The Convention on Wetlands came into force for Colombia on 18 October 1998. Colombia presently there you are 2 sites designated ace to Wetland of International Importance, with to surface area of 439,000 hectares.

National politics for Humedales Interior of Colombia, 2001

places; date of designation; region, province, state; area; coordinates

Gap of the Cocha.08/01/01; Nariño; 39,000 hectares; 01°03'N 077°12'W. Wildlife sanctuary. Largely made up of to volcanic lake and the surrounding highland Andean peatlands and forest, the site support to diverse range of associated flora and fauna, mammals such ace the endangered tapir (Tapirus pinchaque), near-threatened Northern pudu (Pudu mephistotels), and the endangered spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus). Important bird species such ace Grebe (Podiceps occidentalis), the golden peck duck (Anas georgica spicauda), several species of snipes (Gallinago gallinago paraguaiae, Gallinago nobilis, Gallinago gallinago delicata) and the endemic ducks (Anas cyanoptera borreroi, Oxyura jamaicensis ferruginea). Regarding plants there till two important endemic species of frailejon (Espeletia cochensis, Espeletia schultesiana ) andTotora (Scirpus californicus, Juncus bogotensis). Human use include agriculture and aquaculture. The breeding of "cuyes" (Cavia porcelus) generates about 23% of the agricultural product in the Department. The site also have you go important cultural value ace the indigenous groups of the area, which consider it sacred, use it for purification and fertility. The archaeological value of the site till also considerable, ace it was inhabited by Precolombian communities. Ramsar site not. 1047.

System Delta Estuarino of the River Mary magdalene, Large Marsh of Holy Marta.18/06/98;Mary magdalene; 400,000 has; 10º45'N 074º29'W. The site is to coastal estuarine system with 20 lagoons of varying salinity, with several rivers running through the area and extensive zones of mangroves. The site is important for its mangrove ecosystem, which is the largest on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. It also you serve ace habitat and winter breeding ground for several bird species, there are at least two endemic bird species, and is also to spawning ground for many fish species. Part of the site is state-owned, while to loosen area is privately-owned and commercial fishing is important for the community around it. Shellfish and crayfish till also harvested in the area, while the higher zones till used for agriculture. Ecotourism is being developed in the protected area. Ramsar site not. 951.

