In 2011, Riverside GHS gained a new principal Ms Kelly and a new deputy principal, Ms Nikoletich. We have had a year of great success for our students and staff.
The senior executive
- New reporting system
- Sister school with China
- $200K grant for kitchen upgrade
- Hunters Hill mayoral visit
- School open for Hunters Hill 150th birthday
- Expression of Interest (EOI) process introduced for relieving positions
- New DEC attendance policy implemented
- Open Day co-ordination
- Seven students to Sydney Uni “Mind and Morality” summer course
The office
- All certificates for fourpresentation assemblies
- Great assistance to staff for all matters
- New lunch room
- 3 All Rounder students
- English
- State Rank 81st- 13.41% of cohort Band 6
- Maths
- State Rank 129th- 18.35% of cohort Band 6
- EnglishHSC results 22 x band 6 & E4 and in Drama 3 x band 6
- 2 Drama students nominated for Onstage
- English SC results 92.85% in bands 4 – 6; 55.35% in bands 5 & 6
- Success in debating
- Development of English Studies pilot course
- Community links with local nursing home through English Studies
- Considerable staff involvement in planning and delivery of PBL
- Success of digital story telling & fostering of community links
- Students well supported across a range of subjects in senior years
- Strong academic results in English and other KLA’s
- Year 12 students attended ATESOL HSC revision study day
- Excellent HSC Maths results, all above State Average. General Maths 600% increase in Band 6
- 40% bands 5/6 in School Certificate
- Maths Olympiad (top 40 schools)
- 100% increase in band 6 from 2010 to 2011 (Year 10)
- Targeted areas for underachievers in Year 8 and work to ‘MOVE UP’ a band
- HSC Physics 27% Band 6 (compared to 9% for state)
- HSC Biology,above state average
- HSC Accelerated Chemistry group 82% of class scored Band 5 or 6
- Accelerated Year 10s into Preliminary Courses (Biology & Physics)
- School Certificate record success
- Sustainable garden project started
- 5 Staff involved in PBL
- Outstanding results in National and International Chemistry Competition
- Accelerated students linking with Macquarie Uni
- Highly successful Science Fair Yr 9
- “Commerce in the Quad” initiative
- Collaborative Engagement project for teacher Professional Learning
- Year 10 HSIE excursion to Bondi, Vietnam Veteran visit and excursion to Gladesville Hospital
- Regional success in the Mock Trial
- High Distinctions in the Australian History Competition
- HSC Class, 4 Band 6’s (8.11% of cohort); 6.8% above state average
- Dance elective established in Year 9
- Laptop for Learning programs established using Moodle Years 9-10, Yr 12 HSC Course
- Year 10 PASS coaching accreditation with Australian Sports Commission. Active After Schools Program
- Year 7 PDHPE participated in Premier’s Sporting Challenge for the first time.
- 2 Year 12 VA students nominated and accepted to Art Express
- ‘Annie’ the musical
- Hunters Hill Young in Art Competition
- National Art School Student success
- Rex Factor Competition
- X Factor Competition
- HSC Hospitality: 77% of students received bands 5 or 6; 100% of students received bands 4, 5 or 6
- HSC Textiles: 47% of students received a Band 5 or 6
- HSC CFS: 38%of students received a Band 5 or 6
- HSC Food Technology 47 % of students received a Band 5 or 6
- Open Day – all TAS activities
- CLI National Awards – Digital Artwork – Winners in this competition since 2008
- International Women’s Day Poster competition
- Australian Museum “Fashionless Waste” fashion design competition
- Work placement Awards for Hospitality
- DT exhibition / Textiles exhibition
- Game Training initiative
- IT VET accelerated class for 2012 initiative
- Hospitality catering for Year 12 Graduation
- HSC Designtech nominations
- 2 Year 12 Drama students nominated for Onstage
- Successful participation in school production
- Invited to Richard III & workshop with Kevin Spacey through partnership with Opera House
- Partnership with Opera House
- Digital excursions
- Arts North Festival Soloists selected for Ryde School Spectacular
- 10 High distinctions, 25 distinctions across the board in years 9 – 12 in the National ALC Certificates
- A Year 10 German student and a Year 10 Spanish student onstudent exchange in Germany and Spain for 6 months
- First Spanish Continuers cohort began Stage 6 at RGHS
Learning Support
- HSC Plus – 2 TAS subjects very successful for delivering outcomes for students
- Continued development of Learning Plans for individual students
- STLA working “in class” team teaching to support differentiation in Science
- Fundraising total of $9486.10
- Appointment of a Performance Captain
- “Behind Riverside Gates” video initiative
- Raising awareness of Aboriginal issues “Closing the gap”
- School Spectacular
- State Dance Festival
- Ryde Schools Spectacular
- Sydney North Festival
- ‘Annie’ the musical
- Yamaha Music Festival Medallist
- MECA night for parents
- Many performances throughout the year including Year 6→7 transitions and formal assemblies
- Hired a new tutor – fabulous revitalisation of the choir
- Ryde School Spectacular performance
- Swimming Regional school champions
- Rowing program established in conjunction with Uni NSW
- Gymnastics, Netball and basketball development programs continued
- Volleyball and Waterpolodevelopment programs established
- Year 9 ski camp
- Australian schools Volleyball championship in Melbourne - 10th in group
- Three Futsal teams in State Finals
Whole School – Teaching and Learning
- Project Based Learningteachers trained and successful implementation of PBL
Gifted and Talented
- Primary Links extended to Visual Arts for 8T
- PBL introduced to extension classes with positive student, teacher and parent feedback
International students
- An international student representative on the SRC to provide a voice for international students
- Improved participation and inclusion in whole school activities
School to Work
- Program link with TAFE
- Coffee Club extended to Year 10
Duke of Edinburgh
- Successful establishment of program
- Students gained Bronze awards
Community Links
- Primary links program established with 7 primary schools in local area
Tournament of the Minds
- Regional winners first time entered the competition
- State finalist for Maths and Engineering section
- Gardening with Jimmy Shaw every Monday (last 5 years)
- Hunters Hill Council Environment award
- Introduction ofparent forum evening sessions
- Peer Support Training Years 9 and 10
- Mentoring Programs “Oasis” and “Young Love”
- Introduction of the parent portal
- New school website
- Extensive ‘in-house’ PL provided for teachers
- Development of an RGHS Wiki for technology support and network admin
- A focus on using web 2 technologies and Moodle
- Google Award for computer programs to HSC students
- Revitalised assemblies,focus on increased student involvement, celebrating strengths and creating energy and enthusiasm.
P and C
- Involvement of parents in School Plan 2012-2014 development
- Participation at ‘Annie’ the musical
- Garden Working Bees