LYSL Board Meeting - Minutes
Attendees: Heather Adams, Nate Adams, Anna Brooks, Deb Pickens, Mark Smith, Alena York
MSYSA initial payment was mailed August 18, per Anna
Erin wants to audit concussion forms received last season versus Fall registration settings. LORI, she would like to get those from you - next Tuesday maybe?
Anna mentioned hearing from/about one U10 player, one U12 player who wanted to register post registration period. Also some question regarding the Measels family.
Of 21 first-time coaches, 8 did not attend either of the two Coach Orientation sessions. Mark will get Heather the names of those we have had no contact with so she can individually reach out to them to make sure they are aligned.
Heather will send a broadcast/email to all coaches introducing herself and advising them to contact her directly with coaching related issues effective September 1.
Mark will separate out any emails that are in the Head of Coaches email that are for other subjects (E.g., he is now coaching Middle School)
All of the U4 coaches came to Orientation, except one returning coach. The unique specifics of the division were explained to them.
The knowledge transfer is progressing - for the most part thus far it has involved Mark cc’ing Heather on emails.
Received contact from a U10G1 parent that they have received no contact from their coach. This is Miguel Avello, who is still out of the country. Mark has been in email contact with him.
Anna has refunded all U14 registrants. ERIN, please delete them from the system.
Anna has refunded accounts for the 3-4 scholarship requests. Mark says we have more than sufficient to cover these.
Anna has sent letters to registrants with a balance, asking them to pay or be removed from rosters.
Anna forwarded Mark a letter received from United asking if we want to order any team apparel for sale at the Concession Stand. Per Mark, we will not be doing that for this season.
Per Anna the league’s Liberty Mutual insurance policy is on an auto-deduction and is being paid monthly. (This covers all not covered under Got Soccer and MSYSA)
All division’s schedules are loaded, except U10B and U10G.
U10B schedule is finalized, but will not be loaded until U10G is finalized - due to using same fields, safer to do it that way in case adjustments are needed.
U10G will be loaded by end of day Monday, August 25. Giving SWM U9 Coach, Scott Ceru until end of day Saturday, August 23 to respond to request for matches.
Once U10 schedules are loaded, coaches will be notified. U10+ coaches will also receive a procedure document for inter-league games and an inter-league contact directory
scheduler update, continued
Deb provided Stacy Annis with the game schedule finalized thus far so he can begin pursuing Referees.
Anna offered the potential to reach out to the combined Lutheran Parochial team in subsequent seasons. They combing 3rd-6th graders and could potentially play a U12 team. Deb will discuss with Erin to see if this has ever been done in the past.
Since placing our original order with united we have encountered multiple out-of-stock issues with certain colored jerseys. United’s supplier DTI is advising United, and they circle back with us.
Heather had to switch 3 teams (U5C1, U6C5 and U7C1) from red/black to silver.
Heather has what we hope to be the final order in, and we expect delivery before September 2.
Board agreement to permanently replace the color “Red with Black Stripes” to silver. Not only is it an out-of-stock issue, but when used in same division as well as “red with white stripes,” the younger players especially can become quite confused as to who is on their team.
We will have 7 teams playing with screened sponsor jerseys: Griffin, Schultz-2 teams, Arcadia, Adents, State Farm and Santaniello’s
The secretary email received the note from Legends 8/21 with the picture schedule. Trina will communicate to coaches.
Heather also advised Trina of these sponsors/teams so their information could be forwarded to Legends for plaque creation.
Heather asked a question none of us could answer: How do screened jerseys work for the upper divisions who wear reversible jerseys?
Alena will forward United invoices to Anna at: .
Target for Coach Uniform and Picture Form Pick-up: September 2 & 3.As Head of Coaches, Heather will send the coaches an email confirming those dates once the uniforms are in hand
MARK: will discuss with Chad the need to set up a league gmail account of :
Mark has sent an email to the coaches to let them know that the FINAL equipment pick up dates will be this Saturday, Aug 22 9-11 and Monday, Aug 25 5:30-7.
Alena will place medal orders in a few weeks. She will need final player count from ERIN.
Discussion surrounding moving all Legends tasks under the Equipment Coordinator (possibly to be completed by Secretary) effective Fall 2015. Deb has sent email to Trina to notify her.
Rosanna was not at meeting
Understanding is that Erin met with Rosanna to walk her through the system functionality related to sponsors.
MARK: look into and reconcile the system discrepancy between what it says Sponsors will be billed ($175) and what actually ends up being billed ($150).
Need update from Rosanna on any signs ordered. At our last meeting she indicated that Nature’s Way wanted a sign only. No screened jerseys have been ordered for them.
Line painting remains to be done on fields 5-9.
MARK has notified the Middle School regarding painting of U14 field lines. Because we have no U14 teams this season, those fields will be used only by Jaier, SWM and the Middle School.
The new keeper goals for U8 and U10 fields that Mark ordered have not yet arrived. We hope to have them in hand in time for a final Field day the weekend of September 6 - perhaps trying to recruit people after pictures. Heather and Nate will work together to schedule and communicate this - bringing in other board members for assistance as needed.
Question regarding removal of the old U8/U10 keeper goals. Mark advises leaving them in place until we put the new ones in. If there is sufficient man-power at the Field Day, then whoever is there could help drag them over to the end of the parking lot. Otherwise, Nate should notify Terri Smith at the township and tell her they can be removed from the field any time after September 7.
Nate has left a message for the family Erin provided information for who have 2 middle school boys who showed an interest in the paid weekly line painting job during the season. They have not answered. Deb has reached out to Erin to see if she wants to run interference (text sent 2pm 8/22). Nate will try to leave another message.
If no response from them by Monday, August 25, Mark will put out a league-wide broadcast offering up the job to any kids who volunteer.
Nate will contact Terri regarding need to order more paint.
Lori was not in attendance. Deb has sent text (1:30pm 8/22) asking her how things are going with Concessions. Also advised her that Deb will send her the full list of games sorted by date, so she can schedule volunteers accordingly.
For future consideration: Mark suggests we amend the registration process to require TWO shifts at the concession stand in order to receive the registration discount for volunteering. He feels that when parents compare a 2 hour shift at concession to a 4 hour stint helping with the fields, they are going to keep choosing concessions because it is easier.