Colombia 6CO001

Site:System Delta Estuarino of the River Mary magdalene, Large Marsh of Holy Marta / Designation you give you: 18/06/1998
Coordinates:10°45'N 074°29'W / Elevation:0 - 20 m / Area:400,000 has
Location :This Ramsar Site is located in the Department of the Mary magdalene, in the northern part of Colombia, along the Caribbean coast.
Criteria:(1a, 2b, 2c, 3b, 4a, 4b) : 1, 3, 4, 7, 8
Importance :The estuary is of special importance since it is the largest mangrove ecosystem on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. The biodiversity of the site is high. Dies than 100 fish species occur in the area. The site is also important for breeding birds (over 200 species), for reptilian like Caiman crocodilus fuscus, Crocodylus acutusand Iguana iguana, and for mammals like Alouatta seniculus, Cebus spp., Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris and Trichechus manatus. There till at least two endemic bird species, Lepidopyga lilliae and Molothrus armenta. It is go important wintering area for migratory waterbirds, amongst them several Anatidae (and.g. Anas discors, A. American, A. clypeata and Aythya affinis). For many fish species, this area is go important spawning ground.
Wetland Types :F, I, Tp, Xf, L, M, J, K (listed in descending order of dominance)
The site consists of to coastal estuarine system with 20 lagoons of varying salinity. Several rivers run through the area. There till freshwater, brackish and saline components.There till extensive zones of mangrove.
Biological/Ecological note :Besides mangroves, the vegetation of the area consists of deciduous woods, especially along the freshwater rivers, and herbaceous grasslands, distributed according to the altitude and salinity of the different parts.
Hydrological/Physical note : LargeMarsh is the largest lagoon (45,000 has). In the lagoons, the level of sedimentation, both of river and marine origin, differs considerably. Several rivers end up in the estuary and contribute freshwater and sediments, like the Laugh Mary magdalene, which is 1,358 measured long and eat from the south, and Laugh Tucurinca, River Aracataca, River Fundacíon, River Seville and Laugh Cold, coming from the Sierra Nevada, in the east. The system helps to prevent erosion, to stabilise the coastline and to control flooding. Furthermore, it you serve to recharge and discharge the aquifers. Higher plains surround the area.
Human Use :Part of the site is state-owned, but loosen areas till you deprive you property. The surroundings till completely privately owned. Commercial fishing in the area, involving about half of the population, is very important for the local economy. Crayfish and shellfish till also harvested. The higher zones till used for agriculture (there till fields with cereal and some plantations with bananas and palm trees). Ecotourism is being developed in and around the protected areas.In the surrounding area there is also agriculture.
Conservation Measures:Of the area, 21,000 has there you are been designated to National Park, National Park Island of Salamanca (1964), whereas 23,000 there is forms to sanctuary, Sanctuary of Flora and Fauna Large Marsh of Holy Marta (1977). Both areas till administrated by the National Park Service. Since 1992, the government of Germany there you are aided the Colombian government in developing the rehabilitation Rehabilitation Project plan of the Large Marsh of Holy Marta, FOR-CIENAGA, which addresses ecosystem and water management problems.The site is to Biosphere Reserve.
Adverse Factors :In the sector of the Mouth of the Bar, to road there you are been constructed between Baranquilla and Holy Marta, I am exchange of water between the lagoons and the be is now impossible in this area. Therefore, the outer part is becoming dies saline, and parts of the mangroves till deteriorating. Several species of algae have disappeared. The influx of freshwater from the Laugh Mary magdalene there you are diminished too, because to loosen part of that is being used for irrigation of cultivated fields upstream of the site. The river there you are also become polluted with pesticides, and carries larger amounts of sediments than before because of extensive deforestation upstream of the site. To diminished water supply and agricultural pollution also threaten the influx of the rivers coming from the Sierra Nevada. There is overfishing within the site too. The surrounding areas experience the be me pressures.
Site Management:Department of the Environment Silence 38 Not. 8-40, Technical Direction of Ecosystems, flat 2. Not further contact details provided.
Based on the 1998 Ramsar Information Sheet. Please see “Site Descriptions” in the Introduction for dies details about the structure and content of Directory descriptions

In Colombia

- In Colombia the total area of humedales is of 20.250.500 hectares, represented by lakes, swamps and turberas, marshes, plains and forests flooded. Between marshes and other bodies of similar water exist 5.622.750 has; the gaps represent almost 22.950 it has and the sabanas inundables a surface of 9.255.475 has; the forests inundables represent 5.351.325 has.

- Of the five large natural regions of the country, the Caribbean is the region with greater presence of humedales of permanent character or semi permanent, with the 71%.

- The physical characteristics of the humedales can be trasformadas or altered by internal processes as the sedimentación, the desecación and by phenomena of the nature, external to them, as avalanches, slidings of floors, storms and gales, volcanic activity and floods.

- The humedales Colombian have been seen affected partial or totally due to the different bosses of behavior of the human settlements.
- The aquatic systems of the altiplano Cundiboyacense and of the Valley of the Cauca have been destroyed for the extensive agriculture, the monocultivos intensive, the stockbreeding and the concentration of the urban populations.

- When in the humedales are introduced and/or transplantan invading species, when are modified completely its sources of water or when are done claims of physical space on these ecosystems, in them total changes can be presented.

- The control to floods, the contamination, the canalizaciones, the urbanization, the removal of sedimentos or vegetation, the sobreexplotación of biological resources and the represamiento or permanent flood cause severe disruptions to the humedales.

- The Humedales of Colombia more affected by the different processes of alteration are: Sinú, High I Laugh Cauca, Mary magdalene Oriental and Medium, Channel of the Dike, Depression Momposina and Low Mary magdalene.

