CHAPTER 10 Development Across the Lifespan

Study Guide

Terms to Know

1.  Heredity – ______


2.  Environment – ______


3.  Cultural Heritage – ______


4.  Ethnic Group – ______


5.  Character – ______


6.  Maturation – ______


7.  Chronological Growth – ______

8.  Physical Growth – ______

9.  Intellectual Growth – ______


10.  Cognition – ______

11.  Social Growth – ______

12.  Emotional Growth – ______


13.  Sequential Steps – ______

14.  Individual Rates of Growth – ______


15.  Interrelated Development Rates – ______


16.  Developmental Theories – ______



17.  Behaviorism – ______


18.  Classical Conditioning – ______


19.  Operant Conditioning – ______


Growth and Development Overview

20.  The lifespan can be viewed as a ______that extends from ______to ______.

21.  Most ______progress through the same ______along the path.

22.  Development does not ______after the ______years.

23.  ______and change continue throughout every ______.

24.  The ______of ______are similar for almost everyone, but

each person ______in an individual way.

Factors Influencing Growth

25.  What are the two main factors that influence a person’s growth?



26.  Explain Heredity ______


27.  Environment

a.  Infants have little control over their ______

b.  ______conditions, such as food and rest

c.  ______with others and the presence or absence of ______

d.  Environment can also affect a baby’s ______(baby’s brains develop at a slower rate if no one holds or talks to them)

28.  Explain what scientists now believe about environment and heredity? ______



29.  Name the 4 factors influenced by heredity and environment





30.  How does cultural heritage influence your heredity and environment?




31.  ______are important because they encourage a culturally healthy society

32.  Character

a. The inner ______that guides your ______and behavior

toward ______standards of right and wrong

b.  Character development begins in ______when children are taught certain ______are acceptable and other are ______(learn not to hit)

c. As character ______, children develop acceptable ______of behavior and use them voluntarily.

d.They can face a new situation knowing ______and ______

Types of Growth

33.  As you ______(maturation), your physical, personal, and behavior characteristics become more adult.

34.  List the 5 changes that occur as you grow and develop are:






35.  Chronological growth

a.  The ______type of growth that takes place at the same rate for all people

b.  Each birthday ______another year to you age

c.  Chronological maturity is often used for legal purposes like obtaining a driver’s license, registering to vote or enlist in the military

36.  Physical growth

a.  Influenced by ______and ______habits such as the type and amount of food eaten

b.  Presence or absence of ______

c.  How you take care of your body

37.  Intellectual growth

a.  Influenced by ______, environment, and desire to learn

b.  As connections between the ______nerve cell develop and strengthen, ______abilities increase

c.  Being able to ______and organize thoughts

38.  Social Growth

a.  Begins in early ______as children learn to take turns and share

b.  Playing and ______together individuals learn to ______

39.  You also learn that ______people like different activities

Emotional Growth

40.  Learn ______, gain confidence, and develop self-esteem

Patterns of Growth

41.  Growth and development occur in a series of patterns called ______

42.  Each new response is based on existing ______and ______learned in prior steps

43.  Growth and development rates vary from child to child which displays ______

44.  Growth is also influenced by ______

a.  You have a crying baby. You try to console the baby by giving him a rattle. The rattle is recognized intellectually as his hand grasps it physically. Emotionally, the baby is appeased by the distraction of the rattle. Socially, the baby smiles at you, signaling his contentment.

Theories of Growth and Development

45.  Scientists have studied ______and ______to learn how these processes work and affect individuals

46.  Their explanations are called ______

47.  Theories are ______, but they are useful in understanding the capabilities of individuals at various ______


48.  Theories of Growth and Development

Behaviorist Theories

a.  According to behaviorists, ______shape people’s behaviors

b.  Behaviorists believe that ______are ______born with ______but they ______as they interact with their surroundings

