Augusta University Academic Program Review Form

Academic Program Review Form

Insert Name of Program

By signing below, we attest that this report reflects an honest and thorough assessment of the program’s viability, productivity, and quality. We have provided our feedback on the findings of the program review and agree with the recommendations that are based on these assessments.

Program Director – Insert Name

Signature: Date:

Department Chair – Insert Name

Signature: Date:

Administrative Dean – Insert Name

Signature: Date:

Academic Dean – Insert Name

Signature: Date:

I. General Information
  1. The Academic Program

  1. Academic Program Name*
/ Insertthe official name of program as listed on the Degrees and Majors Authorized.
  1. CIP Code*
/ Insertthe program’s CIP Code as listed in Banner.
  1. Academic College*
/ ☐ College of Allied Health Sciences
☐ Pamplin College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
☐ Hull College of Business
☐ Dental College of Georgia
☐ College of Education
☐The Graduate School
☐Medical College of Georgia
☐ College of Nursing
☐ College of Science and Mathematics
  1. Administrative College*
/ ☐ Same as Academic College ☐ The Graduate School
  1. Department*
/ Insert full name of department
  1. Individual(s)Responsible for the Program
/ Insertthe name and title for all individualsprimarily responsible for the program, including the department chair and the program director.
  1. Date of Program’s Founding
/ Insert the academic year when the program was approved by the Board of Regents. If unknown, insert the semester and year when students were first enrolled in the program.
  1. Credit Hour Requirements
/ Insert the number of credit hours currentlyrequired to complete the program at the time of the review, in accordance with Board of Regents expectations. For undergraduate programs, the number of credit hours provided should include those required in the Core Curriculum.
  1. Program Admissions Type
/ ☐ Open ☐ Limited ☐ Restricted
  1. Tuition Rate
/ ☐Core Rate ☐ Premium Rate
  1. If Premium Rate, what is the current tuition?
/ Insert current tuition for students in the program.
  1. Specialized Accreditation(s)*
/ Insert a list of all specialized accreditations associated with this program and the years of last accreditation and next accreditation.
  1. The Program Review

  1. Type of Program Review
/ ☐ Scheduled Review ☐ Special Review
  1. If a Special Review, what triggered the review?
/ Insert brief explanation.
  1. Date of Last Program Review*
/ Insert year when the program was last reviewed.
  1. Outcome of Last Program Review*
/ Insert brief description of any actions or decisions that resulted from the last program review.
  1. Program Review Period
/ Insert the years represented by this program review.
II. Program Review Executive Summary*
Insert a brief summary of the program review self-study. The summary should specifically address the following:
  • The academic program’s achievements
  • Benchmarks of progress
  • Areas of distinction
  • Challenges
  • Aspirations
  • Plans for action
  • Shifting trends that might impact program demand
Please limit the summary to one page.
III. Contextual Overview of the Program
  1. Program’s History

Describe the history of the program, including the original rationale for establishing the program (refer to the original New Program Prospectus, if applicable). Provide a timeline illustrating significant events in the program’s history, including initial BOR approval, first enrollment, first graduating class, program name changes, reorganization to different colleges or departments, and changes related to any specialized accreditations.
  1. Shifting Trends Related to the Program

Describe any shifting trends related to the program’s discipline and the populations it serves (prospective and current students, faculty, employers, etc.). Examples include increased or decreased demand for graduates in this discipline, legislative policies affecting the disciplines, and evolving expectations for practitioners in the discipline.
  1. Program’s Organizational Structure

Describe the program’s placement within the university, including its academic college, administrative college (if different from the academic college), and department.Provide an organizational chart that illustrates where the program fits in the university organization, indicating all major reporting relationships from the program director to the president.
  1. Program’s Student Learning Outcomes

Insert the student learning outcomes that are assessed as part of the institutional effectiveness processes. These will be the outcomes entered in Compliance Assist. Indicate whether a different or larger set of outcomesare assessed by the program.
  1. Program’s Relation to Other Programs and Centers & Institutes

Describe the program’s interrelationship and/or interdependence with other academic programs and/or centers and institutes, such as shared funding, facilities, equipment, faculty, support staff, courses in the programs of study, etc. Indicate whether these other programs or centers and institutes are housed within the same college and/or department.
  1. Program Stakeholders

Describe the variousstakeholders who benefit directly from your program, how they are served by the program, and how they contribute to the program (e.g., via marketing and recruitment).
  1. Notable Achievements

Describe 3-5 notable achievements of the program that occurred within the review period.
  1. Compliance with SACSCOC and Federal Credit HourDefinition

