Physical Education – Grade 8

Second Grading Period – Week 1 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW

Big Idea / Unit Rationale
·  In Physical Education, provide meaningful learning opportunities for students to acquire movement knowledge and skills that provide a foundation for enjoyment, social development, and access to a physically-active lifestyle.
·  For students in sports to participate in a wide range of sports activities that can be pursued for a lifetime.
·  To promote continued development of health-related fitness and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). / ·  The teacher will develop activities appropriate for learning skills in game-like condition, demonstrate appropriate behavior during a contest, and participate in modified games to use basic offensive and defensive strategies.
·  The students will participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis and use Polar Heart Rate Monitor/Suunto to monitor heart rates.
The students will maintain a personal fitness journal.
TEKS / TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
Concepts / ·  8.4E Identify and apply basic weight training principles and safety practices such as appropriate goals, appropriate weight and repetitions, body alignment, principle of frequency, intensity, and time, and importance of balance in muscle pairs. / ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
Identify and apply basic weight training principles and safety practices such as appropriate goals, appropriate weight and repetitions.( 8.4E)
Skills / ·  8.1F Demonstrate, without cue, critical elements in specialized skills related to sports such as overhand throw for distance/force, serving and bumping, volleyball, shooting a basketball, shooting a lay-up, forehand and backhand, striking with a racquet or club, or batting. / I Can
Including, but not limited to:
Demonstrate specialized skills related to sports such as overhand throw for distance/force, serving and bumping, volleyball, shooting a basketball, shooting a lay-up.(8.1F)
Evidence of Learning
1.  Keeping a journal of pre-assessment Fitnessgram scores and fitness goals before planning a fitness plan 80% of the time.
2.  Given an opportunity to demonstrate, students will demonstrate specialized skills related to sports 80% of the time.


Essential Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills
Can students begin to develop a personal fitness journal and demonstrate that they have understood the benefits of physical activities on a long-term basis?
How can students identify rules, procedures and demonstrate specialized skills related to sports? / Recommended prerequisite is 7th grade physical education
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will… / So students can…. / Resources
Have students
·  Decide physical activity goals and limits before activity
·  Get journals, heart rate monitor digi-walker and record resting heart rate
·  Begin Fitnessgram activities / ·  understand importance of safety procedures associated with activities
·  identify long-term benefits of physical activities
·  achieve the healthy fitness zone of the Fitnessgram / Bienestar Coordinated School Health Curriculum
SPARK Curriculum
Building a P.E Foundation
Strength and Conditioning Exercises Unit
Sport-related Unit
Physical Education Activity Handbook
Chapter 2 Principles of Physical Fitness
Chapter 26 Weight Training
Sport-related Chapter
Health and Physical Education Website
·  serving
·  bumping
·  lay-up
·  forehand
·  backhand
·  striking
·  batting
·  frequency
·  intensity
·  time / Equipment:
Evidence of Learning
Differentiation / Interims/TAKS/Benchmarks / College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
What do you do for students who are having difficulty?
·  Have students pair up with a partner
·  Provide frequent feedback
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? / How can students identify rules, procedures and demonstrate specialized skills related to sports? / Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle habits be prepared for college life physical challenges, good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?

Physical Education – Grade 8

Second Grading Period – Week 2 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW

