The plans described below are suggestions for affordability assistance programs. A municipality is free to develop different guidelines and program descriptions. All affordability assistance programs are subject to the review and approval of the Department of Community Affairs (the Department).
Down Payment Loan Program
Please see the Down Payment Assistance Program Guidelines and model documents available on the Department’s website:
Homeowner Assistance Loan Program – Association Fees
From time to time, homeowners fall behind on their Condominium or Homeowner Association fees. The municipality has a loan program that will lend up to one year’s worth of Association fee arrears, or $5,000, whichever is less. The interest rate is the municipality’s bond-borrowing interest rate at the time of taking of the loan.
The homeowner must be able to prove income-eligibility and, to the municipality’s satisfaction and approval, that hardship has existed. Homeowner also must prove that the hardship no longer exists and that ongoing fees will be paid on time every time from the date of the loan forward. If arrears occur again, the homeowner is in default and the municipality may call the loan due and payable immediately, without further notification. The loan has no prepayment penalty, and is due and payable upon the resale of the property, refinancing or any borrowing against the property, and/or foreclosure, whichever is first. This loan may be subordinated only to the primary mortgage. When calculating the borrowing capacity of the homeowner, this loan must be included. The homeowner must sign a mortgage and a mortgage note to the municipality.
Homeowner Assistance Loan Program – Mortgage Payments
The municipality has a loan program that will lend up to two months or less of mortgage payments in arrears, in order to forestall foreclosure.
The homeowner must be able to prove income-eligibility and, to the municipality’s satisfaction and approval, that hardship has existed. Homeowner also must prove that the hardship no longer exists and that ongoing fees will be paid on time every time from the date of the loan forward. If arrears occur again, the homeowner is in default and the municipality may call the loan due and payable immediately, without further notification. The loan has no prepayment penalty, and is due and payable upon the resale of the property, refinancing or any borrowing against the property, and/or foreclosure, whichever is first. This loan may be subordinated only to the primary mortgage. When calculating the borrowing capacity of the homeowner, this loan must be included. The homeowner must sign a mortgage and a mortgage note to the municipality.
[Municipality]’s Affordability Assistance Programs will be administered by [if individual programs are administered by different agents or persons, list all]. After an applicant is income qualified by [Insert name of entity that qualifies applicants] pursuant to the Department’s rules and the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls, or cannot be qualified due to a need for assistance, an affordability assistance application will be completed and forwarded with all necessary documentation to [Insert name of affordability assistance administrator].
The affordability assistance recipient will sign a contract with [municipality] which states, at a minimum: the amount of funds granted, interest information, procedures, duration and conditions of affordability assistance, and repayment information.
The availability of any Affordability Assistance Programs must be noticed to all tenants of affordable units within [municipality] and provided to all administrative agents of affordable units within [municipality].
An income eligible occupant or applicant for an affordable unit within municipality may not be denied participation in the Affordability Assistance Program(s) unless funding is no longer available.
[Insert any additional or more detailed procedures.]
UpdatedOctober 2011