The Diocese will host the 3rdFaith & Life Convention onSaturday 24thSeptember. The Convention is a forum for people across the Diocese, and beyond, to gather together and to take part in a range of conversations about the meaning of faith and its relevance to every area of our lives.

This year we will focus on the theme “Faith in a world in need of Mercy”. Our keynote speaker will be SarahTeather, Director of the Jesuit Refugee Service and former MP and we have a selection of 23 workshops available in the afternoon. A crèche facility will be available for children aged 0-4 and there are free passes for young people aged 16 – 21.


The new season is about to start. Get into the Olympic spirit and join now.

It takes place on Thursday evenings, from 8.00 pm to 9.30 pm commencing on 8th September.New members are most welcome. You need little by way of equipment and you get all the help you need. If interested contact Agnes on 90482521 or Peter on 90705412.


The Wednesday Club will resume this week from 2.00pm-4.00pm. Come along to enjoy the craic, meet new friends, have days out, talks, quizzes, games, bingo etc. You don’t know what you are missing! Everyone welcome.


Caters for girls who are in Primary One and above. All sections will reopen during the month of September as follows:

Cygnet section (age 5 to 6½) on Wednesday 21st September from 6.15pm to 7.15pm;

Brigin section (age 6½ to 10½) on Monday 19th September from 6.30pm to 8.00pm;

Guide section (age 10½ to 14) on Wednesday 14th September from 7.30pm to 9.00pm; Ranger section (age 14+) this Monday 5th September from 7.00pm to 8.30pm.

The Unit is operated completely by female volunteers, who attend relevant training courses and we are always looking to extend our team. Anyone over the age of 18 who is willing to help us out should contact Philomenaon 077 6194 3649. Training and support will be given to any new volunteers. For more information please contact Philomena.


WEEKLY OFFERING – Weekly Collection: £1736.91

Many thanks to all who contributed so generously to the collection.

The Monthly offering will be taken up at all Masses this weekend.




VOL. 24 NO. 42 4th September 2016

Fr. Ciaran Feeney Adm. 191 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3JB.

Phone - 028 9065 4157. Website:

E-mail -

St. Joseph’s Primary School - Phone – 9065 0039

St Colmcille’s Pre School - Phone – 9047 2724


23rd week in Ordinary Time

Readings : Sunday Cycle C, Weekday Cycle 2, Psalter Week 3

Entrance Antiphon / (Psalm118:137. 124) You are just, O Lord, and your judgement is right; treat your servant in accord with your merciful love.
1st Reading / (Wisdom 9:13-18) Who can divine the will of the Lord?
2nd Reading / (Philemon 9-10. 12-17) Have him back, not as a slave any more, but as a dear brother.
Acclamation / Alleluia, alleluia! I call you friends, says the Lord, because I have
made known to you everything I have learnt from my Father. Alleluia!
Gospel / (Luke 14:25-33) None of you can be my disciple unless he gives up all his
Children / Great crowds of people were following Jesus. He spoke carefully to them all. Jesus explained that when you build a tall tower you have to plan it first to make sure it will work. You have to count the cost.
Jesus says that following him is like this, it won’t be easy but it is worth the effort. Jesus is more important than money, the things we own, and even our family and friends.
Communion Antiphon / (Psalm 41:2-3) Like the deer that yearns for running streams, so my soul is yearning for you, my God; my soul is thirsting for God, the living God.


Saturday / Sunday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
6.30pm / 9.30am / 9.30am
Communion Service / 9.30am
Communion Service / 9.30am
Communion Service / 9.30am
Communion Service
Confessions 6.00pm / 11.30am


Why not come away to the quiet- an opportunity to grow in your faith and deepen your prayer. This year’s St Colmcille’s Parish Retreat takes place at Drumalis from 17th-18th September 2016. It invites us to contemplate the mercy of God as a way to living an authentic Christian life instilling “in us the courage to look to the future with hope” (Pope Francis). For further inormation please contact Pat Feenan - telephone 90671036


The purpose of greeting those who attend Church is to be a warm and friendly face and to provide missals, bulletins and other leaflets. Being a source of information about the Parish will make the Church experience a better one and will encourage new parishioners to come again.

Jim Deeds from the Living Church Organisation will be giving a talk in the Church Hall on Thursday 29th September at 7.30pm, providing useful tips for those who are already Ministers of Welcome and explaining all about the Ministry of Welcome for anyone who might wish to get involved.


