Romans chapter 15 verse 4, based on today's topic on trusts, I believe this is the fourth class we've had on this subject. And it is very interesting, and I found again. What it says in Romans Chapter 15 verse 4, and I quote, for everything that was written in the past, was written to teach us. So that thru endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
It is very powerful, what the Scripture says about the permanent and not transient value and worth of trust. And for us the whole idea of trust. Do I trust you? And can I trust you. Some people in conversation just say ‘trust me’ and we were told never trust anyone who says ‘trust me’, you know? But the fact is without trust there is no faith.
Without trust in faith, there is no belief. Without Trust, Faith, Belief, there is no Hope.
It's based on the original reason, purpose, of the Eternal Wisdom and it goes like this. Watch what you think, because that's going to become your words. Watch your words because they're going to become your actions and watch your actions because they could become your habits. Watch your habits they can become your character, and be extremely cautious and careful of your character, because that is your destiny.
So, when you look at Trusts, in its totality. They made it, into a Law. So that you will trust government as much as you trust God. This whole thing happened in 1648. Rome was restless, England was restless.
Before that in 1582, Henry the 8th had broken away from the Vatican because he wanted to marry Anne Boleyn. He was married to Kathleen of Aragon, and then Rome and the pope said ‘You cannot get a divorce, it is unconscionable in Catholicism’. So he worried. He was so angry, frustrated. Justice Thomas Moore tried to explain things to him, he chopped of his head. He executed him. Just like his great great great grandfather Henry the 2nd, who made sure that Thomas Beckett got killed for advising him about jurisdiction.
So now, we go from 1248 we come to 1552, Henry the Eighth has the same problem. ‘The Church is killing me’. He breaks away and he forms The Church of England, and he makes the Archbishop of Canterbury the pope, so to speak, or the Bishop of the Protestant Church. The Archbishop of Canterbury used to be playing second fiddle to the Pope. You think so now 1648. And that was 40 years before the glorious revolution in England 1688, when they said ‘to hell with this king and queen’, ‘what rubbish’. From now on the people will speak and that's how the word ‘parle’. It's a French word for ‘to speak’ and that's how we get the word parliament, where you are raised to speak, a legislature and lawmaking body. But in 1648, the state, meaning the government and the church decided, ‘OK, you do your own thing, I do my thing.’
The first thing government did, was get up a police force. Set up a standing army, go into money making, go into Central Banking, go into a standing army, go into forming constitutions, go into writing rules and regulations.
What did the church do? They went ahead, setting up their own jurisdiction, their own banks but they never had a standing army. Why? Because the government said ‘we will leave you alone’, fast forward to 1789 when our Constitution was ratified. They decided, ‘we will leave the church alone.’ That is in your first amendment. Freedom of Religion. We won’t recognize your place of worship, but we will allow you to worship whoever you wish to worship.
So when you talk about trusts, this is where you and the government look at each other and ask, you’ve got to ask. I.C.E. Write that down. ICE. It stands for ‘Intent, Content, Extent.’ It also stands for ‘Implied Constructive and Express’. Write that down. Don't ever forget it.
That moment you see a policeman, tell yourself, ‘you have an implied contract’. What is a contract, if it's not a trust arrangement? You see, unfortunately your parents, my parents, didn’t know all this, when they went and applied for a Birth Certificate.
Today, you look at the Amish; you think they will get a birth certificate?
If you look at the Mennonites, You think they go get a birth certificate?
The Dutch Reformed Church, you do get go get a birth certificate?
Why? They take advantage of the first amendment, freedom of religion. Congress shall respect no establishment of religion, nor prohibit the free exercise.
This is how I got my tax exception. I said, I'm quoting Ashura 7; 24. Me, my workmen, my doorman. Nobody is paying any taxes. Why. Because we are not doing this for profit. We're not prophets of profit. Like the banks.
So, the question now is when we are dealing with Trusts, what happens to me and my estate? What happens to me and my assets? Your assets could be your tangible and intangible property. All right.
PLEASE MUTE YOURSELF, if you got something personal to say, because I want you to concentrate on what I am telling you today, because this is going to save your life.
You've got to know this. NOW. You're driving your car with a faulty turn signal, police vehicle comes behind you with lights flashing and they pull you over. Why? Because there is an implied contract between you and the government. Now then, the police officer comes up to your window. What do you do? You put the window down, don't you? The moment you put your window down you have accepted the implied contract. Why don’t you keep the windows up and then write something and then tell him, ‘What is it you want’? Why are you entering into a contract with them? Number one, they can’t question you without your lawyer being present. It's not my idea, it's the Escobedo Rule.
