Hitler’s Foreign Policy and the Origins of the Second World War
Hitler’s foreign policy and the origins of the Second World War
Hitler’s aims in foreign policy. Disarmament Conference 1933. Non-aggression Pact with Poland 1934 reintroduction of conscription from 1935. Anglo-German Naval Agreement 1935. Saar 1935. Remilitarisation of the Rhineland 1936. Anschluss with Austria 1938.
Reasons for and against appeasement. The Sudeten Crisis and Munich Agreement, 1938.
Collapse of Czechoslovakia March, 1939. The role of the USSR 1938–1939 including the Nazi-Soviet Pact. Poland and reasons for outbreak of war.
Hitler’s Aims
Abolish the Treaty of Versailles – Thought it was unjust and humiliating/ didn’t like small armed forces, Rhineland demilitarised, Anschluss with Austria forbidden, Germans forced to live in Czechoslovakia (Sudetenland) and Poland (including Danzig).
Expand German territory – To unite Austria with Germany/ To get extra lebensraum [living space] for Germans. Unite all German speaking peoples
Defeat Communism – Believed Bolsheviks helped cause German defeat in WW1/ Feared Bolshevik takeover.
How did Hitler’ s aims contribute to war?
If Germany took action to achieve aims and if countries wanted to stop him then only way to do it would be to declare war if negotiations failed. Uniting Germans /breaking terms of Treaty of Versailles/ creating living space would mean making Austria parts of Czechoslovakia and Poland into Germany this would involve war if other countries eg Britain and France stood up to Hitler.
Aims eventually cause war if other countries prepared to stand up to Hitler and fight and Hitler doesn’t back down. This finally happened over Poland but only Germany v Britain and France. Managed to avoid fighting USSR too.
If Britain and France wanted to allow Germany to take the land then aims would not involve war, this is what happened until Britain and France lost patience when Hitler invaded Poland. Even then USSR signed a deal and did not fight.
Early Agreements/Rearmament
1933 World Disarmament ConferenceHitler withdrew Germany from on grounds no other country would disarm to German level
1934 Germany signed a non aggression Pact with Poland. Sign of lack of faith in League of Nations, Hitler not interested yet in Eastern border .
1935 Germany introduced conscription – against Treaty of Versailles
Began in secret took Germany out of League of Nations in 1933. 1935 introduced conscription, Increased spending on arms, huge rearmament rally. Increased airforce to 8,250 by 1939.
1935 Naval Agreement between Britain and Germany. Allowed Germany to build up to 35% of size of British navy. Against Treaty of Versailles, but signed as no general agreement from all countries on disarmament.
Showed Britain and France not prepared to defend Treaty of Versailles so encouraged Hitler.
Made him stronger and more likely to have the strength to take over other countries.
Hitler tried to avoid using military force for some time so beginning of rearmament not that important. Eg said after remilitarisation of Rhineland would have had to withdraw if France stood up to him. Army unwilling to fight Czechoslovakia so took it first by Sudetenland and then being “invited in” by Czech leader Hacha
Saar 1935
Treaty of Versailles had removed this industrial area and placed under League of Nations control for 15 years. Nazis had stirred up trouble and violence and intimidation was part of campaign. However this was called off in November 1934 as Nazis feared French intervention. When plebiscite (vote) was to be held in Saar January 1935 voted 90% in favour of returning to Germany
First victory of regaining land lost at Versailles, Hitler gained in confidence, German speakers people wanted to belong to Germany with Hitler and Nazis in charge
Remilitarisation of Rhineland of 1936
March 1936 German troops marched in breaking Treaty of Versailles and Locarno Treaty. Justified by claiming that an agreement signed by USSR + France threatened Germany. Hitler took advantage of German army (only 22000 soldiers) had orders to withdraw if opposed/ France and Britain did not stop him/ League of Nations powerless, didn’t want to risk war.
Showed Treaty of Versailles could be broken without any action from Britain and France
First big test of a territorial term of Treaty of Versailles and encouraged Hitler
Showed weakness of Britain and France.
Hitler admitted secretly he could have been stopped as not strong enough army yet.
Important first test but not directly lead to war as not invading foreign country
Anschluss(Union) with Austria 1938
In 1934 failed attempt to unite Austria and Germany as Italy was against, they moved troops to Austrian border and Germany was weaker. Now had Rome- Berlin Axis signed in 1936. Feb 1938:Hitler encouraged Austrian Nazis under leader Seyss Inquart to stir up trouble, Austrian Chancellor Schuschnigg sought British and French help, but was refused. Schuschnigg called for a plebiscite on union 11 March 1938:Hitler massed troops on border. Schuschnigg resigned. Seyss -Inquart invited Germans in to restore order. Germans imprisoned 80,000 opponents of Nazis imprisoned. Held a plebiscite April 1938:99.7% voted for union.
