Invertebrates: Partial dependency plots for percent riparian row crops based on NLCD (A), mean annual temperature (B), percent fine substrate (C), and average TP concentration (mg/L) (D) in the boosted regression model developed for EPT richness (EPTR) Nationally. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable EPT richness; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Invertebrates: Partial dependency plots for percent riparian row crops based on NLCD (A), average silt substrate (B), mean annual temperature (C), and average TP concentration (mg/L) (D) in the boosted regression model developed for richness of tolerant taxa (RichTOL) Nationally. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable RichTOL; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Invertebrates: Partial dependency plots for percent riparian row crops based on NLCD (A), average TP concentration (mg/L) (B), average TN concentration (mg/L) (C), and percent fine substrate (D) in the boosted regression model developed for Observed/Expected taxa ratio (O/E) Nationally. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable O/E; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Invertebrates: Partial dependency plots for percent NLCD row crops in riparian (A), TN input in the watershed (kg/km2) (B), average stream velocity (C), and agricultural intensity index (D) in the boosted regression model developed for EPT richness (EPTR) in western region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable EPT richness; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Invertebrates: Partial dependency plots for average stream velocity (A), TN input in the watershed (kg/km2) (B), average dissolved oxygen (mg/L) (C), and percent riparian agriculture based on orthophotos (D) in the boosted regression model developed for richness of tolerant taxa (RichTOL) in western region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable RichTOL; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Invertebrates: Partial dependency plots for TN input in the watershed (kg/km2) (A), agricultural intensity index (B), average TP concentration (mg/L) (C), and percent riparian row crops based on NLCD (D) in the boosted regression model developed for Observed/Expected taxa ratio (O/E) western region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable O/E; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Invertebrates: Partial dependency plots for average TP concentration (mg/L) (A), percent fine substrate (B), percent riparian row crops based on NLCD (C), and average silt substrate (D) in the boosted regression model developed for richness of tolerant taxa (RichTOL) central region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable RichTOL; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Invertebrates: Partial dependency plots for percent fine substrate (A), percent riparian row crops based on NLCD (B), and average TP concentration (mg/L) (C) in the boosted regression model developed for Observed/Expected taxa ratio (O/E) central region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable O/E; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Invertebrates: Partial dependency plots for percent riparian agriculture based on orthophotos (A), average TP concentration (mg/L) (B), average silt substrate (C), and average stream velocity (D) in the boosted regression model developed for EPT richness (EPTR) in eastern region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable EPT richness; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Invertebrates: Partial dependency plots for average dissolved oxygen concentration (mg/L) (A), TN concentration (mg/L) (B), percent riparian row crops based on NLCD (C), and average stream velocity (D) in the boosted regression model developed for richness of tolerant taxa (RichTOL) eastern region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable RichTOL; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Invertebrates: Partial dependency plots for percent riparian row crops based on NLCD (A), percent instream habitat cover (B), average TN concentration (mg/L) (C) and average silt substrate (D) in the boosted regression model developed for Observed/Expected taxa ratio (O/E) eastern region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable O/E; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Algae: Partial dependency plots for percent riparian row crops based on NLCD (A), average TP concentration (mg/L) (B), average TN concentration (mg/L) (C) and percent run habitat (D) in the boosted regression model developed for the algal metric % Low inorganic N diatoms Nationally. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable low inorganic N diatoms; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Algae: Partial dependency plots for average silt substrate (A), average TP concentration (mg/L) (B), percent riparian agriculture based on orthophotos (C) and percent fine substrate (D) in the boosted regression model developed for the algal metric % eutrophic diatoms Nationally. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable % eutrophic diatoms; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Algae: Partial dependency plots for percent riparian row crops based on NLCD (A), percent riparian agriculture based on orthophotos (B), average TP concentration (mg/L) (C) and average stream velocity (D) in the boosted regression model developed for the algal metric % Observed/Expected taxa ratio (O/E algae) Nationally. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable (O/E algae); the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Algae: Partial dependency plots for agricultural intensity index (A), average TP concentration (mg/L) (B), average TN concentration (mg/L) (C) and percent run habitat (D) in the boosted regression model developed for the algal metric % Low inorganic N diatoms in western region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable low inorganic N diatoms; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Algae: Partial dependency plots for average TP concentration (mg/L) (A), stream pH (B), percent instream habitat cover (C) and average stream velocity (D) in the boosted regression model developed for the algal metric % eutrophic diatoms in western region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable % euthrophic, the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Algae: Partial dependency plots for average TP concentration (mg/L) (A), average DO concentration (B), average silt substrate (C) and TN input to the watershed (kg/km2) (D) in the boosted regression model developed for the algal metric Observed/Expected taxa ratio (O/E algae) in western region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable O/E algae; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Algae: Partial dependency plots for average TP concentration (mg/L) (A), average TN concentration (mg/L) (B), and average DO concentration (mg/L) (C) in the boosted regression model developed for the algal metric % Low inorganic N diatoms in central region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable low inorganic N diatoms; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Algae: Partial dependency plots for average TP concentration (mg/L) (A), percent fine substrate (B), average TN concentration (mg/L) (C) and percent agriculture based on orthophotos (D) in the boosted regression model developed for the algal metric % eutrophic diatoms in central region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable % euthrophic, the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Algae: Partial dependency plots for average TP concentration (mg/L) (A), average DO concentration (B), average silt substrate (C) and TN input to the watershed (kg/km2) (D) in the boosted regression model developed for the algal metric Observed/Expected taxa ratio (O/E algae) in central region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable O/E algae; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Algae: Partial dependency plots for percent riparian agriculture based on orthophotos (A), stream pH (B), average TN concentration (mg/L) (C) and percent instream habitat cover (D) in the boosted regression model developed for the algal metric % eutrophic diatoms in eastern region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable % euthrophic, the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.
Algae: Partial dependency plots for percent agriculture in the riparian based on orthophoto (A), percent riparian row crops based on NLCD (B), and average TN concentration (mg/L) (C) in the boosted regression model developed for the algal metric Observed/Expected taxa ratio (O/E algae) in eastern region. The y-axis fitted function represents the effect of the selected variable on the response variable O/E algae; the relative contribution of each explanatory variable is reported in parentheses. Refer to Table 1 for variable definitions.