Section I: Purpose, Membership, Meeting Schedule
The Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee is the mechanism for identifying and prioritizing newfaculty position requests. The committee reviews requests for new and replacement faculty positions. Using the procedures outlined below the committee ranks in order of hiring priority all new faculty positions.
This process occurs each fall. There is no holdover of ranked positions fromany previous year.
The Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee is an Academic Senate Standing Committee comprised ofone faculty representative from each of the divisions as recognized by the Academic Senate and the academic deans. The Vice President for Instruction and the Academic Senate Past Presidentchair the committee as ex officio members. Faculty representatives will be selected by their divisional areas during Fall Professional Development Week and submitted for appointment by the Academic Senate at the next regularly scheduled fall semester Academic Senate meeting.
Committee Members must attend ALL meetings or send a proxy in order toparticipate in the voting process that creates the prioritized list.
Meeting Schedule:
September11, 2017@ 2pm
September 18, 2017 @ 2pm
Section II: Procedures for Identifying New Faculty Positions
Procedures for Developing the Faculty Hiring Prioritization List:
Board Policy 4011.1, Section II, Paragraph II stipulates:
By October of each academic year, in compliance with BP 4011.1 following approval by the Chancellor, each College President will submit to the Board of Trustees a ranked list of recommended full-time faculty positions for the subsequent year, classified according to Item 2 above, and compiled by an internal process developed by the Academic Senate and the [College] President, and approved by the [College] President. The Board will either approve (authorize for announcement) or disapprove (not authorize for announcement) each recommended position. The Board will make clear any contingent terms for any approved positions1.
Submission of “Justification for New Faculty Positions” Packet:
- An announcement shall be sent to the college community in April/May soliciting the submission of new faculty
- Process description shall be sent to the Deans and Department Chairs by the last Academic Senate meeting in May
- Deans and Department Chairs shall notify Jeanise Bartiromo (as soon as it is determined which positions will be submitted)
- Each department requesting a new faculty position will fill out and submit the “Justification for New Faculty Positions” packet
- No Incomplete packets will be accepted or considered by the committee. No exceptions.
- This form may also be obtained at the following web site:
- Please notify Jeanise Bartiromo prior to completing the justification form and before Wednesday, August 30, 2017
- The Academic Senate/Office of Research, Planning and Accreditation will provide you with standardized data from InForm to be used to justify your position
- A signed original copy AND an electronic PDF shall be submitted to the Academic Senate Office –AGB #115, Jeanise Bartiromo
- Deadline for packet submission is Monday, September 4th at 4PM
- Application packets will be made available to committee members at the Septembermeeting
- Please note that any program that does not have an up to date and approved Program Review will not be considered for new faculty positions.
At this time, there will be no presentations made to the committee, but requestors should be available to answer questions that committee members have the week of September 11.
Proposal reviews and voting will occur on Monday, September 18, 2017.
Eachcommittee member is responsible for reading and scoring the proposals independently before the meeting where voting occurs, and exercise his or her independent judgment in prioritizing each position.Following the committee’s discussion of the proposals, each committee member shall rank in order of hiring priority each position using the appropriate rubrics and forms provided by the committee chairs.
- Voting will not be anonymous
- Any outlier or unusual scores will be called into question for further explanation
- Following the conclusion of the voting process the VPI and Senate Co-Chairs shall meet to compile the scores from each committee member and produce the ranked list.
Actions and Recommendations:
The ranked list will be submitted to the Academic Senate who will vote to approve (submit to the Board of Trustees for authorization to hire) or disapprove (not submit to the Board of trustees for authorization to hire) the entire list.The Academic Senate President and/or designee will meet with the college President to review the list of prioritized positions.
Section III: Procedures for Replacement Faculty Positions:
On February 27, 2007 (pursuant to BP4011.1 Section II.2.) the Academic Senate and the CollegePresident approved the following internal procedures for replacing full-time faculty. These procedures were implemented in October 2007:
- In the event of a vacancy in a faculty position, the funding for that position remains in the division’s/area of instruction’s budget. The division/area of instruction may file paperwork to immediately replace that position or,
- In the event of a vacancy in a faculty position, the funding for that position remains in the division’s/area of instruction’s budget, but if the fulltime faculty and academic administrator/dean mutually agree that there is greater need for filling another positionwithin the division/area of instruction, paperwork will be filed to fill the other position.