Name: Date:
Complete the Internet Test(s) above. Then, use the given web sites to fill in the information below. Most parties list their stance on issues under either an "issues" or "platform" section. Some web sites are more user friendly than others, so if you have problems start by looking up any terms you don't understand in a political dictionary. You might also benefit from going through this activity with your parents to help interpret what the party sites are really saying, or maybe doing it together with another student so you can help each other interpret the info. Each political party site will phrase its issues and ideas very carefully to try and make themselves sound good to as wide an audience as possible. There will be a lot of euphemisms! (For instance, pro-freedom instead of pro-gun, and pro-safety instead of anti-gun.) Copy this into a word document and place into the drop box, or write your answers in order directly into the submission area.
Major Party Websites (parties listed alphabetically)
Democrat Party
Republican Party at
Minor Party Websites
Constitution Party
Green Party at
Libertarian Party
Modern Whig party at
Reform Party at
Socialist Party at
1. Which major party was ranked higher on your party compatibility table? Democrat or Republican
Did this surprise you? Yes Sort of No
Why? Explain....
2. First, research 3 issues from your list above for your more dominant major party.
*Do NOT just list if the party is for or against an issue, but explain what they want to see happen. Or at least restate some of the comments on their website in your own words.
In addition, do NOT just state that you agree or disagree but WHY? Do the same for the other parties too, please!
Issues Party Stance Agree? Disagree? Why?
3. Which minor party ranked highest on your party compatibility table?
Had you ever heard of this party? Yes No
If yes, where?
Issues Party Stance Agree? Disagree? Why?
4. Next, research 3 issues for the other major party.
Republican or Democrat
Issues Party Stance Agree? Disagree? Why?
5. Lastly, write a two paragraph reaction to these research findings. Among the items you might respond to could be the following: Do you agree with how this test categorized you? Explain why or why not. What did you think about the different parties stance of certain issues? Were there a lot of odd phrasings, euphemisms, even propaganda? How about some examples? Will you probably maintain an affiliation with a political party as you get older? Or do you consider yourself an independent? How much do you think your political views are shaped by your parents' views? What about by your age, gender, race, religion, or other demographic details? Are political parties necessary? Helpful? Misleading? (You don't need to reply to each of these Q's, but do write a good 2-paragraph analysis of your politics at this point.)