So the moment when he says, ‘Ma’am, Sir, did you know that when you're driving, you know your left turn hand signal doesn't work?’
Now then he's casing you. He wants to see whether you look professional, whether you have empty beer cans or Coke cans or peanut shells or you know the old wrappers of your Twinkies or whatever. He's looking, he's casing you. He's profiling you. Now, if he looks into your car and he looks at your demeanor and he reckons you're a decent person he will just give you a warning. Now, if he sees you smelling, unshaven, disheveled hair, looks like you've just had a fix, dirty car. He's going to ask you go open the trunk.
So be careful about the meaning of an implied trust.
And this is what I have highlighted. Identify the issue, if you invite the government to rule and reign over you. Yes. Why. Because of an implied trust that you created. Even without your consent.
Now I told somebody in Australia like I told all the people in the United States. Send a constructive notice to everybody saying you’re rescinding your implied contract and no implied trust with the government. You don't want to be a vehicle registration. You don’t want insurance with it.
Why? Because you want to do an express trust. Why are you giving them $48 every two years to renew your license, don’t you have any respect for your fake currency? I mean with $48, you can feed your family for three days. Right?
One time, I remember I was flying from Santa Fe, Santa Fe to Seattle. I didn’t take my wallet, except my debit card. I never get a credit card. My debit card and cash. And this girl says to me, ‘Do you have any I.D Sir?’ I looked at her and said, ‘I'm not to be enough of an I.D.?’ and there was a lot of chuckling laughing. I said, ‘I have an attorney, you allowed me to come on your plane, and now you're asking me for an I.D., I didn't bring my I.D. would you except the fact that I am so and so, I'm a member of the American Judges Association’?
‘Oh OK. OK.’ Now what if one of the guys that you interview, if he happened to be a dirty looking plumber or a carpenter or a welder, you think she would have let him on the plane?
You see, the moment you say ‘May I… apply for tax exemption?’
You're creating an express trust with them. You invoke the law. You don't ask their permission. When you invoke the law. You are creating an express trust. ‘OK World, this is what I'm doing. I've got three million dollars’ worth of property.’ I'm putting it ALL in my trust’. That's what you're telling the world. With an express trust, which is what an Asset Protection Trust is. You're telling somebody, ‘Hey this is what I have. These are my beneficiaries. You, stupid probate court. Stay away. You have no right to appoint a trustee, you have no right to appoint a lawyer, you have no right to appoint an accountant.’ I’m in charge, because I have said so!’
Now, what comes between an implied and an express trust? Unmute yourselves.
You mean, I wasted my energy today? What comes between I and E, Implied and Express?
Anyway. Exactly, the Constructive trust, because they just tell your parents, ‘You need to get birth certificate!’, and because you haven’t rescinded that your contract, there is a constructive trust created between you and the government. And what is the most important element of a constructive trust; they are holding property belonging to you as a constructive trustee. Now taking all the property illegally, unlawfully, illegitimately. The fact is you and the government, now have a constructive trust, that is what you must know. That's an implied trust. You got no choice right. Right? ‘Well where does it say I must get a driver's license?’ It's an implied trust! You want to drive a vehicle on public highways. You want to drive a truck or other vehicle on the byways or the freeways or the highways or the roads or the boulevards? You need to get a license, a driver's license.
‘Oh hold on a minute, it's my land!’
‘Well, what do you mean? It’s your land?’
‘My land is Indian land!’ So the guy looks at me and just says ‘What are you doing here’? Get the hell out of here! You don't need a driver's license.’
Thank you!
You see, they leave you alone if you know what to tell them!
‘Oh well, how do I get a tribal travel permit? How do I get a tribal license?’
We don't call it license. What is the definition of a license? A piece of paper that is, allows you to do something that is otherwise illegal. AH?? What does a gun license? A license is a piece of paper that allows you to do something which is otherwise illegal. Did you know that is the definition of a license? So why the devil would a tribe issue you with a license? We issue you a tribal travel permit, when you become a tribal member. Now that doesn't mean you can't drive at 300 miles per hour in a school district.
I am just saying, know your rights, know your jurisdiction. And remember this; this is what you tell the government, ‘your nose ends, where my chin begins.’ And in-between your nose and my chin, there is this I.C.E. Implied, constructive, express!
You have an implied contract, you have an implied trust, that you can stop me whenever you think you have the right to stop me because you are in a police car. But what they forget is that under the law of a constructive trust. They are bound, by law, at law, in law, under law, to look after our land and soil.
