RCTC Athletic Training

Instructions for Completing Medical Paperwork

In an effort to decrease the amount of paperwork that the student athlete needs to complete for the sports medicine staff we have placed the majority of our forms online. We hope that this will speed up meeting times at the start of the year and to allow the student athletes to speak with their parents or guardians about questions that they are unsure of. Failure to complete these forms prior to arriving on campus will result in the student athlete not being released to practice, play, or workout with the team.

To complete the online forms you will need access to the internet. You should be able to use any web browser. All information that is entered will be stored on a secure server. If you have any questions during this process, you can email or call me at or (507)285-7577.

Below are detailed directions on how to login and complete the forms for Sports Medicine.

Open your web browser to the following address


Click on Athlete Portal

**You will need to complete the General, Insurance, and Contacts tabs at the top of the screen before you can save your information.**

For returning athletes

Athlete ID – stinger ID (or what you used last year)

Password – current personal password (not your password to login to computers at RCTC)

Database – atsmayo

***You need to review and make updates to General, Insurance, and Contacts tabs

***You must resign all Athlete Forms.

For new athletes

Athlete ID and Password are initially set as the word “new”. Once in to the system you will be able to create an original ID and Password.

Athlete ID – new

Password – new

Database – atsmayo

Select Organization – choose “RCTC” from dropdown menu.

Select Team 1 – choose the sport that you will be competing in at RCTC from the dropdown menu

·  Complete all the highlighted boxes on the first page and your permanent and Rochester address if you know it.

·  Enter Athlete ID – use your stinger ID. If you do not know your Stinger ID you will need to create another ID that you can remember.

·  Create your password – You can choose any password that you will remember

·  Year – Choose either Freshman or Sophomore.

·  If you have any Medical Alerts, Allergies, or Current Medications you can choose them from the dropdown menu.

·  If you would like to add a picture you can upload one.

Click the Insurance tab

·  Choose your insurance company from the drop down menu.

o  If your insurance company is not included in the dropdown list, you will need to click on the cancel button. Then click on Add a New Insurance Company.

o  You will only need to select Add New Insurance Company, if you are not able to find your insurance company in the company list.

·  Complete

o  Insurance type

o  Company phone number

o  ID#

o  Group #

o  Policy holder first and last name

o  If your policy has a start and end date please include.

·  We do not need the social security number for the policy holder

Click the Contacts tab

·  Select Add

·  Input emergency contact information

Click Save

***Once you have saved the information additional tabs will be created at the top of the page.

You will only need to complete the Medical History and Forms Tabs

Click the Medical History Tab

·  Add any surgeries that you have had

·  Answer yes/no to all of the history questions, there is a place to the right of each question to explain your answers.

·  Click Save

Click on Athlete Forms

There are seven (7) forms that need to be completed in this section

·  Choose the form you wish to complete from the drop down menu.

·  Select New

·  Complete form

·  Using your mouse or track pad sign your name in the yellow box

·  Type your name in the Signed By section

·  Click Sign

·  Click Save

·  Repeat for other forms

Medical Paperwork

As forms are competed, they will automatically be checked off in this section. The Athletic Training Staff will check off the Medical History and Physical sections when they receive your physical.


A copy of the physical form can be found in the efiles tab. This form can also be found on the RCTC website.

·  Please print the preparticipation form and bring with you to your Preparticipation exam or physical.

·  Please return all pages of the preparticipation exam to the Athletic Training Staff.

·  Please mail PPE or physical forms to

Greg Holm

Head Athletic Trainer

Rochester Community and Technical College

Box 31

851 30th Ave SE

Rochester, MN 55904

Created 6/11/12 Revised 4/14/17