Section 10-2 Infants, Toddles, and Preschoolers

Newborn - the first month of life

49.  Infant - ______

50.  Pediatrician - ______


51.  Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) - ______


52.  Toddlers - ______

53.  Object permanence - ______


54.  Solitary play - ______

55.  Parallel play - ______


56.  Preschoolers - ______

57.  Cooperative play - a stage when ______or more children ______complementary roles and ______play activities

58.  Children with special needs - ______


59.  Physical disability - ______

60.  Cognitive disability (Intellectual disability) - limits the way a person’s ______functions, causing a ______learning capacity

61.  Learning disability - ______in the way a person’s brain sorts and ______certain types of ______

62.  Behavioral disorder - ______


63.  Gifted or talented - a person who shows outstanding ability in either a general sense or in a specific ability

64.  Inclusion - ______

Newborn Babies

65.  Characteristics of Newborns

a.  Newborns look different from older babies

b.  Average newborn weighs about ______pounds and is about ______inches long

c.  Skin may appear ______and ______

d.  Head may be ______, chin recedes, ______is flattened, and ______pressed against the head

e.  Newborns have ______, bowed legs and bulging abdomens, very short necks, sloping shoulders, and narrow chest

Care of Newborns

66.  Newborns have simple needs - ______and ______, and be kept ______, warm, and dry and above all LOVE

67.  Feeding

a.  Babies cannot ______until around ______months and must be fed breast milk or formula

b.  Newborns need to be fed ______time a ______and generally wake up ______or ______during the night to be fed

68.  Sleep

a.  Newborns need about ______a day of sleep

b.  Usually sleep ___ to ___ hours at a time

c.  Need a ______, ______mattress for support and posture development

d.  Mattress should fit ______in the crib with no room for them to get their ______caught between the crib and edge of mattress

e.  Always place ______on their ______to ______to help reduce the risk of ______

f.  Keep ______, toys, and soft bedding out of the ______

69.  Bathing

a.  Babies should be given ______baths for the first ______weeks

b.  Once the ______has healed the ______can have a ______bath

70.  Clothes

a.  Clothing should be soft, ______fabrics

b.  Clothes should be ______and ______to put on and ______

c.  Clothing should be ______for the existing ______

71.  Diapers

a.  ______are a basic need for at least the first ______years

b.  Newborns need to be changed about _____ times a ______

c.  Changing diapers ______and cleaning will help prevent diaper rash.

72.  Physical Growth of Infants

a.  Infants will ______their weight the first ______of life and will ______to ______times their ______at birth

b.  By ______months, most can ______

c.  ______months many ______

d.  Many ______month olds can ______for a period of time

e.  By ______months, infants may be able to ______

f.  Many begin to walk by age 12 months

73.  Intellectual Growth of Infants

a.  Newborns receive ______and show ______development through their ______

b.  ______months - infant are ______to discriminate between different ______and show preference to people over objects

c.  ______months - begin to show signs of memory, they begin to remain alert for longer spans of time

d.  ______months – infants show improved ______coordination

e.  ______months – ______simple concepts such as ___ and ______

f.  ______months – ______for ______objects

g.  ______months – put ______together ______and many begin to ______hand preference

74.  Toys provide infants with intellectual stimulation

a.  Babies like ______, colorful, ______, interesting sounds

b.  Toys should be kept ______since babies like to put objects in their ______and should ______be allowed to ______with ______

75.  Language development is a sign of intellectual growth

a.  Newborns ______to express their ______

b.  ______months infants make ______like ooh and ah

c.  ______months infants start making ______sounds

d.  ______months they ______to understand their ______

e.  ______months they begin to ______some ______

f.  ______months they may say ______and ______

g.  ______months most can ______several ______and follow simple directions

76.  ______to infants will have a great ______on their ______

77.  ______do ______understand ______so the content of the message is unimportant, however, ______to them allows them to enjoy ______contact and become familiar with specific ______

78.  Newborns can ______a parent’s mood, therefore, parents ______speak in ______tones

79.  ______content becomes ______when they begin to understand words and repeat words they hear

80.  Infants begin to ______words around ______months

81.  Infant Early Brain Development

a.  The first ______years of life are ______in determining how the circuits of the ______are ______.

