2017-18 SPANISH 3 PAP Syllabus / Scope and Sequence
Objective: To continue student understanding in Spanish Grammar and introduce Literature and Cultural Aspects at the intermediate and advanced levels.
Spanish 3PAP and AP4 classes work more on thematic principals than rote instruction by chapter.These themes will relate to relevant social and cultural elements mandated by the College Board and their Essential Elements for AP Spanish Language Instruction.All literature / videos / musical references will reflect this concentration.
Though each thematic topic will last 6 weeks, grading will reflect the 9-week grading period and will contain the following elements:
- Minimum of 4 tests each 9 weeks that will total 50% of the student's average. At least two of these tests will be grammatical in nature. One exam will be an oral presentation (news article) and the final will be based on either an assigned thematic project or paper done in the style of the AP Language and Culture exam.
- A minimum of 16daily assignments (grammatical, readings, speaking) will total 50% of the student's grade.
Texts Used: There is no single text that I use for this class. Instead, I use a mixture of texts (high school anduniversity level) and authentic readings in the target language to provide a diverse range of difficulty levels and subject matter:
- Breaking the Spanish Barrier (Breaking the Barrier, Inc.)
- Campo Abierto (Houghton Mifflin Company)
- En Contacto(Heinle)
- Temas(Vista Higher Learning)
- Abriendo Paso / Puertas(Pearson / Preston Hall)
Weekly activities:
- Cuidados (watch-outs) of troublesome Spanish-English grammar
- Telenovela Fridays
- Music Video translation and analysis with vocabulary
- Speaking grades from material taken from AP text
- In-class timed essays relating to the particular theme studied at that time.
Theme 1 – Personal and Public Identities
- Grammar: Ser and estar / Gustar(le) and similar verbs / advanced present tense
- Vocabulary:leisure / self-description
- AP Reading assignments: A Julia de Burgos / Borges y Yo
- History: Minorities (Chicano / Gitano)
- Project activity: "self" poem with presentation
Theme 2 – Global Challenges (Social Inequality)
- Grammar: Present Perfect / passive voice
- Vocabulary: Employment / education
- History: Latin American Colonial System and current repercussions
- AP Readings: El Hombre que Se Convirtió en Perro
- Movie: La HistoriaOficial
Theme 3 – Beauty and Esthetics
- Grammar: Subjunctive in noun and adjective clauses / DOP and IOP placement
- Vocabulary: fashion / art vocabulary / weather(?)
- AP Readings: Sonnets from Golden Age / En UnaTempestad
- Project activity: Artist and Painting comparison (DMA visit)
Theme 4 – Science and Technology – Changing world
- Grammar:Commands / True future / por and para
- Vocabulary:Medical / computer / internet
- AP Readings: Nosotros, No / Rosa
- Project Activity:Commercial project
Theme 5 – Contemporary Life
- Grammar:Subjunctive in adjective and adverbial clauses / Double object pronouns
- Vocabulary: AP Vocabulary
- Readings: Los Mutantes/ Como la Vida Misma
- Project Activity: 1st AP-style paper
Theme 6 – Families and Communities
- Grammar: Review past tense / imperfect subjunctive if possible
- Vocabulary: extended family / community activities
- AP Reading: La Casa de Bernarda Alba
- Activity:2nd AP paper / Celebration presentation