Master of Applied Commerce Program, Semester 1, 2008
Legal Scenario for Accountants: Diagnostic Assessment Criteria
Student Name: ______Student ID: ______
Marker: ______
Facet of Inquiry /
Student Autonomy Level 1
Students research at the level of a closed inquiry and require a high degree of structure/guidance /Student Autonomy Level 2
Students research at the level of a closed inquiry and require a moderate degree of structure/guidance /Student Autonomy Level 3
Students research independently at the level of a closed inquiry- Studentsembark on inquiry and so determine a need for knowledge/understanding
- Studentsfind/generate needed information/data using appropriate methodology
- Studentscritically evaluate information/data and the process to find/generate this information/data
States that there is insufficient information to deal with Issue 3 / Recognises insufficient information to address either Issue 1 or Issue 2
Recognises sufficient information to address Issue 3 but not Issue 4 / Recognises insufficient information to address Issues 1 & 2
Recognises sufficient information to address Issues 3 & 4
- Studentsorganise information collected or data generated
Body of text has some sense of organisation but lacks logic / Introductory organising sentence or paragraph is present but lacks precision
Body of text logically arranged in some of its parts / Organising sentence or paragraph provides a precise introduction
Body of text logically arranged in entirety
- Studentssynthesise, analyse and apply new knowledge
- Students communicate knowledge and the process used to generate it with an awareness of ethical, social and cultural issues
Adapted by Eu-Jin Teo, University of Melbourne,from RSD © 2007