B’HAALOT’CHA - Numbers 9:15-23















15.On the day that the Tabernacle was set up, the cloud covered the Tabernacle, the Tent of the Pact; and in the evening it rested over the Tabernacle in the likeness of fire until morning. 16.It was always so: the cloud covered it, appearing as fire by night. 17.And whenever the cloud lifted from the Tent, the Israelites would set out accordingly; and at the spot where the cloud settled, there the Israelites would make camp. 18.At a command of the Eternal the Israelites broke camp, and at a command of the Eternal they made camp: they remained encamped as long as the cloud stayed over the Tabernacle. 19. When the cloud lingered over the Tabernacle many days, the Israelites observed the Eternal’s mandate and did not journey on. 20.At such times as the cloud rested over the Tabernacle for but a few days, they remained encamped at a command of the Eternal, and broke camp at a command of the Eternal. 21.And at such times as the cloud stayed from evening until morning, they broke camp as soon as the cloud lifted in the morning. Day or night, whenever the cloud lifted, they would break camp. 22.Whether it was two days or a month or a year—however long the cloud lingered over the tabernacle—the Israelites remained encamped and did not set out; only when it lifted did they break camp.23. On a sign from the Eternal they made camp and on a sign from the Eternal they broke camp; they observed the Eternal’s mandate at the Eternal’s bidding through Moses.


Zechariah 2:14 – 3:2













14. Sing joyfully and be glad, fair Zion:for behold, I am comingto dwell in your midst!—says the Eternal One. 15.On that day, many nations shall join themselves to the Eternaland become My people,and I will dwell in your midst.Then you shall know that the God of heaven’s hosts has sent me to you. 16.The Eternal will take possession of Judah—God’s portion in the holy land—and will again choose Jerusalem. 17.Be silent, all flesh, before the Eternal, who is roused from God’s [on] holy dwelling place!

1.God showed me Joshua the high priest standing in front of the angel of the Eternal. The Accuser was standing on the right side, to accuse him. 2.The Eternal said to the Accuser, “The Eternal rebukes you, Satan! The Eternal who chooses Jerusalem rebukes you! Is not [Joshua] a brand plucked out of the fire?”