WinSAR telecon, Dec 3 , 2007

Attendees: David Sandwell, Yuri Fialko, Falk Amelung, Sean Buckley, Rowena Lohman, Fran Boler, Stuart Wier, Frank Webb

Summarized by Falk Amelung and David Sandwell.

1.  New full member approved: Jose Hurtado, Jr. at the Univ. of Texas at el Paso

2.  New adjunct-1 member approved: Alexander Braun, University of Calgary, Canada.

3.  New Adjunct II approved: Riccardo Lanari at IREA, Italy.

4.  Adjunct-2 member applications tabled: Sergey Samsonov (Sergey is affiliated with University of Western Ontario (Canada) so does not need to be a member) , GNS, New Zealand. Hasan Abidin, Institute of Techonology, Bandung. Vote was tabled until we have more info about access to ALOS data outside the Americas data note. In particular: Do we viololate any agreements if an Indonesian WinSAR member comes to WinSAR to get Indonesia data.

5.  Falk was charged to find information on this issue. Craig Dobson’s reponse: Radarsat: There are no problems and this is covered by the CSA-NASA MOU. Alos: The current rules are as follows: There is no problem for an Indonesian Co-PI to get AADN data as long as the PI is from the AADN area (no matter the study area). An Indonesian PI, however, needs to go the Asian data node. For ALOS adjunct-2 members are considered as Co-PIs for now.

6.  Bylaws: Approved. The membership will vote on them.

7.  ERS and Envisat: WinSAR quota increase has been approved. We want to have most orders executed without delays. This is very important to keep the membership happy. Unavco should keep an eye on orders and available funding and alert the EC in advance if there is a need for action (Quota increase, new Cat-1s, lack of funding). The EC feels that “no money in the bank” is not a reason to stop ordering (in limited quantities) as it will always possible to find additional funds.

8.  ALOS. Currently, to order ALOS data the preferred procedure is to use the AUIG interface (more complete than CROSS) ( and then send an CVS file to Unavco. Small orders will directly be submitted whereas large orders (>300 scenes) will be screened by the EC for their usefulness for WinSAR.