Big Idea / Unit Rationale
·  In Physical Education, provide meaningful learning opportunities for students to acquire movement knowledge and skills that provide a foundation for enjoyment, social development, and access to a physically-active lifestyle.
·  For students in sports to participate in a wide range of sports activities that can be pursued for a lifetime.
·  To promote continued development of health-related fitness and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). / ·  The teacher will develop activities appropriate for learning skills in game-like condition, demonstrate appropriate behavior during a contest, and participate in modified games to use basic offensive and defensive strategies.
·  The students will participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis and use Polar Heart Rate Monitor/Suunto to monitor heart rates.
The students will maintain a personal fitness journal.
TEKS / TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
Concepts / ·  8.1B Demonstrate appropriate relationships to an opponent in dynamic game situations such as, staying between opponent and goal and moving between opponent and the ball.
·  8.6B Describe fundamental components and strategies used in net/wall, invasion, target, and fielding games such as net/wall alternating the speed and direction of the ball, invasion-fakes, give and go, target-concentration, feel the movement, and fielding-back up other players. / ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
Demonstrate appropriate relationships to an opponent in dynamic game situations such as, staying between opponent and goal and moving between opponent and the ball.(8.1B)
Skills / ·  8.4H Recognize the effects of substance abuse on personal health and performance in physical activity. / I Can
Including, but not limited to:
Recognize the effects of substance abuse on personal health and performance in physical activity. (8.4H)
Evidence of Learning
1.  Keeping a journal of pre-assessment Fitnessgram scores and fitness goals before planning a fitness plan 80% of the time.
2.  Given an opportunity to demonstrate, students can describe fundamental components and strategies used in net/wall, invasion, target, and fielding games 80% of the time.


Essential Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills
Can students begin to develop a personal fitness journal and demonstrate that they have understood the benefits of physical activities on a long-term basis?
Can students describe sequential components and strategies used in net/wall, invasion, target, and fielding games? / Recommended prerequisite is 7th grade physical education
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will… / So students can…. / Resources
Have students
·  Get journals, heart rate monitor digi-walker and record resting heart rate
·  Decide goals for physical activities.
·  Begin fundamental strategies for success in physical activities / ·  understand importance of safety procedures associated with activities
·  identify long-term benefits of physical activities
·  achieve the healthy fitness zone of the Fitnessgram / Bienestar Coordinated School Health Curriculum
SPARK Curriculum
Building a P.E Foundation
Sport-related Unit
Physical Education Activity Handbook
Chapter 2 Principles of Physical Fitness
Sport-related Chapter
Health and Physical Education Website
·  net/wall (alternating the speed and direction of the ball)
·  invasion-fakes(give and go)
·  target (concentration)
·  fielding (back up other players) / Equipment:
Evidence of Learning
Differentiation / Interims/TAKS/Benchmarks / College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
What do you do for students who are having difficulty?
·  Have students pair up with a partner
·  Provide frequent feedback
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? / How will students analyze sequential components and strategies used in net/wall, invasion, target, and fielding games? / Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle habits be prepared for college life physical challenges, good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?

Physical Education – Grade 8

Second Grading Period – Week 3 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW

Big Idea / Unit Rationale
·  In Physical Education, provide meaningful learning opportunities for students to acquire movement knowledge and skills that provide a foundation for enjoyment, social development, and access to a physically-active lifestyle.
·  For students in sports to participate in a wide range of sports activities that can be pursued for a lifetime.
·  To promote continued development of health-related fitness and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). / ·  The teacher will develop activities appropriate for learning skills in game-like condition, demonstrate appropriate behavior during a contest, and participate in modified games to use basic offensive and defensive strategies.
·  The students will participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis and use Polar Heart Rate Monitor/Suunto to monitor heart rates.
The students will maintain a personal fitness journal.
TEKS / TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
Concepts / ·  8.1A Coordinate movements with teammates to achieve team goals. / ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
Coordinate movements with teammates to achieve team goals.(8.1A)
Skills / ·  8.2D Detect and correct errors in personal or partner’s skill performance / I Can
Including, but not limited to:
Detect and correct errors in personal or partner’s skill performance.(8.2D)
Evidence of Learning
1.  Keeping a journal of pre-assessment Fitnessgram scores and fitness goals before planning a fitness plan 80% of the time.
2.  Given an opportunity to demonstrate, students will successfully participate in following procedures to coordinate movements with teammates to achieve team goals 80% of the time.


