Women Supporting Social Entrepreneurs

Supporting Women Create the Change They See Needed in Communities

Background information…….

The purpose of the Mentor – a – thon:

The Mentor –a – thon will be a mentoring marathon using the tried and tested method of ‘Sounding Boards’ which bring together an independent panel made up of mentors with influence from the public, private and third sector, in order to help Social Entrepreneurs to overcome challenges. Thus increasing the confidence, knowledge and networks of the entrepreneur. The Sounding Board is typically made up of 4 or 5 people including a facilitator. Previous challenges presented to the group encompass issues such as, maximising sales, product development, procuring contracts from the public sector, engaging with CSR agendas, marketing and PR, reaching diverse communities, time management, prioritising and much more.

What are the benefits to YOU the ‘Networker (Mentee)’?

(The individual, enterprise or organisation presenting the challenge)

A forum in which to trouble shoot and get feedback on a particular idea or challenge

A real opportunity to reflect

Access to a broad variety of perspectives, experience and information

An opportunity to develop new networks and contacts

An arena in which to be taken seriously

What are the benefits to the ‘Sounding Board/ Group of Mentors’? (The independent panel who have the ability to look objectively at the challenge)

An opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the Social Economy and Social Entrepreneurs, Leaders and Innovators.

An opportunity to learn from other people’s leadership styles

A forum in which to use collective knowledge, skills and contacts, to make a difference

An opportunity to develop skills and experience in leading outside authority

A forum in which to make new contacts

To date facilitators of Sounding Boards at WSSE have run over 100 sessions over the last 5 years.

The 12 hour mentoring marathon has the following aims:

█ to support more women led social ventures access cross sector support

█ to bring a more diverse group of mentors into the realm of mentoring social entrepreneurs

█ to offer opportunity for mentees who get involved to access come of the cash raised as part of the WSSE Crowdfund campaign

█ to offer an innovative approach to trouble shooting using a tried and tested method

There are 2 opportunities we have on offer

1)To seek support from a mentor

2)To take part in the Mentor –a- thon and gain from a range of mentors. The Mentor –a- thon helps us connect people to a potential future mentor, however people who take part in the Mentor –a- thon don’t have to have a mentor in future and people who don’t get shortlisted to take part in this event can still potentially access a mentor.

If you would like to be selected to benefit from a 75 minute ‘Sounding Board session please complete the Challenge Form below so we can see the stage your venture is at and the kind of support you are looking for

Challenge form – This information is confidential and not shared

Address (Home):
Postcode / Address (Work):
Tel: / Tel:
E-mail: / Twitter:
Which industry (s) do you mainly work within?
Current job title:
What are the main aims of the organisation you work for/ have established?
Please outline the challenge you wish to present to the panel (in no more than 200 words):
Please outline any further constraints surrounding the challenge:
If you could access £250 - £1000 from the Crowdfund we are raising how would you spend this money and how would this create impact for you and your organization, in order to achieve the goals of your social venture? (please itemise any budget & note the average award size last year was £300)
Please explain what you hope to get out of being involved in Sounding Board Networks:
Do you have any specialist needs? Yes No (Bold your answer)
If so what are your specialist needs?
If you have any further comment or information you wish to add please do so here

Many thanks for taking the time to complete this form. Information will not be passed on to third parties and will be held in the strictest confidence.

Panel members are not made aware of the challenge before the event. This information will enable us to put together a Sounding Board group with a variety of complementary skills and experience to bring to the table.

If you would like to request a mentor in future please complete… the next part of the form

Working with a mentor with experience and empathy to help you develop your venture, can be one of the most significant relationships you’ll have and can potentially play a bigger role in your venture success than any other aspect of support. However, it is not for everyone and, like any relationship, it is not about just receiving but entails equal amounts of investing time and energy. Before you apply for a Mentor please take a few minutes to think about your answers to the following few questions.

  • Why do I want a mentor?
  • What are my objectives for this support?
  • What are my expectations for my mentor? What do I want from them?
  • How do I fit in the time that it takes to meet and engage with my mentor?
  • Am I interested, do I have the time and energy to build a relationship with a new person?

Mentor’s Role – Your mentor is there to...

  • To challenge, stretch, guide (not tell) you
  • To encourage, support & empathise
  • To share their experience
  • To help build networks
  • NOT to carry out any work for you
  • NOT to tell you what you should do

Mentee’s Role (that’s you)

  • Establish own goals and expectations and discuss these with your mentor before starting
  • Drive the relationship – set the agenda. Take responsibility for your learning.
  • Show consideration. Respect the time & energy given by your mentor.
  • Be committed, open and honest – share feedback
  • Challenge your mentor; don’t expect to be told what to do


Pro Bono mentors can and are happy to offer their time and expertise to you, but only if they understand and value what you do as well as feel they can offer relevant support. Please explain clearly what your social venture was set up to achieve, how you generate income (or hope to) and why you are passionate about it.

If interested please return your form by 30th June 2016

Your Name:
Name of your social venture:
Are you available on 13th July to attend the Mentor-a-thon?
Describe your Social Venture.
-What does your social venture do? What are your activities/services? Who are the beneficiaries? (Max. 300 words)
Tell us a bit about you.
-What made you start up your venture? Why this venture, why now? (Max. 300 words)
Describe your medium to long term vision for your venture. (Max. 300 words)
Please describe how far you have got with regards to your vision. What have you done so far and what are the pressing challenges you are facing? (Max. 300 words)
Please describe how a mentor could most help you. What would like to see change as a result of this mentoring support over the next 6 months? (max. 300 words)
Is there anything else you wish to share with us ahead of seeking to match you with a mentor?
Do you have any special needs or support requirements we should be aware of? If so, please let us know what they are.

The information you provide may be shared with carefully selected partners for evaluation purposes only. We will only do this to help us run, fund and research activities for Social Entrepreneurs. Please scan and email your completed form to Nickala Torkington by 30th June 2016. Alternatively you can email her for an electronic version of this form to complete on computer.