Citing Sources

EbscoHost Citation—MLA format

Author(s). "Title of the Article."Title of the Periodicalvolume number.issue number(Date of publication): inclusive page numbers. Name of database. Medium of publication consulted. Date accessed.

J-Stor Citation—MLA format

Author(s)."Title of the Article."Title of the Periodicalvolume number.issue number(Date of publication):inclusive page numbers.Name of database. Medium of publication consulted. Date accessed.

Book Citation—MLA format

Author(s)/Editor(s). Title of Book. City of Publisher: Publisher, Date of Publication. Medium of publication consulted.

Website Citation—MLA format

Author/editor (if given).Title of the Overall Web Site.Date of publication (day, month, and year, as available); if no date is available, use n.d.--see p.185 of MLA Handbook). Publisher or sponsor of the site (if not available, use N.p.--see p.184 of MLA Handbook). Date accessed <URL>.

Page from Internet Site Citation—MLA format

Author/editor. [NOTE: if no author is listed, begin entry with the title of the web page]"Title of Page from Web Site."Title of the Overall Web Site.Date of publication (day, month, and year, as available); if no date is available, use n.d.--see p.185 of MLA Handbook). Publisher or sponsor of the site; (if not available, use N.p.--see p.184 of MLA Handbook). Date accessed <URL>.

InfoTrak/Gale—MLA format

Author(s)."Title of the Article: Subtitle." Title of the PeriodicalDate of publication:inclusive page numbers.Name of database. Medium of publication consulted. Date accessed

Book Citation—APA format

Author(s). (Date of Publication). Title of book. City of Publisher: Publisher.

EbscoHost Citation—APA format

Author(s). (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of the Periodical, volume number,Inclusive page numbers. Retrieved [date of access], from [name of database] database.

J-Stor Citation—APA format

Author(s). (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of the Periodical, volume number, Inclusive page numbers. Retrieved [date of access], from [name of database] database.

Website Citation—APA format

Author/editor. (Date of page creation or last revision). Full title of the web page. Retrieved [Date accessed], from [URL]

Organization Web Site—APA format

Organization. (Date of publication). Title of Page. Retrieved [date of access], from [url]

PsychArticles—APA format

Author(s). (Date of publication). Title of the article.Title of the Periodical, volume number, Starting page number. Retrieved [date of access], from [name of database] database.

InfoTrak/Gale—APA format

Author(s). (Date of publication). Title of the article. Title of the Periodical, volume number, Inclusive page numbers. Retrieved [date of access], from [name of database] database.