Essential Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills
Can students begin to develop a personal fitness journal and demonstrate that they have understood the benefits of physical activities on a long-term basis?
Can students identify procedures to coordinate movements with teammates to achieve team goals? / Recommended prerequisite is 7th grade physical education
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will… / So students can…. / Resources
Have students
·  Decide on team goals for physical activities.
·  Get journals, heart rate monitor digi-walker and record team goals
·  Begin team physical activity / ·  understand importance of team goals
·  identify long-term benefits of physical activities
·  achieve the team goal / Bienestar Coordinated School Health Curriculum
SPARK Curriculum
Building a P.E Foundation
Sport-related Unit
Physical Education Activity Handbook
Chapter 2 Principles of Physical Fitness
Sport-related Chapter
Health and Physical Education Website
·  team goal
·  advanced movement skill
·  game plan
·  self-talk
·  psychological benefit / Equipment:
Evidence of Learning
Differentiation / Interims/TAKS/Benchmarks / College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
What do you do for students who are having difficulty?
·  Have students pair up with a partner
·  Provide frequent feedback
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly / How will students coordinate movements with teammates to achieve team goals?? / Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle habits be prepared for college life physical challenges, good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?

Physical Education – Grade 8

Second Grading Period – Week 4 CURRICULUM OVERVIEW

Big Idea / Unit Rationale
·  In Physical Education, provide meaningful learning opportunities for students to acquire movement knowledge and skills that provide a foundation for enjoyment, social development, and access to a physically-active lifestyle.
·  For students in sports to participate in a wide range of sports activities that can be pursued for a lifetime.
·  To promote continued development of health-related fitness and moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). / ·  The teacher will develop activities appropriate for learning skills in game-like condition, demonstrate appropriate behavior during a contest, and participate in modified games to use basic offensive and defensive strategies.
·  The students will participate in moderate to vigorous physical activities on a daily basis and use Polar Heart Rate Monitor/Suunto to monitor heart rates.
The students will maintain a personal fitness journal.
TEKS / TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
Concepts / ·  8.2A Create and modify activities that provide practice of selected skills to improve performance such as practice with non-dominant hand, practice specific game situations, or practice jumps or cartwheels in both directions. / ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students.
I Can
Including, but not limited to:
Create and modify activities that provide practice of selected skills to improve performance (8.2A)
Evidence of Learning
1.  Keeping a journal of pre-assessment Fitnessgram scores and fitness goals before planning a fitness plan 80% of the time.
2.  Given an opportunity to demonstrate, students will create and modify activities that provide practice of selected skills to improve performance 80% of the time.


Essential Questions / Essential Pre-requisite Skills
Can students begin to develop a personal fitness journal and demonstrate that they have understood the benefits of physical activities on a long-term basis?
Can students create and modify activities that provide practice of selected skills to improve performance? / Recommended prerequisite is 7th grade physical education
The Teaching Plan
Instructional Model & Teacher Directions
The teacher will… / So students can…. / Resources
Have students
·  Dress in appropriate attire for class activities.
·  Get journals, heart rate monitor digi-walker and record resting heart rate
·  Begin modify activities that provide practice of selected skills to improve performance / ·  understand importance of safety procedures associated with activities
·  identify long-term benefits of physical activities
·  improve performance in activities in selected skills / Bienestar Coordinated School Health Curriculum
SPARK Curriculum
Building a P.E Foundation
Sport-related Unit
Physical Education Activity Handbook
Chapter 2 Principles of Physical Fitness
Sport-related Chapter
Health and Physical Education Website
·  eye-hand coordination
·  movement concept
·  manual dexterity
·  range of motion
·  fitness goal / Equipment:
Evidence of Learning
Differentiation / Interims/TAKS/Benchmarks / College-Readiness i.e.,
Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
What do you do for students who are having difficulty?
·  Have students pair up with a partner
·  Provide frequent feedback
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? / How will students create and modify activities that provide practice of selected skills to improve performance? / Will all students who learn and practice healthy lifestyle habits be prepared for college life physical challenges, good study habits, nutritional and healthy choices?

Physical Education – Grade 8