New Employee Orientation Forms
Substitute Teacher
Thank you for your interest in becoming a substitute teacher in the Alamance-Burlington School System. The first step to becoming a substitute teacher is to apply on-line.
Effective January 1, 2009, the Alamance-Burlington School System requires that anyone interested in becoming a substitute teacher complete “Effective Teacher Training for Substitutes” prior to becoming a substitute teacher. This training is offered through Alamance Community College at various intervals throughout the year. You can contact Paula at 336-506-4219 to get more information regarding this class or you can view the webpage at Upon successful completion of the training, please drop off or mail a copy of the certificate you receive to the Alamance-Burlington School System Human Resources Department. We will also accept a certificate stating that you have completed the Teacher Assistant Program at ACC in lieu of the Effective Teacher Training. If you have a teaching certificate whether current or expired, you may submit this also, in lieu of the Effective Teacher Training. Once you have submitted your certificate, you will be scheduled for New Employee Orientation. If you have questions regarding this process, please feel free to contact Tammy Atkins at 336-438-4076.
The substitute teacher process in a nutshell:
• Complete the on-line application
• Submit background release form
• Attend Effective Teacher Training through Alamance Community College
• Present Teacher Assistant Certificate
• Present teacher certificate (current or expired)
• You will be scheduled for New Employee Orientation.
- Personal Information
- Employment Eligibility Form (I-9 Form) - Complete “Section 1. Employee Information and Verification.”
- N. C. Tax Form (NC-4) - Complete “Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate” (bottom section).
- Federal Tax Form (W-4) - Complete “Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate” (bottom section).
- Social Security Account Numbers of Alamance-Burlington School System’s Employees - Provide information as requested on card. This must be exactly as shown on your Social Security card. If your name has changed, please start the process of obtaining a new Social Security card by contacting your local social security office.
- Health Examination Certificate - This form is to be completed by your physician. If you do not have it completed in time to bring it with you to the New Employee Orientation, you must return it to the Human Resources within 30 days of your effective date of employment. Your paycheck will be withheld if this form is not completed.
- Employee’s Record of Aggregate State of NC Service - List only employment you have had as an employee with the state of North Carolina, ending with your new position in this school district.
7a. If you have been previously employed with another North Carolina state agency, please complete the top portion of this form and send it to the last state agency with which you were employed. Please bring a duplicate copy to New Employee Orientation so that ABSS will have a record of what agency you have requested verification of prior employment.
- Direct Deposit - Attach a void check or deposit slip for the account to which you wish your monthly check to be deposited.
- Employee Acceptable Use Policy/Form – Complete this form and indicate if you need training or a workshop related to using email or the internet.
- Employment Background Authorization and Release
- Board Policy 5105 Form
In addition to completing the forms listed above, please bring the following items with you to the session:
- Two forms of identification, e.g., social security card and driver’s license. For other acceptable items, see the Employment Eligibility Verification (I-9) form.
- Selective Service Registration Card (males 26 years of age or younger only). If you cannot locate your card, call the Selective Service Office (1-847-688-6888) and request a duplicate.
Thank you for your cooperation in completing this paperwork. If you experience any difficulties with the forms or your insurance options, we will be happy to answer your questions at New Employee Orientation. We look forward to working with you.