RIGHTS 1a. As a general rule, you lose none of your rights, benefits, or privileges simply because you are a recipient of mental health

or developmental disabilities services. For example, you have the right to vote and to choose services by spiritual means

through prayer.

1b. No one will be denied service at this facility based on their age, sex, sexual orientation, race, religious belief, ethnic origin, marital status, physical, mental disability, HIV status, criminal record unrelated to present dangerousness and regardless of source of payment.

2. No recipient of services shall be presumed legally disabled nor shall such person be held legally disabled except as

determined by a court.

HUMANE CARE 3a. You are entitled to adequate and humane care and services in the least restrictive environment and an individual

SERVICES PLAN services plan. A qualified professional shall be responsible for the implementation and periodic review of the treatment plan, including the Recipient's and, as appropriate, family’s input. You have the right to see your clinical records.

3b. You or your legally designated representative has access to the information contained in the patient’s medical record,

within the limits of the law.

3c. You have the right to confidential HIV/AIDS status and testing and anonymous testing as specified in Section 2060.321.

3d. You have the right to nondiscriminatory access to services as specified in the American’s With Disabilities Act of 1990

(42 USC 12101).

3e. You have the right to know the costs, risks, and benefits of all treatment procedures and to know if limitations to duration

of service exist.

MAIL/VISITING 4. You have the right to communicate with other people in private, without obstruction or censorship by the staff at

PHONE CALLS the facility. Communication may be reasonably restricted by the Director of the Facility, but only to protect you or others

from harm, harassment, or intimidation.

PROPERTY 5. You are entitled to receive, possess, and use personal property unless it is determined that certain items are harmful to

you or others.

MONEY/ BANKING 6. You may use your money as you choose.

LABOR 7. You must be paid for work you are asked to perform which benefits the facility. But note: You may be required to do

personal housekeeping chores without being paid.

REFUSING 8. If you are an adult recipient of services, or under guardianship, you or your guardian shall be given the opportunity

SERVICES to refuse generally accepted mental health or developmental disability services, including but not limited to medication.

If such services are refused they shall not be given unless such services are necessary to prevent the recipient from causing serious harm to himself or others. The facility director, and/or outpatient clinician will inform the recipient or guardian who refused such services of alternate services, as well as the possible consequences to the recipient of refusal of such services.

RESTRAINT/ 9. Restraint and Seclusion may be used only as a therapeutic measure to prevent a recipient from causing physical harm

SECLUSION to himself or physical abuse to others. Restraint may only be applied by a staff person who has been trained in the

application of the particular type of restraint which is to be utilized.

In no event shall restraint or seclusion be utilized to punish or discipline a recipient, nor as a convenience for the staff.

A recipient, including those under guardianship, may request that any person of his choosing be notified of the restraint/seclusion, whether or not the guardian approves such notice.


NEGLECT 10. Every recipient of services in a mental health or developmental disability facility shall be free from abuse and neglect.

UNUSUAL 11. You will not receive electro-convulsive therapy (electroshock treatment) or any unusual, hazardous, or experimental

SERVICES services without your written and informed consent.

MEDICAL OR 12. Except in emergencies, no medical or dental services will be provided to you without your informed consent.



RESTRICTION 13. If your rights are restricted, the facility must notify:

OF RIGHTS- a. Your parent or guardian, if you are under the age of 18;

PERSONS TO b. The person or agency of your choice

NOTIFY c. The Facility Director.

d. The Guardianship and Advocacy Commission if you request.

A Guardianship and Advocacy Commission has been created which consists of three divisions: Legal Advocacy

Service, Human Rights Authority, and the Office of the State Guardian. The Commission is located at:

421 E. Capitol Avenue, Ste 205 State of Illinois Building

Springfield, IL 62701 160 N. LaSalle Street, Ste 500

217-785-1540 Chicago, IL 60601 (312-793-5900)

Notification will be made to the recipient and designated person(s) upon implementation and termination of the


PATIENT 14. If you have a problem or complaint, we want to help. Please let us know. Talk to your Therapist about any concerns

ADVOCACY or ask to speak to the Clinical Director or Office Manager. If you are unable to resolve your concern, please contact

CUSTOMER your Patient Advocate, Pat Getchell at Ext. 8507.

CONCERN If at any time you or your family believe that a legal right has been denied, restricted or have any other complain/

Concern related to services received, you or they may contact your Patient Advocate. A staff person will assist you in

making the contact. Your Patient Advocate or representative is available at all times. Your complaint will be reviewed

and corrective action taken if indicated. You and, if appropriate, your family will receive a response from the Hospital

in a timely manner regarding your concerns.


RELEASE OF 15. Release of verbal and written information regarding a recipient's care as well as access to review a recipient's chart can

INFORMATION/ only be made with written consent as follows:

CONFIDENTIALITY a. Attorney or guardian representing a minor over 12 in an administrative proceeding.

b. Parent or guardian of a recipient at least 12 but under 18, if the recipient is informed and does not object, or the

therapist does not find compelling reasons for denying access.

c. Parent or guardian of a recipient under age 12.

d. Recipient 18 years of age or older.

e. Guardian of a legally adjudicated disabled recipient 18 years of age or older.

However, relevant laws require that your clinician contact others about your safety if you present a danger to

yourself or others, if your clinician learns of child abuse or neglect or if ordered by the court. Your clinician may

consult with other clinicians within the ABBHH system to improve the quality of treatment.

You may request in writing a limit on the medical information we use or disclose about you for treatment, payment,

or healthcare operations and may request that we limit the medical information disclosed about you to someone who

is involved in your care or payment for your care, except when specifically authorized by you or when required by law

or in an emergency.