First territorial gain of an independent country showed Treaty of Versailles could be broken without any action from Allies.
Showed weakness of Britain and France not take action as “German speaking people”
Important as made Germany stronger more manpower and resources
However, little could be done by Britain and France as many Austrians supported Anschluss
Sudetenland 1938
April 1938: 3m German speakers lived there in this region of Czechoslovakia, formerly part of Austria-Hungary Empire. Sudetenland had its own Nazi party led by Henlein stirred up trouble encouraged by Hitler wanting to be united with Germany. Hitler wanted to unite all German speaking peoplesHowever, Czechs had strong army, defensive fortifications and two powerful allies France and USSR.
British PM Chamberlain flew to Berchtesgaden on 15 Sept 1938. Hitler promised the rest of Czechoslovakia was safe just wanted area of Sudetenland with majority of Germans.
27 Sept 1938 Godesberg:Hitler demands immediate control of all Sudetenland and threatens to invade. Chamberlain went back to Britain to prepare for war.
29 Sept 1938 Munich Agreement:Britain, France and Italy gave the Sudetenland to Hitler. Hitler gives assurances not want rest of Czechoslovakia. Following day Hitler and Chamberlain sign declaration to settle disputes by negotiation and not go to war with each other, famous piece of paper. Chamberlain calls Munich: “Peace for our time”.
Munich Agreement weakened Czechoslovakia and made Germany stronger. Strong defensive line between Germany and Czechoslovakia was lost, as were key industrial areas.
Stirred up trouble with other nationalities Poland, Hungary Slovaks. Made further trouble more likely
Munich agreement and before it Berchtesgaden and Godesburg made Hitler see Chamberlain as weak so encouraged more aggression from Hitler.
Showed to USSR that Britain and France were weak so later USSR did own deal the Nazi Soviet Pact
Czechoslovakia March 1939
Czechoslovakia began to fall apart as Slovaks demanded independence and Hungary took more land Nazi claims of poor treatment of remaining Germans living in Bohemia. Following threats and fear Czechoslovakia descending into civil war German troops invited in to keep order. Britain and France abandoned appeasement begin preparations in case of war. Britain and France make promise to Poland
Made Germany even stronger eg Skoda Armaments works
Made Chamberlain finally realise Hitler could not be trusted so Britain and France then made agreement with Poland to defend if attacked. Made war inevitable if Hitler invaded Poland
Britain began seriously preparing for war eg conscription introduced in peace time for first time
Nazi Soviet Pact
In August 1939 the USSR signed an agreement with Germany. Public reason not to fight each other Private reason divide Poland up between 2 of them Time to prepare for war – It gave Russia 18 months to make military preparations.
Stalin of USSR hoped Germany, Britain and France would wear themselves out in a long war. They were unhappy with Britain – Stalin turned to Germany when Britain was too slow in reaching agreement
Germany's Motives – Hitler not ready to fight USSR Hitlerthought it might make Britain back down over Poland. Weaken Poland too if USSR took half
Nazi/Soviet Pact Assessment
Freed Hitler to invade Poland so not worried about USSR
USSR helped Hitler because secret terms allowed them to have half
Made war inevitable if Britain and France honoured promise made to Poland in April 1939
Not as important because eventually Hitler he would do something that would provoke war
Poland 1 September 1939
23 August 1939, Nazi-Soviet Pact shocked world; frees Hitler to attack Poland.
1 Sept 1939 Hitler invaded Poland – Britain and France demand Germany leave Poland or will declare war. 3rd September Britain and France declare war World War Two starts.
APPEASEMENT – Britain and France
- Accepted re-arming of Germany (British naval agreement, 1935)
- No action over re-occupation of Rhineland (1936)
- Allowed Hitler to use German bombers in Spanish Civil War (1937–39)
- No action over Anschluss (1938).
- Gave in over Sudetenland at Munich (1938).
- Chamberlain feared another war. People wanted peace so not enough public support to go to war.
- Belief in the League of Nations to solve problems so they did not threaten Hitler with war.
- Britain too weak for war in 1938, needed time to re-arm so appeasement bought Britain a year to re-arm.
- Treaty of Versailles was considered unfair so many British people sympathised with Hitler's demands.
- Chamberlain misjudged Hitler so he trusted Hitler's promises that Sudetenland was the last thing he wanted
- Fear of Communism so people let Hitler grow strong because they thought a strong Germany could stop Russia.
- Encouraged Hitler to look for further territorial gains
- Could have stopped Hitler whilst Germany still weak
- Made USSR look to do a deal with Nazi Germany
- Gave Germany time to get stronger by rebuilding itself and gaining extra territory and resources eg Czechoslovakia