October 4, 2016

The Lyman County Commissioners met in regular session in the Conference Room in the Courthouse at Kennebec, South Dakota, October 4, 2016, at 8:30 a.m. with the following members present: Chairman Ryan Huffman, Steve Perry, Kim Halverson, Leroy Choal and Auditor Pam Michalek.


Chairman Huffman called the meeting to order with the pledge to the flag.


CHN Mary Jo Garnos provided the Commission with an update on the cost of flu shots. Motion by Choal, seconded by Perry to provide flu shots for county employees. All voting aye. Nurse Garnos will provide a time schedule at a later date.


Motion by Halverson, seconded by Choal to approve the minutes of September 20, 2016. All voting aye.


Motion by Choal, seconded by Perry to pay the following bills. All voting aye.

Commissioners Salary / 5,169.55
Auditors Salary / 7,683.58
Treasurers Salary / 7,768.34
States Attorney Salary / 3,431.40
Courthouse Salary / 3,422.89
Director of Equalization Salary / 8,024.96
Register of Deeds Salary / 6,217.93
Veterans Service Office Salary / 440.13
Sheriffs Salary / 19,306.24
Nurse & WIC Salary / 1,880.62
Historical Society / 1,313.33
Extension Salary / 1,779.48
Weed Salary / 568.25
R&B Construction Salary / 29,538.92
R&B Administration Salary / 5,221.38
Emergency Management Service Salary / 1,942.38
Total September 2016 Salary / $103,709.38
Anderson, Roland - Employer GAP / 492.90
Best Western Plus Ramkota Hotel - DOE travel / 479.95
Butler Machinery Co. - RB parts / 323.69
CenturyLink - 911 monthly expense / 165.66
Chamberlain TrueValue - Courthouse supplies / 387.42
Chamberlain Variety Inc. - General election expense / 23.70
Connecting Point - Network off site backup / 35.00
Election Systems & Software - General election expense / 16.74
Flat Creek Construction - RB gravel hauling / 31,306.93
Frederick, Jessica - 24/7 refund of State participation fee / 3.00
Halverson, Kim - Employee medical flex account / 1,660.46
John Deere Financial - RB supplies & repairs / 199.44
Lincoln County - Mental Illness board expense / 126.84
Midgley, Ed LLC - Court reporter expense / 209.00
North Central Rental & Leasing, LLC - RB equipment rental / 5,592.00
Oldenkamp Trucking - RB gravel hauling / 1,036.50
Olinger, Lovald, McCahren & Reimers, LLC - Court appointed attorney fees / 1,964.20
Quill Corporation - Auditor supplies / 113.23
Treasurer supplies / 8.14
R&J Gravel - HBR culvert replacements / 25,500.00
Sanford Health - Investigation expense / 455.00
SD Achieve - 3rd qtr. Poor / 180.00
SD Attorney General's Office - 24/7 Scram / 440.00
24/7 State participation fees / 57.00
SD Dept. of Legislative Audit - 2014-2015 audit / 12,611.75
SD Dept. of Revenue - September Collections - SMV / 29,853.24
State Hiway Patrol / 651.00
Driver's License / 752.00
4% / 41,314.74
ROD / 60.00
SD Dept. of Revenue - 4th qtr. nurse / 1,030.00
SD Dept. of Revenue - 1/2 appropriation Predatory Animal / 1,959.36
SD DOT - HBR expense - Medicine Creek Bridge / 49.20
SD Sec. of State - Pistol permits (7) / 49.00
SDACC - 2016 4th qtr. CLERP / 1,072.72
Sioux City Foundry Co. - RB supplies / 2,340.00
Steffen, Sandy - Court appointed attorney fees / 6,316.09
Swier Law Firm Prof, LLC - Court appointed attorney fees / 225.60
Tieszen Law Firm - Court appointed attorney fees / 3,802.21
Winner City - July 2016 911 surcharge / 3,641.12
WW Tire - RB supplies / 589.56
Yates, Velma - RB supplies / 1,000.00
Total Bills / $178,094.39
Anderson, Roland - DOE travel reimbursement / 181.00
Borah, Cathy - WIC meals - October / 55.00
Johnson, Bev - Historical Society / 410.00
Marsh, Lori - Courthouse mileage / 122.88
Willier, Norma - Historical Society / 810.00
Total Salary Reimbursements / $1,578.88


Motion by Perry, seconded by Halverson to approve the Clerk of Courts August fee report. All voting aye.

$11,754.62 less $8,928.05 forwarded to Lyman School District and $39.45 to Chamberlain School District for fine money.


Motion by Halverson, seconded by Choal to accept Director of Equalization James E. Sundall’s letter of retirement effective December 31, 2016. All voting aye.


Motion by Choal, seconded by Halverson to deny a hospital request for payment (#16-17). All voting aye.


Steve Smith met with the Commission to visit about the States Attorney’s Office. Smith will take office January 1, 2016.


Supt. Long and Cliff Halverson were present. Cliff Halverson is requesting 1.2 miles of dirt road be reshaped and graveled (243rd St and 316th Ave in Kennebec Unorganized Twp.). The Commission agreed to the request which will be completed as time allows with the Hwy. Dept. schedule. Halverson left the meeting. Kent Hamiel was present to request the Hwy. Dept. fill in the back slope of the culvert that was replaced earlier. The dirt will be hauled when the dump truck is available as it is in the repair shop at present time. Hamiel left the meeting. Supt. Long informed the Commission that grinding of CO RD 22 is scheduled to begin October 17 and the Yates Bridge replacement will begin October 20.

Motion by Halverson, seconded by Choal to approve the 5 Year County Highway and Bridge Improvement Plan Update and submit it to the SD DOT. All voting aye. Supt. Long left the meeting.


10:25 a.m. Motion by Halverson, seconded by Perry to enter into executive session per SDCL 1-25-2. (4). All voting aye.

10:45 a.m. Chairman Huffman declared the board out of executive session.

Motion by Perry, seconded by Halverson to authorize Auditor Michalek to advertise for the appointed positions of Director of Equalization and Highway/Weed Supt. All voting aye.


Motion by Halverson, seconded by Perry to adjourn until October 18, 2016 at 8:30 a.m. All voting aye.


Ryan Huffman, Chairman Pam Michalek

Lyman County Commission Lyman County Auditor