Pat is available to take bookings for the hall from this Monday 5th September. Ring 90671036.


We pray for the repose of the soul of those who have died recently

We remember all those whose anniversaries occur at this time of year espcially:

Josephine McGuinness.

BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT - we can be contacted on 074 5698 9458.


We joyfully welcome into the Parish Family Anna Ananth, Jacob David Driscoll, Hannah Growcott, Patrick Thomas Growcott and Rory James Shields who were baptised last weekend.

The next Baptismal Course takes place on Tuesday 20th September in the Iona Room, Parochial Hall from 8.00pm to 9.30pm. Please contact the Parish Office to register attendance or make enquiries.


Monday and Tuesday from 2.00pm to 9.00pm

in the Chapel of Adoration.

Entrance is from the outside door at the left side of the Church.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION is a time for us to pray, listen and be in the presence of Jesus. Each Holy Hour that we spend with Jesus will deepen his divine peace in our hearts;

‘Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you’ (2 Peter 5:7)

‘Peace is my gift to you’ (John 14:27)

ADORERS: More volunteers are needed to cover hours on Monday and Tuesday from 4.00pm -5.00pm and 5.00pm -6.00pm. If you wish to commit on a weekly basis for any of these hourly slots please add your name and tel. no. to the register in the Chapel.


The specially commissioned furniture for the chapel is now in place providing a warm and welcoming environment for prayerful and reverent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

Many thanks to all who contributed towards the furnishings and may you be truly blessed for your generosity.

‘‘Indeed this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son and believes in him, shall have eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day"

(John 6: 40)


Will be closing on Saturday 17 September 2017 for major essential maintenance work for approximately 10 weeks. Therefore, we would kindly ask you to HOLD your donations during this time and bring them to us when the shop reopens.

We thank everyone for the support that has been shown to us during our years of trading and look forward to welcoming you again to our new (and improved) premises at 138 Ormeau Road in early December.


(Ciara McCarney)

CAMEL RACING & DISCO–will take place onFriday 7thOctoberin the Parochial Hall, doors open at 7.30pm. First Race at 8.00pm sharp! It’s very similar to the Night at the Races but if you choose, it can be more hands on! Bring your own refreshments. Music will be on until 12.30am. It’s guaranteed to be a great night out. Tickets are only £5 per person and are available to purchase from Roisin McMullan 07854 140019, Lucy Traynor 07900 807589 orMary Walsh 07815 493463. We look forward to seeing you there.

(Roisin McMullan)

Retrouvaille a Lifeline for Marriage: Is your marriage stressed, unloving or cold? Do you feel alone or distant from your spouse? Have you lost the desire to communicate with each other? Do you feel disillusioned or bored in your marriage? Have you separated, divorced, or are you thinking of doing so, but want to try again? The Retrouvaille programme can help your marriage. Next programme 7th – 9th October 2016. For information contact Tony & Anne 01 4953536, Mike & Anne 01 4500922, text or call 086 4135440, or

(Martina Crilly)

University Students –The Catholic Chaplaincy @

Queen’s University Belfast

E­mail: Website:

Twitter: @CatholicChapQUB

The Catholic Chaplaincy, 28 Elmwood Avenue

Re-opens on Monday 19th September 2016

Sunday Mass at 8pm starts 25th September 2016

Daily Mass at 12.15pm (12.45 during exams) from 26th September 2016

Come and use the chaplaincy facilities

(Corpus Christi Chapel, library, lounge and prayer room)

Trust Café –Opened from 9.30am -Free Tea & Coffee

Food served from 12noon to 1.45pm


The Dedication of Studies Mass will be on

Sunday 9th October 2016 at 8pm.

Celebrated by the papal nuncio, Archbishop Charles Brown


Please sign up with the Chaplaincy as part of

the Online Enrolment Procedures

Retired Teachers urgently needed, one morning per week, in West, North and South Belfast

“The children’s special needs charity Sólás has a number of volunteering opportunities,for Retired Teachers,to provide 1:1 support to children, with additional educational needs, in primary schools in West, North and South Belfast. One morning per week, during term time, is required and full induction and ongoing support will be provided. Please contact Anne at Sólás on02890 247600, Mobile 07729779242or or further details and information pack”.

(Anne Cahill)