Note: Incomplete sections will be updated when information becomes available
Paper Outline 2011
Paper Number and Title: 159233 Computer Architecture
Credits value: 15Semester: 1101
Campus: ManawatuMode: Internal
Calendar Prescription:
Digital logic. Architecture. Processor organisation, analysis and design. Assembler programming.
Pre-requisites:159.101, 159.102
Restrictions: 159.203, 159.253
E-Learning Category:web supported
Paper Coordinator: MrPaulLyons
Office:AH 3.81
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion a student will have knowledge and understanding in the following areas:
1Design of digital logic components commonly used in computers
2Design of a simple computer architecture, with some understanding of advanced techniques
3Experience in Assembly Language programming
Alignment of Assessment to Learning outcomes
Assessment Description / Learning Outcomes Assessed / Contribution to Paper MarkAssessment / 1. / 2. / 3.
Digital Logic Design / / / 20%
Assembly Language programmning / / / 20%
Exam / / / / 60%
Assessments and Deadlines
Assessment / Due Date / Deadline / Late Penalty / Paper completion requirementDigital Logic Design / 20/4/2011 / 1 mark per day late / 40%
Assembly Language Programming / 25/5/2011 / 1 mark per day late / 40%
Combined assignment mark of 20/40 AND obtain 24/60 for the final examination
Overall mark of 50%
The turnaround time for assignments will be no more than three weeks from the due date. It is important to note that the specified timeframe applies only to those assignments submitted by the due date, and does not necessarily apply to those submitted late.
Additional Requirements for Paper Completion
Student Time Budget:
A 15 credit paper equates to 12.5 hours per week, studying 4 papers full time equals 50 hours per week.
Textbook and Other Recommended Reading, Online Resources:
Patterson & Hennessy:
Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware and Software Interface;
3rd edition, Morgan Kaufmann
Timely:T76 Logic template
Other Recommended Reading:
Structured Computer Organisation;
5th edition, Prentice Hall
Recorded lectures for the Digital Logic section of the course are online at
Conditions for Aegrotat Pass and Impaired Performance:
If you are prevented by illness, injury or serious crisis from attending an examination (or completing an element of assessment by the due date), or if you consider that your performance has been seriously impaired by such circumstances, you may apply for aegrotat or impaired performance consideration. You must apply on the form available from the Examinations Office, the Student Health Service or the Student Counseling Service.
To qualify for an aegrotat pass on the final examination, you must have attempted at least 40% of the total formal assessment andyour performance must be well above the minimum pass standard, so that the examiners can be confident that you would have passed the paper if you had completed the final examination. You may also apply for aegrotat consideration for other compulsory assessment elements (such as Semester Tests) that occur at a fixed time and place if you are prevented by illness, injury or a serious crisis from attending.
MasseyUniversity, College of Sciences, has taken a firm stance on plagiarism and any form of cheating. Plagiarism is the copying or paraphrasing of another person’s work, whether published or unpublished, without clearly acknowledging it. It includes copying the work of other students. Plagiarism will be penalized; it is likely to lead to loss of marks for that item of assessment and may lead to an automatic failing grade for the paper and/or exclusion from reenrollment at the University.
Grievance Procedures:
A student who claims that he/she has sustained academic disadvantage as a result of the actions of a University staff member should use the University Grievance Procedures. Students, whenever practicable, should in the first instance approach the University staff member concerned. If the grievance is unresolved with the staff member concerned, the student should then contact the College of Sciences office on his/her campus for further information on the procedures, or read the procedures in the University Calendar.
Appendix A
Lecture Outline and Teaching Schedule
Week / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday1 / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture
2 / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture
3 / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture
4 / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture
5 / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture
6 / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture
7 / Assembly Language Programming / Assembly Language Programming / Assembly Language Programming
8 / Assembly Language Programming / Assembly Language Programming / Assembly Language Programming
9 / Assembly Language Programming / Assembly Language Programming / Assembly Language Programming
10 / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture
11 / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture
12 / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture / Computer Architecture