The undersigned authorizes ABBHH, my physician(s) and allied health professionals to discuss with and release

copies of the pertinent information from my medical records to employer groups, review organizations, insurance

companies, government agencies and/or third party payers and their agents for payment purposes. I understand that

this information concerning medical care, advice or treatment may consist of records of laboratory, diagnostic

tests and other medical information regarding mental illness, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis or other infectious agents as may be necessary for payment of my hospital and medical claims. This release also allows information to be released for utilization management and financial audits.

I am aware that my medical information and medical records are privileged and confidential and as such are subject

to disclosure upon my authorization only, except where provided by law. I am also aware that only such information

as reasonably believed necessary shall be released and disclosed in order to satisfy the persons or organizations

requesting or needing the information.

I understand that I may request restrictions on the use or disclosure of my health information. If I refuse to consent

to the use or disclosure of my medical information and records for treatment, payment or health care operation

purposes, I understand that ABBHH need not treat me. I acknowledge that the authorization is valid until such time

as all available insurance benefits have been received. According to federal law, I understand that if I revoke this consent

after services have been provided to me, the revocation will not affect ABBHH’s ability to disclose my health

information to seek reimbursement for the care provided.


PATIENT 16. The patient is responsible for providing, to the best of his/her knowledge, accurate and complete information

RESPONSIBILITIES about present conditions, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to his/her health.

The patient and family are responsible for reporting unexpected changes in the patient’s conditions. The patient

and family help the hospital improve it’s understanding of the patient’s environment by providing feedback about

service needs and expectations.

17. Patients are responsible for asking questions when they do not understand what they have been told about their

care or what they are expected to do.

18. The patient and family are responsible for following the care, service, or treatment plan developed. They should

express any concerns they have about their ability to follow and comply with the proposed care plan or course

of treatment. Every effort is made to adapt the plan to the patient’s specific needs and limitations. When such

adaptations to the treatment plan are not recommended, the patient and family are responsible for understanding

the consequences of the treatment alternatives and not following the proposed course of treatment.

PATIENT PRE- 19. I understand that I am responsible for the notification of my insurance company to obtain any necessary

CERTIFICATION authorization before services are rendered. I further understand that if I do not pre-certify my treatment,

RESPONSIBILITY I may incur a reduction or loss of benefits paid to ABBHH, for which I will be responsible.

ASSIGNMENT 20. In consideration for the care, treatment and services rendered by my physician(s), ABBHH agents and employees

OF INSURANCE and allied health professionals, I hereby assign, transfer and set over to my treatment physician(s) and ABBHH

BENEFITS AND all of my rights, title and interest to medical reimbursement including, but not limited to, all rights to appeal

PAYMENT and obtain administrative and judicial review of any denial of benefits for healthcare services rendered to me by

GUARANTEE my physician(s) or ABBHH’s agents or employees. In consideration of the services to be rendered, I agree to pay

the account of ABBHH in full in accordance with the billing and collection policies of ABBHH. I further agree to

pay the account in full within 45 days from the date of discharge unless satisfactory arrangements are made with

ABBHH. Should the account be referred to any attorney or collection agency for collection, I agree to pay any

related attorney or agency fees.

REQUEST FOR 21. I, the undersigned, am the patient (or the patient’s duly authorized representative) and do hereby voluntarily

HOSPITAL present for medical treatment and consent to my attending physician and whomever he/she may designate as

ADMISSION assistants, associates or treatment physicians, as well as ABBHH and its employees, allied health professionals and

AND CONSENT select independent contractors, to provide me with medical care. Such care may include routine services such as

FOR MEDICAL diagnostic procedures, psychotherapeutic treatment, other treatments and procedures considered medically advisable

TREATMENT in the diagnosis and treatment of my condition. I recognize that any or all physicians and allied staff professionals

who furnish services to me during this admission may be independent contractors, and as such are not agents or

employees of ABBHH. I understand and agree that the practitioners referenced above bill and collect independently

for their services. I understand that their bills will be separate and apart from ABBHH’s billing and collections,

or that ABBHH may bill on the physician’s behalf. I understand that I may be requested to execute one or more

informed consent forms that authorize my physician or his/her designee to diagnose and/or treat my condition.

Prior to signing any such consent form, I will have an opportunity to discuss my condition, the recommended

course of treatment, treatment alternatives and associated hazards with my physician or his/her designee. I may at

any time refuse treatment or withdraw my consent for the performance of any specific procedure or the release of

medical information. Should I refuse medical care or revoke a previous consent, I will be requested to sign a

form so acknowledging. I recognize that the practice of medicine, surgery, psychiatry or counseling is not an exact

science and, therefore, acknowledge that no guarantees have been or can be made regarding the likelihood of success

or outcome of any diagnosis or treatment performed at ABBHH. I have read the above and certify that I have

had an opportunity to discuss the contents herein to my satisfaction. By signing this form, I am requesting admission

to ABBHH and consenting to such routine and therapeutic care as my physician or his/her designee deems necessary.

MEDICARE 22. I certify that the information given by me in applying for payment under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act is correct.

I authorize any holder authorization of medical or other information about me to release to the Social Security

Administration or its intermediaries or carriers any information needed for this or related Medicare claims. I request that payment of authorized benefits be made on my behalf directly to ABBHH and my treating physician(s) and allied health professionals. I authorize the Social Security Administration to release my Medicare number, Part A and/or Part B eligibility effective dates and birth date to ABBHH. My initials acknowledge my receipt of "An Important Message from Medicare or CHAMPUS” from ABBHH on the date noted and do not waive any of my rights to request a review or make me liable for payment.


23. I certify that I hereby give consent for an ABBHH staff member to send me a letter or e-mail of encouragement sometime