The SACSCOC, in accordance with the US Department of Education, defines the credit hour as “an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates
  1. Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester…hour of credit…or
  2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required outlined in item 1 above for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.” [Source: SACSCOC Credit Hours Policy Statement]
Referencing the program’s academic plan, please indicate which of the following applies with regard to the program’s compliance with SACSCOC and federal expectations for the credit hour:
☐ All courses in the program comply with item 1 of the definition
☐ All courses comply with item 1 of the definition, with the exception of those listed below:
List exceptions and include a description of how they comply with the expectations using item 2 of the definition as a guide.
  1. Distance Education and Off-Campus Instructional Sites

Describe the program’s distance education offerings or off-campus instructional sites. Indicate the portion of total credit hours toward the program that are offered via distance education or at each off-campus instructional site.
IV. Program Statistics
  1. Admissions Demographics (Restricted Admissions Programs Only)

Based on the data provided by Institutional Research, briefly analyze all of the following characteristics in one or two paragraphs:
  1. Applicants, Acceptances, and New Enrollments*
In your analysis, describe how applicants or declared majors are defined for the purposes of providing data in this program review. Also, please include the provided graphs and charts in your analysis.
  1. Enrollment Demographics

Based on the data provided by Institutional Research, briefly analyze all of the following characteristics in one or two paragraphs:
  1. Enrollment*
  2. Number of students who had declared the major by 60 hours earned (undergraduate only)*
  3. Enrollment by Location/Mode of Instruction
  4. Students Enrolled as Secondary Major (undergraduate only)
In your analysis, describe how enrollment is defined for the purposes of providing data in this program review. Also, please include the provided graphs and charts in your analysis.
  1. Graduate Demographics

Based on the data provided by Institutional Research, briefly analyze all of the following characteristics in one or two paragraphs:
  1. Degrees Conferred*
  2. Degrees Conferred by Native versus Transfer Status
  3. Time to Degree
  4. Average number of Credit Hours
  5. Students Awarded Degree as Secondary Major (undergraduate only)
  6. Embedded Certificates
  7. Living, Located Alumni
In your analysis, describe how graduates are defined for the purposes of providing data in this program review. Also, please include the provided charts and graphs in your analysis.
  1. Faculty Demographics

Based on the data provided by Institutional Research, briefly analyze all of the following characteristics in one or two paragraphs:
  1. FacultySupporting the Degree Program Within the Academic Unit by Full-time/Part-time Status*
  2. Facultyby Highest Degrees Earned, indicating percent with terminal degrees*
  3. Faculty by Rank
  4. Faculty by Tenure Status
  5. Faculty Supporting the Degree Program Outside the Academic Unit by Full-time/Part-time Status*
  6. Faculty by Location/Mode of Instruction
  7. Faculty Distribution of Effort
In your analysis, describe how faculty are defined for the purposes of providing data in this program review. Also, please include the provided graphs and charts in your analysis, and identify the terminal degree for the discipline.
V. Evaluation of Program Viability
For the purposes of program review at Augusta University, viability is defined as follows:
A programs’ capacity to be sustained either totally or in an altered form (e.g., curriculum change, level change, etc.). Considerations are independent of quality measures; i.e., a high quality program could lack viability, or a program in need of considerable improvement could have high viability.
For each of the indicators below, describe the implications of the data and information that was provided in Section III (Contextual Overview of the Program) and Section IV (Program Statistics) to the viability of the program.
  1. Admissions (Limited/Restricted Access Programs Only)

Briefly analyze the program’s applicant trends in one or two paragraphs, supporting the analysis with data. Describe how “applicants” and “admitted students” are defined for the purposes of this program’s review (e.g., formal application process and acceptances granted specifically to the program, AU applicants and acceptances who indicate the program as their major).
  1. Enrollment

Briefly analyzethe program’s enrollment trends in one or two paragraphs, supporting the analysis with data.Describe how “enrollment” is defined for the purposes of this program’s review (e.g., formal admittance, declaration of major, enrollment in upper-level courses).
  1. Faculty Supporting the Degree Program

Briefly analyze the program’s faculty trends in one or two paragraphs, supporting the analysis with data. Describe how “faculty supporting the degree program” is determined for the purposes of this program’s review, distinguishing those within the academic unit (i.e., faculty with primary appointment to the college/department housing the program) from those outside the academic unit (i.e., faculty with primary appointments in other colleges/departments).
  1. Analysis of Program Viability*

Based on your evaluation of the viability indicators above (sections A-C), do you judge this program is viable? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Provide an explanation for your response that is supported by your evaluation of the viability indicators above. You may also include other indicators that are relevant to this program or its discipline, including market demand and stakeholder needs.
VI. Evaluation of Program Productivity
For the purposes of program review at Augusta University, productivity is defined as follows:
The programs’ efficiency in ensuring each student reacheshis/her primary educational goal to earn a degree.
For each of the indicators below, describe the implications of the data and information that was provided in Section III (Contextual Overview of the Program) and Section IV (Program Statistics) to the viability of the program.
  1. Time to Degree

