the functionality of Word (eg, page numbers, headers, footers and tables of contents, figures and lists of tables)
/ 5.00
Perfectly presented, no errors, NZ English, easy to read
TOTAL MARKS (x%) / 100.00


Course assessments are marked and given a percentage mark out of 100. Course results are then converted from a percentage to a grade from A+ to E, using the following grade equivalents table:

Grade / Percentage Mark Range / Pass/Fail
A+ / 90-100% / Pass grade
A / 85-89% / Pass grade
A- / 80-84% / Pass grade
B+ / 75-79% / Pass grade
B / 70-74% / Pass grade
B- / 65-69% / Pass grade
C+ / 60-64% / Pass grade
C / 55-59% / Pass grade
C- / 50-54% / Pass grade
D / 40-49% / Fail grade
E / 0-39%

Students must achieve a minimum of 50% or C- grade to be awarded a passing grade for this course.

Students must have attended for not less than 80% of the timetabled class hours in this course, and other scheduled learning activities relating to the programme.

Students must have completed all scheduled course work requirements and assessments.


Students should take care to avoid plagiarism

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the inclusion in your assignment of material copied or closely paraphrased from someone else’s writings (including textbooks and assignments by other students) without an explicit indication of the source of the material. It is considered to be cheating. Although the School encourages discussion amongst students, students who collaborate should be careful not to plagiarise.

Penalties for plagiarism

NMIT takes a serious view of plagiarism. Even when you are not intending to cheat, it is clear that submitting someone else’s work or ideas is not evidence of your own understanding of the material and cannot earn you marks. Penalties for plagiarism can extend from a zero grade for the assignment plagiarised to imposing an overall coursework grade of zero in the course concerned.

How to avoid plagiarism

The work and ideas of other people must be acknowledged in your Bibliography in APA style. Information on this can be found in Emerson, L. (Ed.). (2009). Writing guidelines for business students. (4thed.). Southbank, Vic: Thomson Dunmore Press, and your assignment details. The Library Learning Centre also provide education and support services.


NMIT uses the plagiarism software, TurnItIn, to assist staff to identify plagiarism and maintain the academic integrity of our qualifications. TurnItIn is designed to identify unreferenced or incorrectly treated work copied directly from another source.

Turnitin is used on this course, and you are required to submit ALL your assessments electronically using the Moodle web site and instructions are on the Moodle course page on how to do this. The automatically-generated TurnItIn submission date and time stamp is your proof of submission (no paper copies need be submitted).

Your assignments must be submitted via TurnItIn, else they will not be marked.

Work not submitted into TurnItIn by the due date and time will incur late penalties (see Late Assignment Policy) unless you have previously arranged an extension.

You must ensure your assignments have a filtered draft Turnitin similarity score of below 10% (ie 9 or less) for before you submit for marking.


A) All assignments must be submitted by the due date. An assignment handed in after the due date will incur a penalty unless:

(i)Your performance has been affected by factors beyond your control, such as illness, injury, childbirth or bereavement; and

(ii)The Course Co-ordinator has agreed to extend the time for completion of the assignment.

B) An assignment submitted after the due date, where an extension of time has not been granted by the Course Co-ordinator, will incur a penalty of 20% of your total marks for that assignment for each day that the office of the School of Applied Business is open, after the due date.

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