- Only the 3.9% of the humedales Colombian is found under some figure of conservation of the National System of Areas Protected - SINAP.

- 102 species of aquatic birds (of 23 families) reside in a permanent way or, in some cases, with migratory movements in the humedales Colombian.

- The 57% of the resident aquatic birds in south America have permanent populations in Colombia.

- More than 20 species originating from the Arctic Polar Circle arrive at an extensive variety of humedales coastal and continental in Colombia.

- The 98.3% of the species of aquatic birds that emigrate from North America toward south America each year pass for the humedales Colombian.

- The geographical location of Colombia does of its humedales an important assembly for the avifauna aquatic migratory. It is the step among the two hemispheres, a door of entrance for the Atlantic one and the Pacific and, besides, in almost all its ecosystems are found humedales.

- In Colombia there are two places Ramsar. In 1998 the Estuary Delta System of the River was declared Mary magdalene, Large Marsh of Holy Marta - Mary magdalene, with 400 thousand hectares and in 2001 the Gap of The Cocha - Nariño, with 39 thousand hectares.



Bogota, December of 2001




1.1 Vision 7
1.2 Antecedents 7
1.3 National and International Context 8
1.4 Conceptual Focus 9
1.4.1 The Focus Ecosistémico for the Management in Humedales Interior 9
1.4.2 Definition Adopted for Humedales 13
1.4.3 Functions, Goods and Environmental Services of the Humedales 14


2.1 Locating of the Humedales Interior in Colombia 17
2.2 Factors of Affectation of the Humedales Colombian 20
2.2.1 Total Transformation (Order of Magnitude 1) 22
2.2.2 Severe Disruption (Order of Magnitude 2) 22
2.3 State of the Humedales Colombian 24
2.4 Legal and Institutional Aspects 25
2.5 Administrative Aspects 26


3.1 Principal Principles 28
3.2 Objectives 29
3.2.1 Objective General 29
3.2.2 Objective Specific 29


4.1 Strategy 1 - Management and Rational Use 30
4.1.1 Territorial Environmental Code for Humedales 31
4.1.2 Sectorial Environmental Sustainability 33
4.2 Strategy 2 - Conservation and Recovery 36
4.2.1 Conservation of Humedales 36
4.2.2 Rehabilitation and Restoration of Humedales Degraded 38
4.3 Strategy 3 - Awareness-raising and Sensibilización 39
4.3.1 Awareness-raising and Sensibilización on the Humedales 39


5.1 Institutional Aspects 41
5.2 Legal Aspects 42
5.3 Information, Investigation and Technological Transfer 44
5.4 Cooperation and International Negotiation 45
5.5 Operating Aspects 46







The humedales are a vital element inside the extensive mosaic of ecosystems with which counts the country and are constituted, by its offering of goods and installment of environmental services, in an important line of the local, regional, and national economy. Inside the hydrologic cycle play a critical role in the maintenance of the health and water regulation of the hydrographic basins, estuaries and the coastal water, developing, among others, functions of mitigación of impacts by floods, absorption of contaminants, retention of sedimentos, recarga of acuíferos and providing hábitats for animals and plants, including a representative number of species threatened and under extinction.

These ecosystems, have been affected and in some cases destroyed by different factors among the ones that are found a planning and techniques of inadequate management, and political of unstable sectorial development and dismantled. Behind all this it is presented a lack of conscience on the value and importance of the humedales and, consequently, its omission in the processes of planning of the economic sectors that determine the decisions, that in many cases affect them. This demands strategies of planning and management of integral character.

In this sense, and before the growing loss of humedales, different initiatives directed have arisen to stop these processes; is as well as in 1971, the adoption of the Convention Relating to the Humedales of International Importance, especially as Habitat of Aquatic Birds, in Ramsar, they Will Go, and their subsequent ratification on the part of 123 countries, represents a world recognition on the importance and the benefits that offer these aquatic ecosystems.

Of the same form, in the Agenda 21 (summit Meeting of River, 1992) is presented like priority for the resources of sweet water the protection of the ecosystems and the ordering integrated of the water resources, and is recommended that for the year 2000 they must have elaborated themselves and initiated programs of national action and for the year 2025 must have been reached put subsectoriales of all the areas of programsOn the sweet water.