Briefly analyze the program’s time to degree trends in one or two paragraphs, supporting the analysis with data. Describe specific factors impacting time to degree, including factors internal to the program, external to the program but internal to the college or university, and external to the university.Address any barriers related to course sequence. Quantify the number of graduates who finish with too many hours, and provide analysis for the reasons.
  1. Graduation

Briefly analyze the program’s graduation trends in one or two paragraphs, supporting the analysis with data.
  1. Analysis of Program Productivity*

Based on your evaluation of the productivity indicators above (sections A-B), do you judge this program is productive? ☐ Yes ☐ No
Provide an explanation for your response that is supported by your evaluation of the productivity indicators above. You may also include other indicators that are relevant to this program or its discipline.
VII. Evaluation of Program Quality
For the purposes of program review at Augusta University, quality is defined as follows:
The program’s excellence in meeting the expectations of the program’s discipline and in upholding the university’s mission, vision, and values.
For each of the indicators below, describe the implications of the data and information that was provided in Section III (Contextual Overview of the Program) and Section IV (Program Statistics) to the viability of the program.
  1. Specialized Accreditations

For programs currently accredited by a specialized accreditor:
Briefly describe feedback from the program’s last review. Describe how changes affecting the program were handled or are being handled as a result of feedback.
For programs where a specialized accreditation is available but not been pursued:
Briefly describe why the institution should or should not apply for the accreditation. If the accreditation is recommended, describe the requirements/process for receiving accreditation and foreseen the benefits to the program and to the institution.
  1. Student Output

  1. Exit Exams or Licensure/Certification Exams*

Indicate the exam(s) applicable to the program and define the appropriate indicator for each exam (e.g., averages, pass rates). Briefly analyze the program’s trends on these exams in one or two paragraphs, supporting the analysis with data.
  1. Employment Rates

If available,briefly analyze the program’s graduates’ employment success in one or two paragraphs, supporting the analysis with data or examples. Describe the source and the methods for acquiring the information provided.
  1. Entry Into Graduate Programs or Advanced Education

If available,briefly analyze the program’s graduate’s advanced education success, supporting the analysis with data or examples. Describe the source and the methods for acquiring the information provided.
  1. Program Achievements

  1. Students’ Achievements

Describe any notable achievements of currently enrolled students, including awards; publications; presentations at regional, national, and international meetings; major scholarships and grants; and other special recognitions relevant to the program.
  1. Graduates’ Achievements

Describe any notable achievements of graduates, including awards; publications; presentations at regional, national, and international meetings; major scholarships and grants; and other special recognitions relevant to the program. Include any graduate of the program, but limit achievements to those earned within the review period.
  1. Faculty Achievements

Describe any notable achievements of faculty, including awards; publications; presentations at regional, national, and international meetings; major scholarships and grants; and other special recognitions relevant to the program. Include any faculty who teaches in the program, but limit achievements to those earned within the review period.
  1. Other Achievements

Describe any other notable achievements of the program, including rankings, awards, and other special recognitions relevant to the program. Limit achievements to those earned within the review period.
  1. High Impact Teaching Practices (Undergraduate Programs Only)

  1. Study Away/Study Abroad

If applicable, provide the number of faculty, students, and/or courses in study away/study abroad related to the program during the review period. Describe opportunities and/or barriers for faculty and students in the program to participate in study away/study abroad.
  1. Student Internships

If applicable, provide the number of faculty, students, and/or courses in student internships related to the program during the review period. Describe opportunities and/or barriers for faculty and students in the program to participate in internships.
  1. Honors Program

If applicable, provide the faculty, students, and/or courses in the Honors Program during the review period. Describe opportunities and/or barriers for students in the program to participate in the Honors Program.
  1. Undergraduate Research

If applicable, provide the number of faculty, students, and/or courses in undergraduate research projects during the review period. Describe opportunities and/or barriers for students in the program to participate in research projects.
  1. Service Learning

If applicable, provide the number of faculty, students, and/or courses in service learning activities related to the program during the review period. Describe opportunities and/or barriers for faculty and students in the program to participate in service learning activities.
  1. Curricular Alignment and Currency to the Discipline*

Describe how the program ensures the curriculum is appropriate and current to the discipline. Indicate if the program curriculum is based on expectations from an external body, such as an accreditor or professional organization. If the curriculum is not based on external expectations, provide a comparison to peer programs, listing the peer programs and explaining how they were selected. In addition, if the program has completed a curriculum map, please include it in the appendices.
  1. Analysis of Program Quality*

Provide an overall analysis of the program’s quality that is supported by your evaluation of the quality indicators above (A-E). You may also include other indicators that are relevant to this program or its discipline.
VIII. Reflection on Continuous Improvement
  1. Unit-Level Planning

Describe program changes and accomplishments that have resulted from the program’s unit annual planning and assessment. Indicate how these results have contributed to achieving the institutional strategic goals.