b.  Brain ______is dependent upon ______interaction

82.  Emotional and Social Growth of Infants

a.  ______need ______and attention from others

b.  Infants begin to show ______as early as ______months old

c.  ______months - their emotions include ______, disgust, and ______

d.  ______months – they play ______

e.  ______months – they often ______fear of strangers and may seek ______of parents

f.  ______months – show interest in ______activities of others

g.  ______months – they begin to ______frequently

h.  ______months – begin to develop their own ______

83.  Children With Special Needs

a.  Children with special needs may ______more or different care than ______children

b.  ______include leg, or ______movements, vision, ______, or speech impairments

c.  ______is when a children’s intellectual abilities are a ______or more ______, children have a ______learning capacity, ______takes place ______

d.  ______is a ______, such as dyslexia, ______the ability to ______, learning disabilities may also affect ______skills, many learning disabilities can be treated and overcome

e.  ______may cause a child to be too ______or fearful to play with other children, on the other hand, a child may be too ______, either way, behavioral disorders limit a child’s ability to ______and do not go away on their own

f.  ______and ______means the child has above-average intelligence overall or ______in a specific academic area, they possess extraordinary ______in an area such as art, music, or athletics

Children with special needs require the same basic care as other children. They need encouragement to develop skills and overcome weaknesses and may require extra attention

g.  ______once thought it best to ______children with special needs ______

h.  There were ______classes for ______and for those with specific ______

i.  Today, ______realize it is most ______to place ______of varying ______in the same class (what is this called???)

j.  ______helps ALL students experience and ______diversity

k.  Children with ______benefit from the ______and assistance of their ______who are ______

l.  Children with ______learn valuable social skills that prepare them for ______

m.  Children with ______create unique challenges and ______for their ______

n.  ______can assist caregivers in meeting the unique needs of a child with ______

o.  Every child ______an opportunity to be the best ______he or she is capable of being

Children Age 6 through 12

84.  Middle childhood – ______

85.  School-age children – ______

86.  Growth spurts – ______

87.  Gender roles – ______


88.  During ______childhood children develop very ______-physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially

89.  Physical Development

a.  During middle childhood children go through ______, usually during the ______of ______

b.  Height and ______will ______

c.  Arms and legs become ______, body proportions become more ______

d.  ______grow ______and children may experience growing ______

e.  Organs continue to ______and the ______will be ______of its adult weight

f.  Any “rewiring” in ______is difficult after this stage

g.  Begin losing ______and will have all permanent teeth about ______

90.  Physical Development Cont. (Ages 6-12)

a.  ______improve, children become ______, stronger, and more ______

b.  ______are generally ______and ______than girls until ______hit their ______

c.  ______affects physical development

d.  Their body requires ______to continue growth and a ______diet is important

e.  Being ______or underweight can cause ______problems and ______should make sure children have plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

f.  Children must get plenty of ______because exercise is important for ______and developing gross-motor skills

g.  School-age children also need ______

h.  Lack of ______can affect children’s ability to ______, weaken their ______to participate in ______activities and make them ______

91.  Intellectual Development (Ages 6-12)

a.  ______becomes more ______and they begin to ______more and depend less on their ______

b.  Begin to ______and understand others’ ______

c.  School age children ______more ______, including space, ______, and cause and affect

d.  ______improves dramatically

92.  Language (Ages 6-12)

a.  ______continues to ______as children are exposed to many more ______through ______

b.  They learn to ______and ______

c.  Articulation of ______is mastered by about age ______

d.  Age ______, children have learned the rules of ______r they hear most often

e.  Learning proper ______rules after this stage will require ______

93.  Caregivers’ Role in Intellectual Development (Ages 6-12)

a.  ______must make sure children’s ______l needs are ______outside of ______, too

b.  Caregivers should ______children to ______in as many ______as the child will enjoy

c.  Caregivers should ______children with ______for school activities, like ______

94.  Social-Emotional Development (Ages 6-12)


a.  Children begin to make more ______

b.  ______of ______begin to become more ______than those of family members

c.  Children are becoming more ______

d.  Children begin to ______a sense of ______, which will lead to independent industry