Mr. Meredith
Room ALC 144
1731 English 12

English 12 Expectations and Course Outline

Course Description

This is a writing course. You are expected to apply the writing skills you acquire in this class on all of your writing assignments, from the very short/informal journal response to the formal papers.

General expectations

If you work hard in this class, you will be successful. If you do not, then you will not be successful. (Success = Effort, plain and simple)

The only way to become a better writer is to practice writing. The only way to become a better shooter is to shoot, etc. We will write most days we meet in this class, it is a writing class. Expect a bell ringer and exit ticket each day we have class! I honestly will not assign a lot of homework- unless you do not use your time wisely in class!

All tardieswill be counted and the procedures found in the student handbook will be followed. If most kids make it on time every class, then so can you. No excuses.

Cell phone usage: DO NOT use your cell phone while I am talking. There may be time in class while you are working on your assignment(s) to text, check social media, listen to music, etc. I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHEN YOU CAN USE YOUR CELL PHONE IN CLASS. CELL PHONES ARE TO BE OUT OF SIGHT UNTIL EXIT TICKET TIME. This is a huge pet peeve of mine- stay off your phone until exit ticket time!

Do not ask me if you can go to the bathroom. Please take care of your needs between passing periods because it is important that you do not miss any class time. Do not ask me before class begins, “Do I have time to go to the bathroom?” The answer is, “I have no idea.” If you are tardy, see above.

Sleeping = a detention laid on your table, which you will find when you wake up.

Use personal electronic devicesonly when instructed by me. Don’t get your electronic devices out. No headphones needed. Don’t automatically get out your laptops, you will not need them to start each class period.

Plagiarism/copying/cheating will result in a zero for the assignment.

KNOW HOW TO PRINT. We will print exit ticket assignments a lot on class, so make sure you know how to print in the building.

Items needed for this class each day:

  • English 12 Folder
  • Pad of paper
  • Sharpened pencil
  • Laptop (that is charged)
  • Springboard Workbook
  • Good attitude

Laptop and Email Expectations

Acceptable Use Policy –We will not use laptops every minute of every period; we will still handwrite journals/some essays. Do not expect to sit at your desk with your laptop open for the whole period. If I am talking or if we are not using laptops, they are to be closed or turned around to face me. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.

Email yourself. If the document is important (embedded assessments), email it to yourself. This way, if your computer blows up or you forget to save it or you have some other reason for losing your document, you will still have it. I can’t stress how important this is.

Do not delete your sent mail. This is a “diary” of your year and serves as a secure storage device for the important emails you have sent.

End of class procedure. There is no need to line up at the door minutes before the bell rings. Stay in your seat until the bell rings, then you are dismissed.

Students text. Adults email. You’re now in a grown-up world. Check your emaildaily, and use email to communicate with me. If you send me a text-type email, I will tell you to rewrite your email and I will immediately delete it, without reading it or responding to it.(EVERY STUDENT HAS AN EMAIL ADDRESS- your email address is your: My email address is

Course Grades

Formative Work (The “Pebbles”)– 35% of total grade


  • Journal entries
  • In-class assignments/bell ringers
  • Exit tickets
  • AOW’s
  • Springboard workbook stuff


Summative Work (The “Rocks”)– 50% of total grade


  • Embedded Assessments
  • Quizzes
  • Unit test(s)


Final Exam – 15% of total grade


Class Procedures

Make up work will be due one day after the date of your return to school. For example, if you are absent on a Tuesday, you will have until Thursday to complete, and turn in, any work. MAKE UP WORK IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! You must check the class website to get assignments OR check the file folder for the corresponding lesson/day. (it will be labeled 1-60) This will be new for you; EVERY assignment will be online or in your Springboard workbook/ENG-12 folder.

  • Students may be removed from individual courses and lose credit in the course for that semester if the student misses six class sessions whether they are excused or unexcused.
  • Students may not miss more than nine school days in one semester. These days may be a combination of excused and non-excused absences.

Articles of the Week (AOW’s) Each week we will have an article of the week that will need to be highlighted and annotated for 30 possible formative points. TypicallyAoW’s will be assigned on Friday’s.

Late Work:

  • Embedded Assessmentswill be docked one complete letter grade for each day that they are late. “Procrastination is the assassination of success”

Grading Scale:




D66-63D-62-60F59 and below

Student Name: ______Class Period: ______

I will do my personal best to become the best writer I can possibly be to prepare myself for a career, college, or citizenship. I understand Mr. Meredith’s cell phone/laptop policy and give him the right to take my cell phone/laptop for the remainder of the period if I don’t follow the rules. (you will pick up your phone/laptop when the bell rings) I understand I must pass ENG-12 in order to graduate with my peers. I will bring my laptop (charged), Springboard workbook, and all ENG-12 materials each day to class.