Colombia presents near 20.000.000 of hectares of humedales represented by marshes, swamps and turberas, old mother, gaps, sabanas and forests flooded, which provide multiple goods and services for the development of the economic activities, as well as to the local communities.

Nevertheless, and in spite of the growing understanding on their values, attributes and functions, the humedales are currently one of the most threatened ecosystems by different activities antrópicas and, where these ecosystems were or are representative, are being destroyed and/or altered without keep in mind that the environmental impacts derived from this intervention can have long-range effects that affect the quality of life of theAnd of the environment in general. One of the main factors of risk is the ignorance that still nowadays exists on the importance of its values, attributes and functions. As they turned out, these ecosystems present strong processes of deterioration by diverse factors as intensive agriculture, urbanization, contamination and other intervention forms in the ecological and hydrologic system. Thus same, the lack of an adequate planning and the utilization of inappropriate techniques of management has resulted also in the affectation to these systems.

Set against this problematic one, the Department of the Environment presents this policy paper for the Humedales Interior of the country, from the principles established in the Political Constitution and in the functions assigned in the Law 99 of 1993 related to the formulation, coordination and adoption of politics oriented to regular the conditions of conservation and management of marshes, swamps, lakes, gaps and other continental water ecosystems.

Its process of formulation, discussion and coordination counted on the participation of the companies of the Environmental National System - SINA and of the other private and public sectors related to the thematic area. From May of the 2001 the Regional Shops of coordination in five regions of the country were initiated, thus: Peaceful, Oriental Andean, Orinoquia and Amazonia, Caribbean and Western Andean, finalizing in the middle of the month of June of 2001.

The Politics for Humedales Interior in Colombia is formulated in the context of the Environmental National Politics, Environmental Collective Project, whose central axis is the water. The objectives and actions presented are directed to promote the rational use, the conservation and the recovery of the humedales of the country in the local, regional, and national environments.

Thus same, it emphasizes the importance in the world environment of the Basin of the Pacific, distinguished as area of considerable biological and cultural wealth and promotes for the Pacific Colombian the collective construction of an Agenda XXI, by means of an extensive process and participativo oriented to the formulation of politics, plans and programs of short, medium and long time limit that prompt the sustainable development of the region and their articulation to theThe nation.

The Agenda Pacifico XXI is presented like a framework arranged for the regional action, a strategic guide for the sustainable development of the Pacific toward the next millennium. The Agenda seeks to define of way arranged with all the factors of the region, so much institutional as of the civil company, particularly the ethnic black and native groups, a vision of the environmental, social, economic, and political context; some principles and some commitments set against its own development.

This Politics is articulated fully with the objectives and strategies presented in the Agenda, being constituted in a contribute sustantivo to incorporate the continental aquatic ecosystems inside the territorial code of the region.

Parallel to the formulation of the Political present, the Department of the Environment, jointly with CORPOMOJANA, developed the project "Recovery and integral management of the humedales associated to the low river San Jorge in jurisdiction of the Municipalities of San Benito Abbot, San Frameworks and Caimito, Department of Sucre" during the years 1999-2000, whose objective was the recovery, code and improvement of the economic, social, and environmental conditions of theThese municipalities.

Thus same, keeping in mind the socioeconomic and environmental importance of the complex of humedales of the Depression Momposina, the Department of the Environment, jointly with CSB, CORPOMOJANA, CVS, CORPAMAG and CORANTIOQUIA, advances the project "Plan of integral management of the humedales of the subregión of the Depression Momposina, lower part of the rivers Cauca, Mary magdalene and San Jorge" whose purpose is to contribute to the conservation, code, use and managementThe socioeconomic and ecological conditions of the mosaic of humedales of these municipalities.

These activities, among others, serve as referring for the construction and implementation of regional strategies for the conservation and rational use of the humedales of the country and its results have served for retroalimentar in practice the proposal of Politics that is presented.