Please Do Not Submit a CV /
Job Title
Surname / Initial(s)Address
Post Code
Telephone number (Home) / (Work)
Fax / E-mail
Secondary/Further/Higher Education,Qualifications gained or pending - subject and level / Date / Grade (if applicable)
Please detail apprenticeships, job related courses, etc / Date
Organisation / Grade of membership/professional body & number where appropriate, eg MRICSPRESENT OR MOST RECENT EMPLOYMENT
Job Title / Salary/WageEmployer's name and address
Date of start / Date of finish (if applicable) / Period of notice
Reason for leaving
Job Purpose
Name and designation of line manager
(Please start with most recent first and include any temporary, unpaid and voluntary work experience detailing any employment gaps. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
From Month/Year / To Month/Year / Name & addressof employer / Position held / Reason for leaving
(Please note that the Board may contact any of your previous employers regarding your application)
Please explain how you meet the job requirements. It is recommended that you use the headings from the person specification to help you focus on the knowledge, skills and experience relevant to the job. You may draw on experience gained from employment, voluntary work or any outside interests.
(Please see Job Application Guidance Notes)
If you have a disability and can offer the skills and experience we consider essential for the job, we will guarantee you an interview.
Tayside Valuation Joint Board is committed to providing equality of opportunity and encourages applications from people with a disability. Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes NoIf yes, please give details of any aids, adaptations or adjustments that you may require.
(Please complete if the person specification indicates that a driving licence is essential or desirable)
1.Do you have a full current valid driving licence? / Yes No / 2.Do you have any penalty points? / Yes NoIf yes to 2, please give details
(Please see Job Application Guidance Notes)
Are you applying for the job on a job sharing basis? / Yes NoIf yes, please state preferred working arrangements (hours, days, mornings, afternoons, etc)
Please provide us with the names of two people we can contact in respect of your application. If you have worked, one must be your present or most recent employer.
1)Name / 2)NameAddress / Address
Telephone / Telephone
Occupation / Occupation
Relationship to Applicant / Relationship to Applicant
Please click the relevant box(es) below if you do not wish your referees to be contacted without your consent. It is our normal practice to request references prior to interview.
Referee 1 / Referee 2DECLARATION
I declare that the information given on this application is true and, should this be found not to be the case, this will lead to summary dismissal. I also understand that canvassing of any employee or member of Tayside Valuation Joint Board, directly or indirectly, in connection with this application, shall disqualify me.
Signed / DatePlease return your completed application form to:Administration Manager, Tayside Valuation Joint Board,
Whitehall House, 35 Yeaman Shore, Dundee, DD1 4BU
or e-mail to
If you require additional space to complete any aspect of your application please do so here indicating the relevant headings.
Please complete the following details, to allow us to monitor equality of opportunity in employment. The information will be held on computer and will be used for statistical purposes only.
NameNational Insurance Number
1.Where did you see this job advertised?
2.Are you applying under the terms of the Guaranteed Job Interview Scheme? / Yes No
3.For existing employees of Tayside Valuation Joint Board, are you applying for a promoted post? / Yes No Prefer not to answer
4.How would describe your gender? / Female Male Prefer not to answer
5.Have you ever identified as a transgender person or trans person? (For the purpose of this question “transgender” is defined as an individual who lives, or wants to live, full time in the gender opposite to that they were assigned at birth) / Yes No Prefer not to answer
6.What is your legal marital status? / Single Divorced/Separated Married/Civil Partnership
Widowed Living with Partner Prefer not to answer
7.What is your date of birth?Day / Month / Year / Prefer not to answer
8.Do you have caring responsibilities? / Yes (children under 18) Yes, other No Prefer not to answer
9.What is your Religion or Belief? / Buddhist / Church of Scotland / Hindu / Humanist / Jewish
Muslim / Other Christian / Sikh / Pagan / Roman Catholic
Other (please specify) / Prefer not to answer / None
10.What is your national identity? / Scottish / English / Welsh / Northern Irish / British
Other (please specify) / Prefer not to answer
11.What is your ethnic group? Choose one from Section A to G
Scottish / Other British / Irish / Gypsy/Traveller / Eastern European (eg Polish)
Other white ethnic groups
B.Mixed of Multiple Ethnic Group
Any mixed or multiple ethnic groups
C.Asian (including Scottish/British)
Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British / Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British
Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi Scottish or Bangladeshi British / Chinese, Chinese Scottish or Chinese British
African, African Scottish or African British
E.Caribbean or Black
Caribbean, Caribbean Scottish or Caribbean British / Black, Black Scottish or Black British
Arab, Arab Scottish or Arab British
G.Prefer not to answer
Other (please specify)
12.Under the terms of the Equality Act 2010, a disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment, which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out day-to-day tasks.
Do you consider that you have a disability / Yes No Prefer not to answer
If ‘Yes’ to the above question, please state the type of impairment which applies to you. If none of the categories apply, please mark ‘Other’ and specify the type of impairment.