‘How much of an environmental damage did you do to my land, when you built this highway and put concrete over my mother's body, which is what my land and soil is?’
So when Eisenhower built all this interstate highway. Oh the World and everybody….. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Why? Because his campaign contributions didn't come from railroad operators like in the nineteenth century. That trucking business, the auto industry, was making a huge impact. They needed to build big trucks and their trucks could go faster like a Mack truck could go faster than a train and they had sleeping cabins in the trucks by drivers group why don't stop and pull up somewhere and fall asleep. Truck stops. So that justified covering my mother's body with millions and trillions of tons of concrete in the name of commerce and Article 1 Section 8 clause 3, says Congress shall regulate Commerce. With Indian tribes. What is commerce? Business. Now, when you talk about business and I want you to write this down too, I want you to write this word down.
Consensual relationship.
In other words, as an Indian or as a tribal corporation. Does your client have a consensual relationship with you?
It is very important in the law of commerce, between a tribal government and a non-Indian.
All of you who have tribal judgments, did the bank have a contractual consensual relationship. They may have had a contractual relationship but did they have a consensual relationship? That's number one. Number two, does the tribe have adjudicatory authority be over a non-member? Now when you're stopped by a policeman and I'm assuming you're an enrolled tribal member, you are dealing with a? Adjudicatory authority. So consensual, did you ever, do you ever consent? With the police, to deal with the police?
No, you don’t. Why would you want to deal with the police? Ah?
Do you have an adjudicatory authority? Yes. What is the tribe’s adjudicatory authority? Unmute yourselves. What does the tribes adjudicatory authority?
(Tom Wildar) 18 USC 1301.
Correct! Tribal Court. 18 USC 1301, 18 USC 2450N. Where are tribal members, you enjoy sovereign immunity! They cannot do you. Even for murder, you gotta come to our tribal court. Now that doesn't mean you go down and kill somebody you don't like.
Consensual relationship, Adjudicatory relationship and here comes, the legislative authority. Do you have the legislative authority to deal with non-Indians? Yes. And what is the legislative authority?
Tom, Keep quiet please! What is the legislative authority? What is that law that gives you that power? Does it create ecclesiastical and tribal ecclesiastical tribal law?
And universal law?
Universal law?
But locally it is 25 USC 1301. Not all of you who are interested in joining the tribes. You better Google that 25 USC 1301 and 25 USC 450N.
For those of you in Australia. Read up section 51 subsection 31XXX1, where the Constitution of Australia allows Parliament to make good laws, order, and for good government. So that authority is already given in the Australian Parliament. For those of you in Aotearoa, New Zealand it is the Treaty of Waitangi. You got to know the Law. This express trust, this is not just about you protecting and preserving and propagating your property. This Express Trust, the APT, is your weapon, to destroy, that which comes into your affairs. That is your right to privacy enunciated in Roll v Wade which is all about killing children.
All right, Blackstone's commentary this was the first law books in the America, says when a woman conceives life begins at that point in time and in Roll v Wade they said we did in the third trimester. Right. Abortions are not allowed unless of course it was a danger to mother.
The fruit of the womb, It's a gift of God. Bible says.
Naidu Translation. The gift of the womb. If you want to look for an abortion, is no fault of your choices.
So even when it comes to pregnancy, even when it comes to abortions, even when it comes to pro-life, pro-choice, when it comes to at the end of the day, do you have an implied contract or do you have an implied trust? Same thing, you have an implied or expressed contract or express trust, either way, even if you really don't have anything expressly written down. That is a constructive trust, created between you and the government.
27;12 sec
Government cannot simply say, ‘Oh, I'm the government, you gotta listen to me!’ The argument is you obey the law, what do you get? Nothing. You disobey the law. What do you get? Plenty!
So doesn't it make sense, when you disobey, you get punished. When you obey. What do you get? Tax exemption! Ask yourself that question, what do you get for obeying the law? And what do you get for disobeying the law? Can anyone answer me?
‘Johnny Cash used to say, you get another day older and deeper in debt.’
That's one. What other intangible benefit do you get from the government for obeying the law?
‘Its freedom right?
‘Freedom of free will?’ Freedom, everything is free….Hahaha?
Well, all you get is nothing.
No no no!!!
You get the privileges?
Think think think! That's what this class is all about, think! What we are talking about?
What reward do you get from the government for obeying them?
I have said it in another way.
Well, we don't get, really there is no reward!?