Learning disability (such as Down’s syndrome or dyslexia) or cognitive impairment (such as autism or head injury)
Longstanding illness or health condition, such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease or epilepsy
Mental health condition, such as depression or schizophrenia
Physical impairment, such as difficulty using your arms or mobility issues which means using a wheelchair or crutches
Sensory impairment, such as being blind/having a serious visual impairment or being deaf/having a serious hearing impairment
Other, such as disfigurement / please specify / Prefer not to answer
13.What is your sexual orientation? / Bisexual Gay Heterosexual/Straight Lesbian
Prefer not to answer
Thank you for your interest in working with the Board. This is a guide to assist you in applying. Please read it carefully before filling out the application form.
The application form and supporting papers may be available in alternative formats, i.e. large print, Braille or audio tape. Please contact the Administration Manager, Tayside Valuation Joint Board, Whitehall House, 35 Yeaman Shore, Dundee, DD1 4BU, Tel 01382 315604.
iIf you decide to download the blank application form, please ensure you complete the document in black ink or type. This will help us if any photocopies are needed.
iiIf you use a PC to complete the downloaded form, please use your ‘Tab’ key or mouse to move through the form. If you are going to email your completed application form to us please ensure that it is in MS Word format (i.e. a “.doc” file).
iiiPlease do not send in a CV instead of, or as well as, our form as it will not be considered during the selection process.
ivFill in all sections of the application form. If some parts are not relevant, write ‘not applicable’ or ‘N/A’ in that space.
vFill in the form as fully as possible. The information you give us in your application is the only information we will use in the short-listing process. We cannot make any assumptions about your abilities and do not take account of any previous applications you have made.
viIf you have downloaded the application form and require additional space to complete any aspect of your application, please use the ‘continuation sheet’ provided and clearly indicate the relevant headings.
viiIf you are invited to interview you will be asked to sign the application form at this time (for emailed versions only).
Under this Scheme you will be invited for interview if you meet the essential attributes in the person specification and you have indicated on the form that you have a disability.
The Employment Unit of Dundee City Council offers free advice to assist people with disabilities into employment. The Unit will provide advice on behalf of the Board. For more information or an informal discussion, please contact the Employment Unit, Dunsinane Avenue, Dundee, DD2 3QN, tel: 01382 828180, email address:
The Board encourages flexible working practices where possible and any employee may have a request for flexible working considered. You may wish to discuss the possibility of flexible working at interview. Job sharing is one type of flexible working and all jobs are open to job sharing unless the advertisement states otherwise. We cannot guarantee your preferred working arrangements. However, where possible, alternatives would be discussed with you at interview.
As part of the recruitment and selection process you may be required to complete a medical questionnaire. This will be kept confidential and only viewed by the Board’s Medical Adviser.
The Board recognises the need to achieve equality for all citizens and employees. We recognise that people can be discriminated against because of race, colour, ethnic and national origins, marital status, domestic circumstances, gender, sexuality and transsexualism, age, class, ethical or religious belief, basic skills, disability, trade union activity, long term unemployment or because they have AIDS or are HIV positive. The Board’s Disability Equality Scheme is to eliminate discrimination and promote equality.
The Equal Opportunities in Employment section of the Application Form helps us to monitor the effectiveness of our Disability Equality Scheme. Please help us by completing the section and returning it with your application. Any information obtained from this section will be kept confidential and held on computer for statistical purposes only. The information will not be used in the selection process.
Please provide details of 2 referees who can provide information about you which is relevant to your application. One of the referees must be your current or most recent employer.
The Board respects your personal information and undertakes to comply with the Data Protection Act 1998. The personal data you have provided will be used for the purpose of assessing you for the post for which you have applied. Your data may be disclosed to parties involved in the recruitment and selection process.
The personal data you have provided for Equal Opportunities in Employment will be used in statistical form for monitoring equal opportunities, and your data (excluding your name and National Insurance number) may be disclosed to parties involved in monitoring the effectiveness of our Equal Opportunities Policy.
The Board is the registered Data controller. Any queries regarding the processing of your personal data by The Board should be directed to the Depute Assessor, Tayside Valuation Joint Board, Whitehall House, 35Yeaman Shore, Dundee, DD1 4BU on telephone number 01382 315605. A copy of the Board’s full Data Protection Policy can be obtained by writing to: The Assessor, Whitehall House, 35 Yeaman Shore, Dundee, DD1 4BU, and is available on the Board’s website at
If you are selected for interview you will be required to complete a Criminal Convictions Declaration which gives guidance on previous criminal convictions which require to be disclosed.
We will not discriminate against ex-offenders, and if you have to give details of any previous convictions, this will not automatically prevent you from getting a job. We will consider how previous convictions could affect the job and these will only be taken into account if the offence is relevant to the type of work you would be doing.
Under Section 8 of the Asylum & Immigration Act 1996, employers must ensure that any prospective employee is legally entitled to live and work in the UK. If you are invited for interview you will be required to produce an official document confirming that you are entitled to live and work in the UK, e.g. passport; full birth certificate and official document confirming your name and national insurance number; or a passport/travel document/letter from the Home Office.
You can e-mail a completed application to us as an attachment to and enter the job title in the subject box.
To return your completed application by post, please send it to:
Administration Manager
Tayside Valuation Joint Board
Whitehall House
35 Yeaman Shore
We are committed to a high quality recruitment and selection process. If you wish to offer any suggestions or comments please write to the above address.